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Pembimbing: Dr.Moerbono Mochtar, SpKK(k)

Oleh: Gregorius Indra Henry Tandow Nurcahyani

G000608x G0006091 G00061xx

Kepaniteraan Klinik Kulit dan Kelamin Rumah Sakit Dr. Moewardi/FK UNS Surakarta 2011

is a kind of mites that are common commensal organisms of the pilosebaceous unit in human beings and have been implicated in pityriasis folliculorum, rosacea-like demodicosis, and demodicosis gravis.1,2 Demodex spp. are intradermal parasites,which thrive in follicles and sebaceous glands of humans and animals. is spread by direct contact and probably by dust containing eggs7

There are two existing types: the longer kind, Demodex folliculorum, which live in the hair follicles and the short ones, Demodex brevis, which live in the sebaceous glands. 3,4


blockage of follicles and leading out tubules of sebaceous glands by the mites and by reactive hyperkeratinization and epithelial hyperplasia;


a mechanical vector role of bacteria;

host's inflammatory reaction to the presence of parasite's chitine as a foreign body; and stimulation of the host's humoral responses and cellmediated immunological reactions under the influence of the mites and their waste products7


Persistent skin follicle eruption Hair loss with inflamation area surround Itchy Skin bumps Skin nodules5

Perioral dermatitis-like demodicosis

Severe acne rosacea-like demodicosis

Perioral dermatitis-like demodicosis

Granulomatous rosacea-like demodicosis

Pityriasis folliculorum

KOH examination standardized skin surface biopsy skin biopsy or a combination of these2

The use of: yellow mercurial ointment, sulphur ointment, camphorated oil, crotamiton, choline esterase inhibitors, sulfacetamide, steroids, antibiotics oral application of ivermectin along with topical application of cream permethrin.

Show improvement

However, the best results were obtained after 2% metronidazole gel or ointment treatment7

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

Baima, Sticherling. Demodicidosis Revisited. (Nov 15th 2011) Hsu, Cho-Kai. Demodicosis: A clinicopathological study. J Am ACAD Dermatol Volume 60 Number 30. March 2009. Demodex folliculorum. (Nov 15th 2011) Is Human Demodex Affecting Your Skin? (Nov 15th 2011) Symptoms of Demodicidosis. (Nov 15th 2011) Zhao, Ya. The effect of temperature on the viability of Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis. Parasitol Res (2009) 105:16231628 Czepita, D. Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis as a cause of chronic marginal blepharitis. Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej w Szczecinie al. Powstacw Wlkp

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