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intuitive decision making

What do we mean when we talk about intuition?

we are describing something that is known, perceived, understood or believed by instinct,

feelings or nature without actual evidence, rather than by use of conscious thought, reason,
or rational processes.

the explanation for a choice is not directly available through conscious or logical thought.

Brain research points to parts of the brain that work simultaneously with our conscious
thought processes, acting as parallel intelligent systems. When guided by experience with
a previous pattern, these responses could be considered the result of intuition.
Problems with intuition and decision making

● Flawed information - Intuition decision making will respond quickly to inaccurate,

insufficient, unreliable, or incomplete information based on patterns from previous
● Short term emotional bias - Cognitive research has shown that even experts'
decisions are influenced by unrelated emotions during the time of making a decision.
● Insufficient consideration of alternatives - Intuition generally relies on pattern
recognition and will point to solutions that have worked well with the current
perceived pattern.
Problems with intuition and decision making

● Prejudices - Emotions help form our intuition and can allow flawed experiences to
overrule sound facts and evidence.
● Lack of openness - Every person has a different experience base that provides the
platform for their intuitions. Given that one's intuition is not easily explained, it is
difficult to use intuition in a group context.
● Inappropriate application - People that have good experience, expertise, and
intuition in one area can become overconfident and apply their intuition in an
unfamiliar or unrelated area.
Can intuitive decision making be learned and
Experts at MIT (Matzler, Ballom, and Mooradlan, 2007) and the Marine Corps (Krulak,
1999) believe so. Cognitive models are continuing to be developed and evolved that help
us understand intuition and decision making. The Recognition Primed Decision Model,
developed by Gary Klein and others, suggests that recognition of patterns or cues is an
important element of intuitive decision making, along with an ability to perform a rapid
mental simulation of how an option would perform against other previously successful

● Matzler, K., Ballom, F. and Mooradlan, T. (2007, Fall). Intuitive Decision Making. MIT Sloan Management Review.
● Krulak, C. (1999, May). Cultivating Intuitive Decisionmaking. Marine Corps Gazette.
Approaches for improved intuitive decision making:

● Use a structured process when time allows - This will provide a framework for
capturing and learning from previous decisions. It will also guard from errors that can
occur when using intuition.
● Listen better - Improved listening will ensure getting more of the situational
information. The better formed the pattern, the more likely that intuition will provide
a solution well matched to the problem.
● Reflect on a decision before implementing - Look for areas where emotions might
be distorting your perception of the current situation.
Approaches for improved intuitive decision making:

● Examine beliefs - Are they based on reliable facts and evidence?

● Consult others - Get feedback and validate that your decision seems reasonable.
Also, pay attention to disconfirming assessments.
● Communicate - The reasoning behind your intuition can sometimes be made explicit
through discussion with others. Failure to do this in a business decision may
undermine its implementation.
● Increase experiences - Try new things. Patterns develop from experiences. More
experiences will create and shape successful patterns. This leads to better intuition.
Approaches for improved intuitive decision making:

● Learn through repetition in different environments - Repetition in different

emotional environments will help improve the consistency of intuitive decision
● Learn to recognize and interpret your emotions - Emotions provide signals of
previous patterns and experiences. Learning what they indicate and their reliability
improves your ability to know when to count on your intuition.
Approaches for improved intuitive decision making:

● Create the right learning environment - Better intuitive decision making comes
from making more decisions. An environment that can provide tolerance and/or low
risk for mistakes, and that examines decisions without attacking the pride and dignity
of the person making them, will lead to better intuitive choices.
● Use decision making games - Games simulate life and provide a low risk
environment to develop the patterns that can improve intuition.
● Situational assessment and case studies - Used in business and the military (e.g.,
After action reviews), studying previous outcomes with a focus on the decision
making processes will help build patterns for intuition.
intuitive decision making
Transcendent Decision-Making
● The role of personal character in decision making process.
● 3 facets of character: self-transcendent values, moral approbation and emotional
● Study indicate that character is not unidimensional but a multifaceted integration of
self-transcendent values, moral approbation and emotional intelligence.
● The decision maker who possesses high levels of all three elements
○ who is most willing to consider the needs of others along with his or her own needs and
○ who is willing to delay their personal gratification in order to produce a better outcome for all.

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