Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 :

Types of
Forms of Business
Sole Trader
Joint Venture
Limited Companies
Private Limited Companies
Public Limited Companies


• You own your own business

• Decide your own time to work
• Profit is all yours
• Manage everything by yourself
• Unlimited Liability (you pay your business debt)
• Hard to rival with bigger companies

Advantages VS Disadvantages of Sole Trader

Advantages Disadvantages

1. Easy to set up a business • Unlimited Liability :

responsible for all of the
2. Easy to make up a
• May have longer working
3. Full control of the
hours since you have to do
every single point of the
4. Own all profit business
• Difficult to compete with
bigger companies in similar
business line
• Take all the risks
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

• The business owned by two or more people
• Usually formed to overcome the disadvantages of
sole trader

Partnerships • Decision making is shared

Advantages VS Disadvantages of Partnership

• Shared decision making lead to better decision for the business
• Reduce the workload since the jobs are shared with partners
• Greater access for financing since there is more than one
capital provider

1. Profits are shared
2. Business may close if one partner leave the business
3. Longer time to make a decision

Activity 1
Joan is a sole trader. He owns a
bakery which supplies bread products
to local supermarket and independent
retailers. Lately Joan has to turn
down some costumers order since he
can not produce more output due to
lack of equipment he has. Joan has
discussed with John his friend at high
school. John agree to invest some
money, and share some workload. So
Joan can buy new equipment to
produce more output.

Discuss the advantages and

disadvantages Joan will have after
accepting John as his partner. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
A franchise is a business whereby the owner licenses
its operations—along with its products, branding, and
knowledge—in exchange for a franchise fee.

Franchise e.g : Mcd, Wendy’s, KFC

Benefit and Limitations
Limitations in Franchise
•Initial cost for buying franchise is so expensive
•Franchisor will take percentage of the revenue or profit
that franchisee has made
•Strict controls from franchisor over product, pricing,
and store layout

Benefit from Franchise

• Less chance of business failure since the product and
brand are already well established.
• Franchisor (franchise owner) usually gives advice and
training for franchisee
• Franchisor has already prepared good quality materials
from suppliers

10 10
Joint Ventures

Market and product

knowledge can be
Cut cost to get bigger shared for the benefit
profit of Joint Venture

Two business work Business may come

together for a better from different
oppotunity expertises.

Advantages and Disadvantages from Joint Venture

Advantages Disadvantages

• Bigger access to the market • Main goal of joint ventures

may be unclear
• Able to increase the
production capacity • Communications between
partner may be bad
• Have an access to new
knowledge and specialty • Resources should be shared
(including specialization equally
• Different cultures and
• Access to greater resource management style may be a
such as technology or barrier to co-operation

Unincorporated Business VS Incorporated Business

• No separate legal
between owner and
• All activities in the
business are being
owner’s responsible
• Owner responsible for
company’s debt
• Example : Sole trader /

• Separate legal between owners and
business. For example : if there is a
customer being injured by a product,
the customers sue the company not the
Incorporated owners.
• Limited Liabilities, owner does not
Business have to be responsible for business’
debt. If companies can not repay the
loan, owners have no obligation to sell
their own asset to cover the debt

Exam Style
Questions 1

Exam Style
Questions 2


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