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8y 8y
Dedy Agus S (083194004)
Nen| u[| Astut|k (083194007)
L|ta Nov|||a (083194203)
1he Adm|n|strat|on koute of V|tam|n 1he Adm|n|strat|on koute of V|tam|n
1ypes of V|tam|n k 1ypes of V|tam|n k
vlLamln k
W ellow Lhlck oll
W Soluble ln organlc solvenL
W Pard Lo dlssolve ln eLhanol
W lnsoluble ln waLer
W Lndure Lo heaL
W SenslLlve Lo uv radlaLlon
sLrong acld and sLrong base
V|tam|n k V|tam|n k
((menaqu|none menaqu|none))
V|tam|n k
( Menad|one )
W lghL yellow powder
W Lasy Lo dlsperse ln llghL
W Soluble ln organlc
solvenL and faL/oll
W SLlmulaLe skln and
resplraLlon membrane
WhlLe Lo creamy
crysLalllne powder
Source of V|tam|n k Source of V|tam|n k
kDA kDA] AI ] AI 90 90 g g]d| ]d| 120 120 g g]d| ]d| (19 (19 30 yrs) 30 yrs)
unct|on of V|tam|n k unct|on of V|tam|n k
vlLamln k
and k
W alds ln reduclng excesslve mensLrual flow
W alds Lhe absorpLlon of calclum ln bone
W essenLlal for normal llver funcLlonlng
W essenLlal for synLhesls of four proLelns LhaL acL ln
W lmporLanL ln malnLalnlng vlLallLy and longevlLy
W necessary for formaLlon of proLhrombln whlch ls
requlred for effecLlve blood cloLLlng
W lnvolved ln elecLron LransporL mechanlsm and
oxdaLlve phosphorylaLlon
vlLamln k
W vlLamln k
ls Lhe lmporLanL and essenLlal
nuLrlmenL subsLance lL effecLlvely prevenLs
Lhe blood dlsease sLrengLhen Lhe reslsLlblllLy
W lL faclllLaLe Lhe formaLlon of Lhrombln so as Lo
speedup or malnLaln Lhe normal concreLlon
Llme of blood
W As well as lowerlng blood pressure lL ls also
dlureLlc and sLrengLhen llvers deLoxlflcaLlon
ow V|tam|n k Works ow V|tam|n k Works
1he Lffect of V|tam|n k 1he Lffect of V|tam|n k
W excesslve bleedlng and hemorrhage
W bleedlng from Lhe sLomach lnLesLlnes umblllcal cord
slLe (bables)
W 1here ls no dlfference beLween Lhe sexes as boLh males
and females are affecLed equally SympLoms of
deflclency lnclude heavy mensLrual bleedlng ln women
anemla brulslng and bleedlng of Lhe gums or nose
W CsLeoporosls and coronary hearL dlsease are sLrongly
assoclaLed wlLh lower levels of k
W ueflclency of vlLamln k3 wlll lead Lo longer concreLlon
Llme of blood or Lo bleedlng nonsLop More serlously lL
may lead Lo hemaLurla and anaemla even deaLh
Def|c|ency caused by
1 In 8ab|es
W low levels ln human breasL mllk
W poor Lransfer across placenLa
W sLerlle lnLesLlne wlLh no bacLerla
2 In Adu|ts
W as a consequence of sprue
W Cellacs ulsease
W desLrucLlon of lnLesLlnal bacLerla by anLlbloLlcs
W lack of blle salLs
W llver condlLlons such as vlral hepaLlLls
W AlLhough allerglc reacLlon from
supplemenLaLlon ls posslble Lhere ls no
known LoxlclLy assoclaLed wlLh hlgh doses of
Lhe phylloqulnone (vlLamln k
) no 1olerable
upper lnLake evel (u) has been seL
W Pemolysls of eryLhrocyLe
W 8raln dlsease

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