Training & Development

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TRAINING is a learning process that
involves the acquisition of
knowledge, sharpening of skills,
concepts, rules, or changing of
attitudes and behaviours to enhance
the performance of employees.
DEVELOPMENT, on the other hand,
helps the individual handle future
responsibilities, with less emphasis
on present job duties.
Need and basic purposes of
To Increase Productivity
To Improve Quality
To Help a Company Fulfil Its Future
Personnel Needs
To Improve Organizational Climate
To Improve Health and Safety
Obsolescence Prevention
Personal Growth
The Benefits of Training
How Training Benefits the Organisation
 Leads to improved profitability and/or more
positive attitudes towards profit orientation.
 Improves the job knowledge and skills at
all levels of the organization.
 Improves the morale of the work force.
 Helps people identify with organisational
 Helps create a better corporate image.
The Benefits of Training
 Aids in organisational development.
 Helps prepare guidelines for work.
 Aids in understanding and carrying
out organisational policies.
 Provides information for future needs
in all areas of the organisation.
Organization gets more effective
decision making and problem solving.
Aids in developing leadership skills,
motivation, loyalty, better attitudes,
and other aspects that successful
workers and managers usually display.
The Benefits of Training
 Aids in increasing productivity and/or
quality of work.
 Helps keep costs down in many
areas, e.g., production, personnel,
administration, etc.
 Develops a sense of responsibility to
the organisation for being competent
and knowledgeable.
Improves labour-management
relations and creates an appropriate
climate for growth, communication.
The Benefits of Training
Reduces outside consulting costs by
utilising competent internal consulting.
 Stimulates preventive management
as opposed to putting out fires.
 Eliminates sub-optimal behaviour.
 Helps employees adjust to change.
Aids in handling conflict, thereby
helping to prevent stress and tension.
Benefits to the Individual

 Helps the individual in making better

decisions and effective problem solving
Through training and development,
motivational variables of recognition,
achievement, growth, responsibility and
advancement are internalised and
Aids in encouraging and achieving
self-development and self-confidence.
Benefits to the Individual
 Helps a person handle stress,
tension, frustration and conflict.
 Provides information for
improving leadership knowledge,
communication skills, and attitudes.
 Increases job satisfaction and
 Moves a person towards personal
goals while improving interaction skills.
 Satisfies personal needs of the
Benefits to the Individual

 Provides trainee an avenue for

growth and a say in his/her own
Develops a sense of growth in
 Helps a person develop speaking
and listening skills; also writing
skills when exercises are required.
Helps eliminate fear in
attempting new tasks.
Benefits in Intra and Inter-
group Relations
Improves communication between
groups and individuals.
 Improves interpersonal skills.
Makes organisation policies, rules and
regulations viable.
 Improves morale.
 Builds cohesiveness in groups.
 Provides a good climate for learning,
growth, and coordination.
Makes the organisation a better place to
Training Concepts
Ability: The physical and mental capacity
to perform a task.
Action learning: Training method that
involves giving teams or work groups a
problem, having them work on solving it
and committing to an action plan, and
then holding them accountable for
carrying out the plan.
Action plan:A written document detailing
steps that a trainee and his manager will
take to ensure that training transfers to
the job
Training Concepts
Action planning: An employee’s process
of determining how he will achieve his
short-and long-term career goals.
Assessment: The collecting of
information and providing of feedback to
employees about their behavior
communication style, or skills.
Assessment center: A process in which
multiple rates or evaluators (also known
as assessors) evaluate employees,
performances on a number of exercises.
Training Concepts
Attitude: Combination of beliefs and feelings that
predispose a person to behave in a certain way.
Attitude awareness and change program:
Program focusing on increasing employees’
awareness of their attitudes toward differences in
cultural and ethic backgrounds, physical
characteristics (e.g., disabilities), and personal
characteristics that influence behavior towards
Basic skills: Skills necessary for employees to
perform their jobs and learn the content of
training programs.
Training Concepts
Behavior based conflict: Conflict occurring
when an employee’s behavior in work roles is not
appropriate in non-work roles.
Behavior based program: Program focusing on
changing the organization policies and individual
behaviors that inhibit employees’ personal growth
and productivity.
