Sunray Grooming Tips

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 The way that you look and the way

that you act determines what
people think about you.
 If you smile – people think that
you are pleasant.
 Smile. Share your positive
appearance and good feeling with
your co-workers.
 within three seconds of seeing a person
for the first time we can decided their:
 social status
 education

 friendliness / approachability
 aptitude
55% appearance
& body language 38% tone, pitch &
pace of your voice

7% what
you say
Do’s Don’ts
 Make frequent eye  Slouch
contact  Cross you arms
 Smile  Tap your feet
 Take notes  Clear your throat
 Nod frequently repeatedly
 Keep you hands out of  Bite your lips or nails
your pocket
 How you are groomed is the first
thing anyone looking at you will
probably notice.
 Your dress conveys success,
trustworthiness, intelligence and
 Research has shown that well
groomed people have a 20%
advantage over the not so
groomed ones.
 well-dressed people wear
clothes that:
 complement their colouring and
body shape
 complement their personality
 are appropriate
 are current
 their
clothes look like an
extension of themselves.
 …it’s how you wear it
 dark colours are authoritative
 medium shades are more
 pastel
and light colours are not
viewed as ‘business colours’
 Clothes
 Well coordinated, conservative
 Proper fitting, Well ironed.
 Shoes
 Colours coordinated with the
clothes worn.
 Conservative styles.
 Diamond, Pearls, light gold, silver
jewelry look elegant in office.
 Match the color of your
purse/handbag and shoes.
 Conservative 2-piece dark suit,
navy blue or medium to dark
 Long sleeved blue or white shirt.
 Silk tie complimenting in color
or style
 Black dress socks
 Dark polished shoes and
matching belt
 Jewelry – No bracelets, earrings
or large rings.
Dress for Success
 Dark conservative suit. Two
piece 1 or 2 button jacket and
knee length skirt.
 White or light colored long
sleeved blouse that is not low
cut or sheer.
 Black well polished shoes with
1 to 1½ inch heels.
 Natural tone or sheer black
 Limited conservative jewelry.
Dress for Success
 Bathing
 Oral hygiene
 Hair care
 Nail care
 Dressing
 Daily showers are a necessity.
 Bathing refreshes, relaxes and
promotes physical comfort.
 Use of deodorant after bath
prevents body odor.
 Avoid cheap perfumes and
strong colognes.
 Teeth need brushing and flossing every
morning and night, and rinsing after every
 Smokers should take care to avoid nicotine
stains on teeth and hands as well as
‘tobacco breath’.
 If you smoke, drink coffee or eat smelly
foods, make sure that you have some
breath mints.
 Daily brushing and combing
 Clean, Neatly Cut & kept in place
 Shampooing:
 Hair
must be shampooed at least once in 2 days and
conditioned once a week.
 Styling:
A hairstyle to suit your face and personality must be
 Nails should be clipped and filed
short for men and be of medium
length for women.
 It is understood that medium
length nails have to be clean and if
painted, the enamel should not be
 Bright and zany nails are great for
parties but not for work.
 Try and have a pedicure once every

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