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1.Acceptable level: Control point: where there is a risk.

2.Critical control point: unacceptable risk.
3.Critical limit: the parameters within each physical, biological, and chemical

risk must be controlled.

4.Deviation: Failure to control a critical risk.
5.HACCP plan: formal written procedures for safety.
6.Hazard: unacceptable consumer risks.
7.Monitoring: expected series of observations and steps to keep the record
8.Preventive measure: means to include, destroy, eliminate, or to reduce the
9.Risk: a likely occurrence of a hazard.
10.Sensitive ingredient: any ingredient historically associated with a
microbiological hazard.
11.Verification: means, methods, procedures, and tests to determine if the HACCP
system complies with the HACCP plan
1.Conduct a hazard analysis.
2.Determine the critical control points.
3.Establish the critical limits for preventive measures.
4.Establish procedures to monitor CCPs.
5.Establish corrective actions when limits are exceeded.
6.Establish various verification procedures that a document the HACCP
7.Establish records and documents
Procedures for Checking That the HACCP Method Is
Conduct Hazard Analysis on the Following:
1. Ingredients
2. Intrinsic factors procedures used in the manufacture
3. The microbial content of the food
4. Facility design
5. Equipment design
6. Packaging
7. Sanitation
8. Staff hygiene, health, and education
9. Condition of storage
10. Intended consumer
Critical Control Points:
1. Menu planning

2. Purchasing

3. Receiving

4. Storing

5. Issuing

6. Preparation

7. Cooking

8. Holding

9. Serving
Cleaning and maintenance
Critical limits:
1. 41 °F to 140 °F temperature danger zone
2. Time
3. Quantity
4. Water
5. pH factor of acidity
6. Salt concentration
7. Chlorine
8. Viscosity
Monitoring CCP's

1. Track operation

2. Identify a lack of control or deviation

3. Provide written documentation

Corrective Action

1. Documentation

2. Correction

3. Re-training

4. Information program

5. Close supervision
1. Inspection schedules

2. Review of HACCP plan

3. Review of CCPs

4. Review deviation

5. Random sampling

6. Review of records
Record keeping
1. HACCP plan
2. Description of each food products
3. and intended use
4. Flow diagrams indicating CCPs
5. The hazard of each CCP
6. Critical limits
7. Monitoring systems
8. Corrective action takes
9. Recordkeeping procedures
Food Safety
Providing a safe working workplace for the workers could be
achieved first through a well-design facility. Since accidents can
happen anytime specially when they are least expected.
Managers and workers should cooperate and work on a safety
program to prevent injuries possible losses and expenses
repairing or replacing damaged equipment.
Below are safety rules that should be strictly enforced by
managers and observed by all workers.

1. Carry clothes that are comfortable and suitable for the type of work done.

2. Wear comportable shoes with good soles. Avoid wearing high heald shoes.

3. Keep floor smooth and dry. Picking up any dropped item on the floor stop
overloading service trays.

4. It can be risky to prevent overloading of service trays.

5. Immediately dispose of all broken glasses and china wares. Never use sliced
or chipped glass or porcelain to serve.
6. Serve guest properly. Avoid hurrying.

7. Check the table and chairs become loose, broken or


8. Removed them immediately from service to to prevent

possible injury.

9. Be careful in walking in hallways, stairs, or work areas.

10. keep passage ways and stair ways clean and free from

11. wash hands before and after.

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