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Class 10

Information Systems Development

COMM 226 – Business Technology Management
Class Overview

1 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

2 Agile Development

3 Class Discussion

Learning Objectives

 What Are the Activities of the Systems Development Life

Cycle (SDLC) Development Process?​
 How Can Agile Development and the Scrum Process
Overcome the Problems of the SDLC? ​
Class Overview

1 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

2 Agile Development

3 Class Discussion

What is SDLC?

 Systems development is the process of creating and

maintaining an information system.

 Several processes can be used to create information systems.

The most common process is the systems development life
cycle (SDLC). The SDLC is a structured process composed of
activities; some organizations define five activities, some
seven, and some even more, which creates an IS.
What is SDLC?

• SDLC models a process through an orderly sequence of steps from

the requirements specification to the delivery of the product: one
development stage should be completed before the next one begins. ​

• Sometimes, this is called the waterfall method because the

assumption is that once you’ve finished an activity, you never go
back; you go over the waterfall into the pool of the next stage.
Requirements are done. Then you do design. Design is done; then
you implement.

• This model works well for products in which you have a

stable product definition and when working with projects that are
well-understood but complex.
SDLC Five Activities

1- Define the System

2- Determine Requirements
3- Design System Components
4- Implement System
5- Maintain the System
Define System

• Define System Goals and Scope

• Assess Feasibility
– Cost feasibility
– Schedule feasibility
– Technical feasibility

• Make Outsourcing Decision

• Form a Project Development Team

Determine Requirements

• Sources of Requirements:

• Prototype
• Sign-Off
Design Components

System Conversion:
• Pilot installation
• Phased installation
• Parallel installation
• Plunge / direct installation
Design & Implement for the 5 IS Components
Maintain the System

• Fix the system so that it works correctly

• Adapt to changes in requirements

• Configuration Control Process

• Sandbox (i.e., a testing environment)
Class Overview

1 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

2 Agile Development

3 Class Discussion

Why Agile Development is Needed

• The systems development life cycle (SDLC) process is falling

out of favor in the systems development community.
• While it is still used for the largest projects, it is difficult to
execute quickly, and requirements are fuzzy and difficult to
• Requirements also frequently change as more is known about
the project, users change their minds about what they want
after they use part of the system, business needs change, or
new technology offers other new possibilities.
• SDLC is risky not only are the requirements changed but
because the people for whom the system is being constructed
cannot see what they have until the very end.
Principles of Agile Development

• Over the past 45 years, numerous alternatives to the SDLC

have been proposed, including rapid application development,
the unified process, joint application design, extreme
programming, Rational Unified Process, scrum, and others.

• All of these techniques addressed the problems of the SDLC,

and by the turn of the last century, their philosophy had
coalesced into what has come to be known as agile
Principles of Agile Development
What is the SCRUM Process?

• Scrum is an agile development process with the characteristics

shown below:
SCRUM Process
Challenges of System Development (SDLC & Agile)
Class Overview

1 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

2 Agile Development

3 Class Discussion

Class Discussion
What is the main difference between the traditional SDLC development approach
(Waterfall) and the Agile development approach?
When do you suggest each?

Let’s watch this short video to review SCRUM:

 Product Owner
 Scrum Master
 Product backlog
 Sprint
 Burndown Chart

Review Questions

Select the correct answer for each statement (waterfall vs. agile).

 Requirements are pre-known and unchanged

 Business environment constantly changing

 Development cycle is short

 Customer involvement is limited

Next Class

Topic: Ethics, Privacy, and Information Security

 Chapter 6: Information Systems Security (Pearson)
 Chapter 9: Impacts of Information Systems (IS&B)
 From sections 9.1 to 9.5 (inclusive)
 Ethics Guides: Chapters 1 and 2 (Pearson)



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