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I will pay more for the ability to deal with people ,than for any other ability under the sun.
-John D. Rockefeller

Types of groups/Teams
Formal Two or more people who engage in organizationally required actions for a common purpose. Work Group Work Team Quality Circle.
Formal Informal

Two or more people who engage in voluntary collective activity for a common purpose. Friendship group

Interest Group.

Formal groups
Appointed and structured to pursue a specific task. Assigned group roles.

Member appointment Delegated authority, delegated responsibilities Serve organizational interests Based on rational & work related needs Have to provide external motivation

Informal groups
Emerge naturally in response to organizational or member interests
Include emergent group roles

Develop spontaneously Can serve organizational and/or personal interests Are based on personal, social & emotional needs Develop through internal motivation

Adjourning V Collaboration Performing Differentiation IV Norming Confrontation Mature teams III Storming II Orientation Forming I Newly formed teams

Stages of Group Development

Group functions
Task function roles
Maintenance behaviour Self-interest behaviour

Task function roles


Information seeking
Information giving

Clarifying ideas
Bringing closure

Consensus testing

Maintenance behaviour
Encouraging Improving group atmosphere Harmonizing Compromising Gate-keeping

Standard setting

Self-interest behaviour
Dominating & controlling Blocking Manipulating Belittling Splitting hairs

The frog and the Geese

A frog asked two geese to take him south with them. At first, they resisted; they didn't see how it could be done. Finally, the frog suggested that the two geese hold a stick in their beaks and that he would hold on with his mouth. So off the unlikely threesome went, flying southward across the countryside. It was really quite a sight. People looked up and expressed great admiration at this demonstration of creative teamwork. Someone said, "It's wonderful! Who was so clever to discover such a fine way to travel?" Whereupon the frog opened his mouth and said, "It was I, as it plummeted to the earth.

Have you ever watched a flock of geese flying in their traditional "V" formation, headed for Canada? Two engineers learned that each bird, by flapping its wings, creates an uplift for the bird that follows. Together, the whole flock gains something like 70 percent greater flying range than if it were journeying alone.

T ogether E veryone A chieves More

A team is a group in which members work together intensively to achieve a common group goal.

A team is a number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they are mutually accountable.

Benefits of teamwork
Accomplish tasks an individual cannot
More brains more solutions

Detect Flaws in Solutions

Build a Workplace Community

Soft skill benefits of teamwork

Exposure to different points of view Communication Skills Critical Thinking and Evaluation Skills

Conflict Resolution Skills

"What, if they dont like each other?

Group conflict

Definition of dislike

Dislike is most of the time a result of not understanding the other one.

Reasons for dislike:

Different personality / temperaments Culture Values Beliefs Ideologies Religion

Dealing with difficult people

To deal with difficult people, you have to: Manage / control your own emotions Change your behavior Influence others to change Let go

Categories of difficult behaviour

Passive Passive resistant Indirect aggressive Aggressive

Tackling difficult team members

Stick to facts Feelings Fallout Future Follow up Ask for feedback But: Dont get sidetracked!

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