Behavior modeling: A training method in
which trainees are presented with a model
who demonstrates key behaviors to
replicate and provides them with the
opportunity to practice those key behaviors
Training Concepts
Benchmarking: The use of information
about other companies’ training practices
to help determine the appropriate type,
level, and frequency gains from a training
Benchmarks: A research instrument
designed to measure important factors in
being a successful manager.
Benefits: What of value the company
gains from a training program.
Training Concepts
Blended learning: Learning involving a
combination of online learning, face-to-
face instruction, and other methods.
Career: The pattern of work related
experiences that span the course of a
person’s life.
Career development: The process by
which employees’ progress through a
series of stages, each characterized by a
different set of developmental tasks,
activities, and relationships.
Training Concepts
Career insight: The degree to which
employees know about their
interests as well as their skills
strengths and weaknesses, the
awareness of how these perceptions
relate to their career goals.
Training Concepts
Career management: The process through
which employees
Become aware of their interests, values,
strengths, and weaknesses
Get information about job opportunities within a
Identify career goals
Establish action plans to achieve career goals
Career path: A sequence of job positions
involving similar types of work and skills that
employees move through in company.
Training Concepts
Case study: A description of how
employees or an organization dealt with a
Change: The adoption of a new idea or
behavior by a company
Change management: The process of
ensuring that new interventions such as
training practices are accepted and used
by employees and managers.
Training Concepts
Coach: A peer or manager who works
with an employee to motivate him,
develop skills, and provide reinforcement
and feedback.
Cognitive ability: Outcomes used to
measure what knowledge trainees learned
in a training program.
Competency: An area of personal
capability that enables an employee to
perform his job.
Training Concepts
Competency model: A model identifying
the competencies necessary for each job
as well as the knowledge, skills, behavior,
and personal characteristics underlying
each competency.
Competitive advantage: An upper hand
over other firms in an industry.
Competitiveness: A company’s ability to
maintain and gain market share in an
Training Concepts
Computer based training (CBT): An interactive
training experience in which the computer
provides the learning stimulus, the trainee must
respond, and the computer analyzes responses
and provides feedback to the trainee.
Continuous learning: A learning system in
which employees are required to understand the
entire work system including the relationship
among their jobs, their work units, and the
company. Also, employees are expected to
acquire new skills and knowledge, apply them on
the job, and share this information with fellow
Training Concepts
Cost benefit analysis: The process of
determining the economic benefits of a
training program using accounting
Course objectives (lesson objectives):
The expected behaviors, content,
conditions, and standards of a training
course or lesson; more specific than
program objectives.
Course parameters: General information
about a training program including
Training Concepts
Criterion deficiency: The failure to
measure training outcomes that were
emphasized in training objectives.
Cross training: Training method in which
team members understand and practice
each other’s skills so that members are
prepared to step in and take another
member’s place should he temporarily or
permanently leave the team. Also, more
simply, training employees to learn the
skills of one or several additional jobs.
Training Concepts
Culture: A set of assumptions group
members share about the world and
how it works as well as ideals worth
striving for.
Training Concepts
Development: Formal education, job
experiences, relationships, and assessments of
personality and abilities that help employees
prepare for the future.
Distance learning: Training method in which
geographically dispersed companies provide
information about new products, policies, or
procedures as well as skills training and expert
lectures to field locations.
E learning: Instruction and delivery of training
by computer online through the Internet or Web.
Training Concepts
Empowerment: Giving employee
responsibility and authority to
make decisions regarding
product development or
customer service
Training Concepts
Evaluation design: Designation of what
information is to be collected, from whom,
when, and how to determine training’s
Feedback: Information employees receive
while they are performing concerning how
well they are meeting objectives.
Formative evaluation: Evaluation
conducted to improve the training
process. Usually conducted before and
during the training process
Training Concepts
Glass ceiling: A barrier to advancement
to an organization’s higher levels.
Goal: What a company hopes to achieve
in the medium-to-long-term future.
Goal orientation: A trainee’s goals in a
learning situation.
Goal setting: An employee’s process of
developing short-and long-term career
Training Concepts
Group mentoring program: Program in which a
successful senior employee is paired with a group
of four to six less experienced protégés to help
them understand the organization, guide them in
analyzing their experiences, and help them clarify
career directions.
