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DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks with the correct cohesive devices to

complete each passage. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
space provided after each number.

My friend is a singer. He is intelligent 1.

__________hardworking. 2. _____he is creative.
3.. _______ he has never received any award in
Cebu, 4. _________he won a prize in a
competition in Manila last year. 5. __________
he has to leave Cebu and settle down in Manila.
____________6. Which among the following sentences
contains the expanded definition of the word “pandemic”?
A.Pandemic causes economic breakdown all over the world.
B.Pandemic causes such high mortality rates in developing
C.Pandemic has a lot more bad impacts because it has
deprived the whole world even from the basic needs.
D.Pandemic is an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide
geographic area such as multiple countries or continents and
typically affects a significant proportion of the population.
____________7. Which among the following sentences
contains the expanded definition of the word “quarantine”?
A.A quarantine is a restriction on the movement of people,
animals and goods which is intended to prevent the spread
of disease or pest. It is often used in connection to disease
or illness, preventing the movement of those who may have
been exposed to a communicable disease, but do not have a
confirmed medical diagnosis.
B.A quarantine is for people or groups who don’t have
symptoms but were exposed to the sickness.
C.A quarantine keeps people away from others so they don’t
unknowingly infect anyone.
D.A quarantine stops the spread of contagious diseases.
DIRECTIONS: Tell whether each passage below is
argumentative, informative or persuasive sample
writing technique. Write the letter of the correct
A.Argumentative B. Informative C. Persuasive

____________8. The freedom to choose your

educational path is an enduring quality of online
education. For more creative people or people who
want to focus on a single activity, this can be a dream
come true.
____________9. The Great Wall of China,
stretching over 13,000 miles, is one of the
most iconic structures in human history. Built
over centuries by various dynasties, it served
as a formidable defense against invasions
from the north. Contrary to popular belief, the
wall is not a single continuous structure but
rather a series of interconnected walls, forts,
and natural barriers.
____________10. Renewable energy
adoption is essential for mitigating climate
change and securing a sustainable future for
our planet. Unlike fossil fuels, renewable
sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric
power produce minimal greenhouse gas
emissions, reducing our carbon footprint and
slowing the pace of global warming.
DIRECTIONS: Tell whether each passage
below is an example of eulogy, roast, or toast.
Write the letter of the correct answer.
A.Eulogy B. Roast C. Toast
11. Rest easy my sweet friend. I love you. You
fought so well, you inspired so many, you loved
so deeply, you lived so loudly, no one that ever
knew you can ever forget you. I never will.
Enjoy your rest and bask in Glory.
12. The best story I have about Spencer
starts with an outdoor toilet. I knew we would
be best friends when she was the only
person waiting in line at the concert Porta
Potties who would give me some of her extra
toilet paper. THAT is the definition of true
sharing—Mrs. Jones you taught her well.
13. Todd, who is Jane’s age and has worked with
her for a long time: “Jane and I are so old, we not
only predate most of the technology in this room,
we predate technology itself. When we started this
job, we used to have to troubleshoot smoke signal
problems. Jane would say, ‘Have you tried putting
the fire out and then starting it again?’ Jane’s more
up on technology than me, though. She’s always
been an early adopter. She loves gadgets. I
remember when she got her first tablet. It came with
a chisel, too.”
14-16. Read and analyze the introductory part of the story A Day
in the Country by Anton Chekhov. Answer the following
A dark leaden-colored mass is creeping over the sky towards the
sun. Red zigzags of lightning gleam here and there across it.
There is a sound of far-away rumbling. A warm wind frolics
over the grass bends the trees and stirs up the dust. In a minute
there will be a spurt of May rain and a real storm will begin.
Fyokla, a little beggar-girl of six, is running through the village,
looking for Terenty, the cobbler. The white-haired, barefooted
child is pale. Her eyes are wide open, her lips are trembling.
14. Who are the character/s introduced in the story?
A. Fyokla and Anton C.. Fyokla and Terenty
B. Terenty and the Cobbler D. Anton

