Whistleblower Policy

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At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:

Differentiate the Apply the rights Cite the importance

category and type and law to a real- of whistleblower in a
life scenario; professional setting.
of a

Whistleblowers are those employees

or ex-employees of a company who
report their company’s misdoings and
expose the wrongful and unethical
actions of their employer(s).
Thomas, a diligent employee, has been
promoted to a higher position without a salary
increase. He discovers that his team leader is taking
a portion of his salary, causing the lack of raise.
When Thomas confronts the team leader, she denies
the accusation and threatens him with potential job
loss if he persists. Thomas is torn between the need
for his job to cover expenses and his belief in the
wrongdoing of his team leader.
Supposed you are Thomas, what will you do?

Who among you will continue pursuing the issue and

report it to authorities despite the risk of job loss?

Who among you will overlook the matter to retain your


For those how said yes, to whom will you report the
Categories of whistleblower:
Internal whistleblowers External whistleblowers

–Internal whistleblowers report – External whistleblowers report

the unethical actions or illegal the misgivings of their companies
procedures of an employee or a to external agencies. Most of the
group of employees of their external whistleblowers come
from huge corporations where the
company to someone who is a
top management itself passes on
supervisor or senior authority
unethical and at times, illegal
in that company. directions to follow.
Types of whistleblowers:
Federal whistleblowers Corporate whistleblowers

– Federal whistleblowers – Corporate whistleblowers

work with government work with private
corporate houses and leak
bodies and report cases acts of cheating and
that are related to fudging records and
national policies, etc. accounts to higher
Rules and Provisions for Whistleblower:

Whistleblowers are provided

A whistleblower Whistleblowers can protection against any legal or
need only report the request complete illegal repercussion
wrongdoing. He confidentiality, although from employers, changes in
doesn’t need to sometimes, the identity of terms of employment like
investigate the the whistleblower has to assigning them poor assignment,
unethical practices. be made public to conduct lowering their salaries, or
a proper legal termination.
Is it possible that after
you spill the issue, you’ll
be fired from the
Law that protects whistleblower:
"Whistle blower Protection Act of 2009."
Section 8
- This provides the relief of a whistleblower could have such as:

a) Reinstatement of position
b) Full benefits
c) Compensation of loss wages if there is
d) Payment for reasonable cost
e) Issuance of an injunction
f) Temporary reinstatement to the whistle blower or
employee's former position
Suppose Thomas reported the
situation to the Head manager of their
company, what category of
whistleblower Thomas is? How do
you say so?
If Thomas reported it to a government
agency, what category of
whistleblower Thomas will fall? How
do you say so?
What kind of whistleblower Thomas
is? How do you say so?
Based on the reasons presented, do
you think it is necessary to bring up
those kinds of matter? Why?
The students will be group in to 4. They will be given a

scenario that show misdoing. They will make a short skit that

shows to whom they must report the issue and explain what

category and type of whistleblower he/she is.

What are the categories and types
of whistleblower?

What is/are the difference/s

between those categories and

Search a local issue that involves an

internal and external whistleblower.
One for each category. Discuss how
they protect the rights of the

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