Hands-on method: Training method in which
the trainee is actively involved in learning.
High-leverage training: Training that uses an
instructional design process to ensure that it
is effective and that compares or
benchmarks the company’s training
programs against other companies’
Training Concepts
High-potential employee: An employee whom
the company believes is capable of succeeding in
a higher-level managerial position.
Human resource management: The policies,
practices, and systems that influence employees’
behavior, attitudes, and performance.
Human resource management (HRM)
practices: Management activities relating to
investments in staffing, performance
management, training, and compensation and
Training Concepts
Human resource planning: The identification,
analysis, forecasting, and planning of changes
needed in a company’s human resources area.
Intellectual capital: Cognitive knowledge,
advanced skills, system understanding and
creativity, and self motivated creativity.
Intellectual skills: Mastery of concepts and
Internet-based training: Training delivered on
public or private computer networks and
displayed by a web browser.
Intranet based training: Training delivered
using a company’s own computer network or
Training Concepts
Job: A specific position requiring
completion of certain tasks.
Job analysis: The process of developing a
description of the job (duties, tasks, and
responsibilities) and the specifications
(knowledge, skills and abilities) that an
employee must have to perform it.
Job enlargement: The adding of
challenges or new responsibilities to an
employee’s current job.
Training Concepts
Job experience: The relationship, problems,
demands, tasks, and other features that an
employee faces on the job.
Key behavior: One of a set of behaviors that is
necessary to complete a task. Important part of
behavior modeling training.
Knowledge: Facts or procedures. What
individuals or teams of employees know or know
how to do (human and social knowledge); also a
company’s rules, processes, tools, and routines
(structured knowledge).
Training Concepts
Knowledge management: The process of
enhancing company performance by designing
and implementing tools, processes, systems,
structures, and cultures to improve the creating,
sharing, and use of knowledge.
Knowledge workers: Employees who own the
means of producing a product or service. These
employees have a specialized body of knowledge
or expertise, which they use to perform their jobs
and contribute to company effectiveness.
Training Concepts
Learning: A relatively permanent change
in human capabilities that does not result
from growth processes.
Learning organization: A company that
has an enhanced capacity to learn, adapt,
and change; an organization whose
employees continuously attempt to learn
new things and then apply what they have
learned to improve product or service
Training Concepts
Lecture: Training method in which the
trainer communicates through spoken
words that trainees are supposed to learn.
Manager support: Trainee’s managers.
Emphasizing the importance of attending
training programs
Stressing the application of training
content on the job.
Mentor: An experienced, productive
senior employee who helps develop a less
experienced employee (a protégé).
Training Concepts
Metacognition: A learning strategy
whereby trainees direct their attention to
their own learning process.
Mission: A company’s long-term reason
for existing.
Modeling: Having employees who have
mastered the desired learning outcomes
demonstrate them for trainees.
Motivation to learn: A trainee’s desire to
learn the content of a training program.
Training Concepts
Motor skills: Coordination of physical
Multimedia training: Training that combines
audiovisual training methods with computer
based training.
Near transfer: A trainee’s ability to apply
learned capabilities exactly to the work situation.
Need: A deficiency that a person is experiencing
at any point in times.
Needs assessment: The process used to
determine if training is necessary. The first step
in the instrumental system design model.
Training Concepts
Norms: Accepted standards of behavior for
workgroup members.
Objective: The purpose and expected outcome
of training activities.
Obsolescence: A reduction in an employee’s
competence resulting from a lack of knowledge of
new work processes, techniques, and
technologies that have developed since he
completed his education.
On-the-job training (OJT): Training in which
new or inexperienced employees learn through
first observing peers or managers performing the
job and then trying to imitate their behavior.
Training Concepts
Opportunity to perform: The chance to use
learned capabilities.
Organization development: A planned,
systematic change process that uses behavioral
sciences knowledge and techniques to improve a
company’s effectiveness by improving
relationships and increasing learning and
problems solving capabilities.
Organizational analysis: Training analysis
involving determining the appropriateness of
training, considering the context in which training
will occur.
