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Market Opportunity Analysis Segmenting,

Positioning and Influencing Consumer



01. Map Mama earth’s position on a perceptual map against its competitors. Explain
why you chose each dimension for the perceptual map .

➔ Natural Ingredients vs. Chemical Ingredients: This dimension represents the spectrum between
brands that prioritize natural ingredients in their oral care products and brands that rely more
on chemical ingredients. Mama earth is known for its focus on natural and organic products, so
it would likely position itself towards the "Natural Ingredients" end of the spectrum.
Competitors using more chemical ingredients would be positioned towards the opposite end.

➔ Sustainability and Eco-Friendliness: This dimension reflects the extent to which brands prioritize
sustainability and eco-friendliness in their oral care products and packaging. Mama earth's
commitment to sustainability and eco-conscious practices may position it closer to the
"Sustainable/Eco-Friendly" end of the spectrum. Competitors with lesser emphasis on these
factors would be positioned towards the opposite end.
Perceptual map for oral care product players
02. Define the various market segments Mama earth can target in the oral care
market. Mention at least three segments with a rationale for each.
Geographic Segment: The geographic segment can be based on the location of consumers, distinguishing between
urban and rural areas. Mama earth can target urban areas where there is a higher concentration of
Urban vs. Rural potential customers who are more likely to have access to a variety of oral care products and are
Rationale potentially more conscious about their health and well-being. Urban consumers tend to have
higher disposable incomes and are often more receptive to natural and sustainable products,
aligning with Mama earth's brand values. In contrast, rural areas might have different preferences
and purchasing power, requiring tailored marketing strategies.

Demographic Segment: This segment focuses on young professionals, typically aged 25-35, who are starting their
careers and have higher disposable incomes. This demographic is more likely to prioritize
Young Professionals personal care and be conscious of the ingredients and sustainability of the products they use.
Rationale Mama earth can position its oral care products as a natural and eco-friendly option for this
segment, appealing to their desire for healthier choices. This group is often tech-savvy and can
be reached through online marketing channels and social media platforms.

Psychographic Segment: This segment targets families who are health-conscious and prioritize natural and organic
products for their entire household. Mama earth's oral care products can be positioned as a safe
Health-conscious and effective option for the whole family, emphasizing their natural ingredients and benefits.
Families Rationale This segment values products that are free from harmful chemicals, allergens, and artificial
flavors, making Mama earth an appealing choice. By appealing to the values and lifestyle
choices of health-conscious families, Mama earth can establish a loyal customer base within this
03. Build Mama earth’s marketing mix (4Ps). You will have to
mention the rationale behind each of these.

• Product-
Mama earth's oral care products will be formulated using natural ingredients, free from harmful
chemicals and artificial additives. The product range will include toothpaste, mouthwash, and other oral
hygiene products that promote oral health and hygiene while being gentle on the environment. Mama
earth's products will stand out in the market by offering a combination of effectiveness, safety, and
sustainability, appealing to health-conscious consumers seeking natural alternatives.

• Price-
Mama earth will adopt a competitive pricing strategy for its oral care products. The pricing will be set to
reflect the value provided by the natural ingredients, eco-friendly packaging, and the brand's
commitment to quality. By offering prices comparable to competitors while highlighting the additional
benefits of natural and sustainable products, Mama earth can attract customers seeking value-for-money
options in the oral care market.
• Place-
Mama earth's oral care products will be strategically placed and made available through multiple
channels. Initially, the products will be available on Mama earth's own e-commerce platform,
allowing direct-to-consumer sales and ensuring a seamless online shopping experience. Mama
earth can also explore partnerships with online marketplaces and select physical retailers to
expand its distribution network and reach a wider audience. This multi-channel approach will
enable convenient access to Mama earth's products for customers across various regions.

• Promotion-
To generate awareness and drive demand, Mama earth will implement a comprehensive promotional
strategy. This will include digital marketing campaigns, social media engagement, and influencer
collaborations to reach target customers, especially the tech-savvy young professionals and health-
conscious families. Mama earth will leverage its brand reputation for natural and sustainable products,
highlighting the benefits of its oral care range through educational content, customer testimonials, and
engaging campaigns that emphasize the brand's values and commitment to holistic well-being.
04. Analyze consumer behavior and list the external factors that can
influence Mama earth's potential consumers’ buying decisions. Mention
at least three factors, along with the reasoning behind each factor.

• Health and Safety Concerns: Consumers' increasing focus on health and safety is a significant
external factor that influences their buying decisions in the oral care sector. With growing
awareness of the potential harm caused by certain chemicals and artificial ingredients, consumers
are seeking natural and organic alternatives. Mama earth's emphasis on natural ingredients and its
commitment to product safety and efficacy align with this trend. Consumers are more likely to
choose Mama earth's oral care products because they perceive them as a safer option for themselves
and their families.
• Environmental Sustainability: The concern for environmental sustainability is another external
factor that influences consumer behavior. Increasingly, consumers are choosing brands that
prioritize eco-friendly practices and offer sustainable packaging options. Mama earth's focus on
sustainability, including the use of recyclable materials and reduced carbon footprint, appeals to
consumers who are environmentally conscious. By offering oral care products with sustainable
packaging and eco-friendly ingredients, Mama earth can attract consumers who prioritize both
personal health and the health of the planet.

• Social Influence and Brand Reputation: Consumers' buying decisions are often influenced by
social factors, including the opinions and recommendations of others. Positive word-of-mouth,
customer reviews, and endorsements from influencers or healthcare professionals can significantly
impact consumer behavior in the oral care sector. Mama earth can leverage its existing brand
reputation, testimonials from satisfied customers, and collaborations with influencers or dental
professionals to build trust and credibility. By generating positive social influence, Mama earth can
encourage consumers to choose its oral care products over competitors.
05. Identify the key unique value propositions (USPs) (at least five) of
Mama earth’s products to prospective consumers and then based on
that, formulate a positioning statement based on that.

1. Natural and Organic Ingredients: Mama earth's oral care products are formulated with natural
and organic ingredients, free from harmful chemicals and artificial additives. This USP appeals to
health-conscious consumers who prioritize using safe and natural products for their oral hygiene.
2. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Packaging: Mama earth's oral care products come in sustainable
packaging, reducing the environmental impact. This USP resonates with consumers who are
environmentally conscious and seek eco-friendly options.
3. Effective and Gentle Formulations: Mama earth's oral care products offer effective oral hygiene
solutions while being gentle on gums and teeth. This USP caters to consumers who value both
effectiveness and sensitivity in oral care products.
4. Safe for the Entire Family: Mama earth's oral care range is designed to be safe and suitable for
the entire family, including children. This USP appeals to families seeking oral care products that
are gentle, natural, and free from potentially harmful ingredients.
5. Transparent Ingredient Sourcing and Manufacturing: Mama earth ensures transparency in
ingredient sourcing and manufacturing processes, providing consumers with confidence and trust
in the brand. This USP appeals to consumers who value transparency and want to make informed
choices about the products they use.
Positioning Statement: For health-conscious individuals and families seeking natural and safe oral
care solutions, Mama earth is the trusted brand that offers a range of effective and gentle oral
healthcare products. With its commitment to natural and organic ingredients, sustainable packaging,
and transparent practices, Mama earth provides the assurance and evidence that customers can rely
on for their oral hygiene needs.
05. Exercise: write a text



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CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo and

includes icons by Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik and
content by Eliana Delacour

Please keep this slide as attribution

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