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ts a
C u
p e r g
P a v i n
o f a r
r t r C
e A p e
T h P a
Generally speaking pattern cut from paper by scissors are called paper cuts ,
and pattern carved by paper from blade are called paper carving. Paper cuts and
paper carving are beautiful art forms created by Chinese people more than a
thousand years ago.

They were then mostly used for decorative purposes during spring time or in
wedding to enhance the atmosphere of merriment. They were pasted on the
doors, windows, dowries or gifts. Today, paper cuts and paper carvings are
well liked by the Chinese people because they are expressive of Chinese
people's socialistic life, revolutionary ideas, fighting spirit, noble aspirations
and healthy feelings.
The following names of paper cuts or paper carvings are based on
their applications :

1. Paper cuts and paper carving are beautiful art forms created by
Chinese people more than a thousand years ago.
2. For shoe embroidery – shoe pattern
3. For pillow case embroidery – pillow pattern
4. For diaper embroidery – diaper pattern
5. For children hat – hat pattern
6. For lamps – lantern pattern
Most of modern contents of paper cuts and paper carvings are derived
from revolutionary activities and production works of people. Building,
sceneries, flowers, insects, birds and animals are also used as objects of
paper cuts and paper carvings.
Paper cuts and paper carvings have their unique artistic feature. In
making them, one should pay attention to the beauty of the whole
pattern and the size production of the objects. Some paper cuts and
paper carvings are square some are rectangle, some are round, and
others are in various geometric shapes. Some utilize symmetric design
to produce an orderly and rhythmic visual effect on the viewer.
The Instruments in
Making Paper Cuts and
Paper Carvings
The instruments used to make paper cuts are simple. One could
either use scissors or carving knives depending on the kinds of paper
to be cuts to be made.
Paper cuts expressing new meanings and contents are much more
complex, the space used is larger and the subjects are often times
figures. The carving knife is more associated with the making of
paper cuts that expresses new meanings and contents.
The materials used in
the process of paper
cutting are the
: following
1. The Carving Knife
In making paper cuts, there should be at least two knives: a big one
and small one. Though the more sizes of knives you have would be
the better. The big knife is for carving straight lines and the small
one for curved lines.
In buying carving knives, those with iron blades should be chosen.
A blade that’s to hard cannot be honed easily and likewise breaks
easily. The blade of the knife must be thin, one which sharpens
easily and can be put to use with not too much effort.
The size of the carving knife depends on the use and the subject
of the paper cuts. Approximately, the length of the blade should
be 3 inches long, the width 2 inches wide, and the knife handle
out about 4-5 inches long.
2.The Oil Tray
The oil tray is a tray wherein the paper to be cut is placed.
It is made of wood and ashes from burned sawdust and
oil are put in there.
In making an oil tray, the hardness and softness should be
just right. If it's too hard , there's difficulty in carving on
it. If it's too soft, the paper to be cut might be easily sank
3.The Hone
The hone is the stone used for honing knives. It is better to prepare
2 pieces : a rough one and a fine one. In honing knife, use the
rough oilstone first and fine one last. The fine one is used to hone
or sharpen the tip of the blade. The ratio of time for honing the
knife and the time for actual cutting and carving is about 3:1. This
means that for a 4 hour carving sessions, one hour is used
exclusively in honing. This does not mean concentrated honing, but
alternative carving and honing.
4.The Powder Packet
The powder packet is formed by putting flour into a
square piece of cloth and lying it up with a piece of thread
or rope. Each time before carving, a thin layer of flour
should be applied to the fine surface of the oil tray so that
the papers to be cut would not stick to the tray.
5.The Paper to be used
The paper used in paper cutting are called rice paper which was dye in
red, black, scarlet and dark blue. They are thin, soft and durable. When
carving the papers, put in more layers. With a finer kind of paper one
could come down to 10-20 layers. Carving into this kind of paper does
not damage the knife or take much effort.
The ordinary white newspaper that has been dye can be used with this
kind of paper, one could only carve 5-6layers. The color-dye rice papers
are not glossy but simple and lasting and could thus reflect folk color and
tradition, realistically.
The Procedures in
Paper Cutting
The 2 stages involved in paper cutting procedures are the drawing and
carving processes. The establishment of the theme and putting it down on
paper are the factors that determined how good or bad a paper cut is. In
drawing the pattern, one should think more, reflect more and revise as
many times as necessary until satisfied with the result. After the pattern of
drawing has been decided, the lines, curves and trimmings to be
incorporated should be resolve.
Having drawn the pattern, do not hurry in carving it. Nail the drawing on
the wall and look at it in our spare time. If the viewing from near at hand
and from far apart is good, then the drawing is good. If there are flaws,
then correct and improve as is necessary.
The artists of old are very familiar with the themes of paper cuts.
Most of them need not draft patterns or do research, but with a few
pieces of papers and pair of scissors, they could create a whole
variety of real and lively works.
As a result, the structure and organization of lines and figures
today is much more complex and difficult compared to the one
animal or flower patterns of yesteryears.
Before carving, the final draft should be clipped to a piece of
colored paper. The choice of colors should be depend on the
subjects of the paper cuts. Only the 4 corners of the papers
need to be clipped. The clipped of the staplers would do.
Usually carving starts from left to right, from top to bottom
so that the movement of hand would not impair the finished

The carving process should be from inside to outside

to achieve unification and beauty of the whole.
Paper Cutting in
Different Countries
Jianzhi ( 剪紙 ) - is a traditional style of paper cutting in China.
Jianzhi has been practiced in China since at least the 6th century A.D.
Jianzhi has a number of distinct uses in Chinese culture, almost all of
which are for health, prosperity or decorative purposes. Red is the most
commonly used color. Jianzhi cuttings often have a heavy emphasis on
Chinese characters symbolizing the Chinese zodiac animals.
Batik - Indonesian traditional art and paper cutting can be combined
perfectly; the intricate details which is batik uniqueness is the most
beautiful part in Indonesia paper cutting which displayed in double
glasses frame. The artist may choose only simple frame profile to expose
the intricate detail of Batik.
There are a number of Philippine crafts outlets that utilize
paper cutting. During Filipino Christmas, the parol (a
traditional star-shaped lantern) is embellished with coloured
paper cut into various decorative forms to create floral
designs, pom-poms and “tails”.
.Sanjhi - the Indian art of paper cutting
Kiri-e ( 切り絵 ?)- the Japanese art of paper cutting, while
Kirigami, also called Monkiri, involves cutting and folding
Papercutting has been a common Jewish art form since the Middle Ages,
connected with various customs and ceremonies, and associated with holidays
and family life. Paper cuts often decorated Ketubot (marriage contracts),
Mizrahs, and for ornaments on festive occasions. A story tells of Rabbi Shem-
Tov ben Yitzhak ben Ardutiel, finding that his ink had frozen, continued to
write the manuscript by cutting the letters into the paper. By about the 17th
century, papercutting had become a popular form for small religious artifacts
such as Mizrachs and Shavuot decorations. In the 20th century, the art of Jewish
papercutting was revived in Israel. Today it is most commonly used for
mizrachs and ketubot.
Papel picado - the Mexican art of paper cutting. Tissue paper is cut
into intricate designs with scissors or small, sharp chisels; this
technique is frequently used to produce decorative banners
Thank You
And god bless 

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