Training Concepts
Organizational socialization: The process of
transforming new employees into effective
company members. Its phases are anticipatory
socialization, encounter, and settling in.
Organizing: A learning strategy that requires
the learner to find similarities and themes in the
training materials.
Outsourcing: The use of external supplies to
provide training services.
Perception: The ability to organize a message
from the environment so that it can be processed
and acted upon.
Training Concepts
Performance appraisal: The process of
measuring an employee’s performance.
Person analysis:
Training analysis involving
Determining whether performance
deficiencies result from lack of knowledge,
skill, or ability or else from a motivational
or work-design problem.
Identifying who needs training,
Determining employees’ readiness for
Training Concepts
Person characteristics: An employee’s
knowledge, skill, ability, behavior, or attitude.
Practice: An employee’s demonstration of a
learned capability; the physical or mental
rehearsal of a task, knowledge, or skill to achieve
proficiency in performing the task or skill or
demonstrating the knowledge.
Pretest/posttest: An evaluation design in which
both pretraining and post training outcomes
measures are collected.
Pretraining measure: A baseline measure of
Training Concepts
Program design: The organization and
coordination of the training program.
Program Objectives: Broad summary
statements of a program’s purpose.
Psychological success: A feeling of pride and
accomplishment that comes from achieving life
Reaction outcomes: A trainee’s perceptions of a
training program, including perceptions of the
facilities, trainers, and content.
Readability: Written materials’ level of difficulty.
Training Concepts
Readiness for training: The condition of
Employees having the personal
characteristics necessary to learn program
content and apply it on the job and
The work environment facilitation learning
and not interfering with performance.
Reengineering: A complete review and redesign
of critical processes to make them more efficient and
able to deliver higher quality.
Structure/ Process/Innovation
Re-Structuring / Re-inventing …Small/Better/Different
Training Concepts
Rehearsal: A learning strategy focusing
on learning through repetition
Self-Management: Person’s attempt to
control certain aspects of his decision-
making and behavior.
Simulation: A training method that
represents a real life situation, with
trainees’ decisions resulting in outcomes
that mirror what would happen if they
were on the job.
Training Concepts
Skill: Competency in performing a task.
Skill-based outcomes: Outcomes used to
assess the level of technical or motor skills or
behavior; include skill acquisition or learning and
on-the-job use of skills.
Social learning theory: Theory emphasizing
that people learn by observing other persons
(models) who they believe are credible and
Social support: Feedback and reinforcement
from managers and peers.
Socialization: Sharing tacit knowledge by
sharing experiences.
Training Concepts
Stakeholders: The parties with an interest in a
company’s success (include shareholders,
employees, customers, and the community).
Subject matter expert (SME): Person who is
knowledgeable of
Training issue,
Knowledge, skills, and abilities required for task
Necessary equipment, and
Conditions under which tasks have to be
Summative evaluation: Evaluation of the
extent that trainees have changed as -a result of
participating in a training program.
Training Concepts
Synchronous communication:
Communication in which trainers, experts,
and learners interact with each other live
and in real time in the same way as they
would in face to face classroom
Team leader training: Training that a
team manager or facilitator receives.
Team training: Training method that
involves coordinating the performances of
individuals who work together to achieve a
common goal.
Training Concepts
Trainee characteristics: The abilities and
motivation that affect learning.
Training: A company’s planned effort to facilitate
employees’ learning of job-related competencies.
Training administration: Coordination of
activities before, during, and after a training
Training context: The physical, intellectual, and
emotional environment in which training occurs.
Training design: Characteristics of the learning,
and enabling environment.
Training Concepts
Training design process: A systematic
approach to development training
programs. Its six steps include conducting
needs assessment, ensuring employees’
readiness for training, creating a learning
environment, ensuring transfer of training,
selecting training methods, and evaluating
training programs.
Training effectiveness: Benefits that a
company and its trainees receive from
Training Concepts
Training evaluation: The process of collecting
the outcomes needed to determine if training has
been effective.
Training outcomes (Criteria): Measures that a
company and its trainer use to evaluate training
Training site: The place where training is
Transfer of training: Trainees’ applying learned
capabilities gained in training to their jobs.
Work environment: On-the-job factors that
influence transfer of training.

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