ADI201 Designing Brand Identity 03

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A brand becomes stronger when you

narrow the focus.

Al Ries and Laura Ries
The 22 Immutable Laws of
Customer experience
It is essential for the branding team to look up from
the desktop and see the world through the eyes of the
customer. Shopping has become a subset to being
engaged and entertained. The next disciplinary seismic
shift in branding is customer experience: building loyalty
and lifelong relationships at each point of contact.
Even the most mundane
transactions can be turned into
memorable experiences.
B. Joseph Pine II and James H.
The Experience Economy

Sip, surf, and save is the

value proposition at ING
Direct’s hip wireless cafés.
The coffee is good and the
shopping for cool orange
stuff is fun. Since 2000, the
company has signed more
than 3.2 million
The right name is timeless, tireless, easy to say and
remember; it stands for something, and facilitates brand
extensions. Its sound has rhythm. It looks great in the
text of an email and in the logo. A well-chosen name is an
essential brand asset, as well as a 24/7 workhorse.
Qualities of an effective
Meaningful Modular
It communicates something about the It enables a company to build brand
essence of the brand. It supports the extensions with ease.
image that the company wants to
convey. Protectable
It can be owned and
Distinctive trademarked. A domain is
It is unique, as well as easy to
remember, pronounce, and spell. It is Positive
differentiated from the competition. It has positive connotations in the markets
served. It has no strong negative
Future-oriented connotations.

It positions the company for growth, Visual

change, and success. It has sustainability It lends itself well to graphic presentation in a
and preserves possibilities. It has long logo, in text, and in brand architecture.
Types of Metaphor
Things, places, people, animals, processes,
names mythological names, or foreign words are used in
this type of name to allude to a quality of a
Founder company. Names like Nike and Patagonia are
interesting to visualize and often can tell a good
Many companies are named after founders: Ben & story.
Jerry’s, Martha Stewart, Ralph Lauren, Mrs. Fields
> easier to protect. It satisfies an ego.
Descriptive These names are difficult to remember and difficult
to copyright. IBM and GE became well known
These names convey the nature of the business,
only after the companies established themselves
such as Toys “R” Us, Find Great People, or
with the full spelling of their names. There are so
E*TRADE > it clearly communicates the intent of
many acronyms that new ones are increasingly
the company. The potential disadvantage is that
more difficult to learn and require a substantial
as a
investment in advertising. Other examples:
company grows and diversifies, the name may
become limiting. Some descriptive names are difficult
to protect since they are so generic.
Magic spell
Some names alter a word’s spelling in order to
Fabricated create a
distinctive, protectable name, like Cingular and
A made-up name, like Kodak, Xerox, or TiVo, is
distinctive > easier to copyright. However, a
company must invest a significant amount of capital
into educating its market as to the nature of the Combinations of the
business, service, or product. Häagen-Dazs is a
fabricated foreign name that has been extremely above
effective in the consumer market.
Some of the best names combine name
types. Some good examples are Cingular
Wireless, Citibank, and Hope’s Cookies.
Brand architecture
Brand architecture refers to the hierarchy of brands within
a single company. It is the interrelationship of the parent
company, subsidiary companies, products, and services,
and should mirror the marketing strategy. It is important
to bring consistency, visual and verbal order, thought, and
intention to disparate elements to help a company grow
and market more effectively.
Taglines influence consumers’ buying behavior by
evoking an emotional response. A tagline is a short
phrase that captures a company’s brand essence,
personality, and positioning, and distinguishes the
company from its competitors.
A tagline is a slogan, clarifier,
mantra, company statement, or
guiding principle that describes,
synopsizes, or helps create an
Debra Koontz Traverso
Outsmarting Goliath
Cross cultures
The web has made us all global companies. In
cyberspace, on our desktops, and on our mobiles,
geography has become irrelevant. While
globalization has blurred the distinctions among
cultures, the best brands pay attention to cultural
Cultures are intensely complex.
Customs, attitudes, and preferences
are often too subtle for the visitor to
Ronnie Lipton
Designing Across Cultures

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