15. What atmospheric elements create a sense of approaching

danger in the passage?
A.The warm wind frolicking over the grass
B.The red zigzags of lightning across the leaden-colored sky
C.The sound of far-away rumbling
D.Fyokla's pale complexion and trembling lips
16. Which of the following can be inferred from the
exposition of the story? At the beginning of the
A. a storm destroyed the village.
B. the villagers were expecting an approaching
C. Fyokla and the villagers were preparing for a
feast after the storm.
D. a ghost suddenly appeared.
17. I. If you are tired of slavery, stop it.
II. It is easy to be brave when there is no danger. Don’t
compare two different situations without understanding them.
III. She knew that she was pretty and that was
IV. Expect no reward for serving the one who has no
honor. Staying in the company of selfish people will not do
anyone any favors.
Which of the above statements is NOT TRUE about
A. II and IV C. I and II
B. I only D. I, III, and IV
18. Which of the following statements aligns with the Marxist perspective's
analysis of social class inequality in "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant?
A.The necklace symbolizes the middle-class obsession with material
wealth, leading Mathilde to aspire to a higher social class, ultimately
resulting in her downfall.
B.Mathilde's desire to attend a prestigious ball reflects her middle-class
aspirations, highlighting their relentless pursuit of social status and
C.The harsh consequences faced by Mathilde and her husband after
losing the borrowed necklace underscore the lower-class vulnerability
to the fancies of the middle class.
D.The revelation of the necklace's true value serves as a critique of the
middle class superficial values, exposing the inherent inequality
perpetuated by the capitalist system.
19. Which of the following literature utilized the feminist approach?
A.Louise Mallard has a lack of individuality and independence portrayed in the
story wherein she reveals that she had been in the oppressive and repressive
nature of marriage, especially when she rejoiced in her newfound freedom.
B.Louise O'Neill's fiction novel Only Every Yours (2014) presents a dystopian
future in which women are controlled by a patriarchal society that values
them as objects rather than individuals. Within this novel, O'Neill explores
how beauty standards are used to sexualize and control women, limiting their
independence and freedom.
C.The relationship of Huckleberry and Jim, wherein they form a bond that
would otherwise be forbidden in a slave-owning society. Thus, the work
presents an inherent contradiction between the laboring conditions of slavery
and the ideals of friendship.
D.Room of One's Own, Virginia Woolf argued that a woman needed to control
her own space and finances to be a successful writer.
20. The Great Gatsby‚ by F. Scott Fitzgerald is considered as the defining work
of the 1920’s. When The Great Gatsby was published in 1925‚ America was just
coming out of one of the most violent wars in the nation’s history. World War 1
had taken the lives of many young people who fought and sacrificed for our
country‚ on another continent. The war left many families without
fathers‚ sons‚ and husbands.’ Which part of the text is significantly relevant to
the historical approach?
A.When The Great Gatsby was published in 1925‚ America was just coming out
of one of the most violent wars in the nation’s history.
B.World War 1 had taken the lives of many young people who fought and
sacrificed for our country‚ on another continent.
C.The war left many families without fathers‚ sons‚ and husbands.
D.All of the above
DIRECTIONS: Read the poem below and blacken the letter that
corresponds to your answer on the answer sheet.
Meadows have surprises
You can find them if you look;
Walk softly through the velvet grass,
And listen by the brook.
You may see a butterfly
Rest upon a buttercup
And unfold its drinking straws
To sip the nectar up.
________21. What surprises do the meadows have to offer
you? grasses and colorful flowers
B.nectar and sweet honey
C.tall trees and lush vines
D.the velvet grass, the brook, and the butterfly
_________22. Why is it a great pleasure to walk through the
E.Because of its colorful birds and butterflies.
F.Because of its cold and fresh air.
G.Because of its green environment.
H.Because of its velvety grass.
_________23. What must have been called as the
‘drinking straws’ by the poet?
A.Plastic pipes to drink juices
B.Proboscis of the insects
C.The straw itself
D.Twigs of the trees in bushes
________ 24. Which word in the poem is a synonym of
sup or ‘drink with mouthfuls?
E.Brook C. sip
F.suck D. unfold
DIRECTIONS: Read the poem below, then answer the
questions that follow. I
What is this life, if full of care?
We have no time to stand and stare
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows
No time to see when wood pass
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass
No time to turn at Beauty’s glance
And watch her feet, how they dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began
A poor like this, if full of care
We have no time to stand and stare
________25. What is the theme of the poem?
A.Give ourselves a reward for a hard work.
B.We don’t have time to relax and enjoy.
C.The beauty of nature which we fail to enjoy
because of our busy life.
D.We should value our nature.
________26. The poet has his regrets. What
is he regretting?
A.We abuse our natural resources.
B.We don’t have time for pleasure.
C.We don’t have time to enjoy and
appreciate the natural wonders God has
created for us.
D. We don’t have time to mingle with others.
________27. The last two lines in the 2nd
stanza are examples of __________.
A. alliteration B. hyperbole

C. metaphor D. personification
________28. Why does the poet want us to
have some free time?
A.To buy an expensive gift for ourselves as a
reward for a hectic day at work.
B.To go on shopping with the whole family.
C.To go out, explore and appreciate the beauty
of nature.
D.To go to parties with friends and have some
29. The recent pandemic that swept the world, brought a lot of
change in teaching and learning. Classes shifted to modular
and online. Both students and teachers use technology in
teaching and learning. Parents grappled between their work
and household chores to help their kids to learn. However,
many learners struggle with using laptops and gadgets. What
type of conflict is shown in the text?
A. Man vs. Technology C. Man vs. Nature
B .Man vs. Self D. Man vs. Fate
30. Mia had just given birth to a healthy baby girl. Her
husband is the lone breadwinner of the family. As such, she
must tend to all their children ages, 6, and 4, and the newborn.
Aside from this she also must do all the household chores.
Ana felt tired and helpless. She started to be irritable and
easily gets angry. She has postpartum symptoms. Postpartum
is the period just after delivery, as with postpartum depression.
Postpartum refers to the mother, and postnatal to the baby.
Which of the following conflicts is applied in the given text?
A. Man vs. Man C. Man vs. Fate
B. Man vs. Society D. Man vs. Self

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