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Name: Areeha Malik

Reg. No.: 23FM30SBC00006

(RM Assignmnet)
What is ANOVA?

• ANOVA, which stands for Analysis of Variance, is a statistical method used to determine if there are
any statistically significant differences between the means of three or more independent (unrelated)
groups. Here’s a simplified explanation:

• Imagine you want to test if different diets have an impact on weight loss. You might have three groups of
people each following a different diet for a certain period. ANOVA helps you find out whether the
differences in weight loss among these groups are just by chance or if they’re likely due to the different

- Null hypothesis (H0): No

difference in means (the
means of weight loss for all
diets are the same).

Group Means and Overall

Mean: You calculate the
- Alternative hypothesis (HA):
average weight loss for each
At least one group's mean is
diet group and also the overall
average for all groups
Variability: ANOVA calculates two types of

- Between-group variability: How much the group

means differ from the overall mean. A high
variability here suggests that the diets might truly
have different effects.
F-statistic: ANOVA uses the ratio of between-
group variability to within-group variability to
form the F-statistic. A higher F-statistic indicates
that the group means are more spread out from
each other compared to the variability within each
- Within-group variability: How much the
individuals within each group vary from their
group mean. This shows how spread out the data
are within each group.
P-value: Finally, you check the p-value associated
with the calculated F-statistic. A small p-value
(typically less than 0.05) indicates that it is very
unlikely that the observed differences in group
means are due to chance. In this case, you would
reject the null hypothesis, suggesting that diet
types do have significantly different effects on
weight loss.
•Question: Management institutions provide different placements with different packages to their students. They
would also be able to provide their students training in different fields at different stipends. Researcher has collected
the data of 6, 7, 8 and 8 management postgraduate students from four selected premier institutes. The amount they
were paid as stipend during their summer internship is as follows (in Rs. thousands).
•Institute 1 Institute 2 Institute 3 Institute 4
•11 8 10 7.75
•10 9 11 8.25
•9 9.5 10.5 8.75
•10.5 9.75 10.25 9
•11.5 10 10.75 9.5
•12 10.25 9.75 10
• 10.5 9 10.5
• 8.5 11
•Is there any significant difference between the stipends, provided by the different companies to the students of these
four different institutions? Take 95% as confidence level.
Since F calculated is 2.32
which is less than 2.9913, we
fail to reject the null
hypothesis. This means that
there is no statistically
significant evidence to suggest
that the average stipends differ
significantly across the four
institutions at the 95%
confidence level.
•Identify the type of research involved in the following
situations and justify your answer.
•(i) Jaipur Municipality wish to develop an effective
mechanism for keeping the city neat & clean. As of now no
full proof method exists to achieve this objective. They need
to find the best way to solve this problem. How should it do
this? What type of research will it be?

•(i) For Jaipur Municipality wishing to develop an effective

mechanism for keeping the city neat & clean, where no
foolproof method currently exists, they need to conduct
exploratory research. Exploratory research aims to explore
and discover new ideas, insights, and understanding of a
problem. In this case, the municipality would need to gather
data on various methods used in other cities or innovative
approaches, conduct surveys, and possibly run pilot programs
to evaluate different strategies. This type of research helps in
understanding the problem and formulating hypotheses for
further investigation.
•(ii) A researcher wants to find out the relationship between
the marks a student gets in a course and the amount of hard
work a student puts in. Discuss in brief how he can do it
and what type of study these will be?

•(ii) For the researcher wanting to find out the relationship

between the marks a student gets in a course and the
amount of hard work put in, this would be a correlational
study. Correlational research investigates the relationship
between two or more variables without manipulating them.
The researcher could collect data on students' marks and
their self-reported measures of hard work, such as hours
spent studying, attendance, completion of assignments, etc.
By analyzing the data, the researcher can determine if
there's a correlation between these variables, i.e., whether
higher levels of hard work are associated with higher
marks. However, correlation does not imply causation, so
further experimental research might be needed to establish

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