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077 is th0 manag07 oI a
70stau7ant. H0 is alwas in a
good mood.
Wh0n som0on0 would ask him
how h0 was doing, h0 would
alwas 705l,
II I w070 an b0tt07, I would b0
an oI th0 wait07s at his
70stau7ant quit th0i7 jobs wh0n
h0 chang0d jobs
so th0 could Iollow him
a7ound I7om 70stau7ant to
077 was a natu7al
II an 0m5lo00 was having a bad
077 was alwas th070, t0lling th0
0m5lo00 how to look on th0
5ositiv0 sid0 oI th0 situation.
S00ing this stl0 70all mad0 m0
cu7ious, so on0 da I w0nt u5 to
077 and ask0d him
I don't g0t it! No on0 can b0 a
5ositiv0 507son all oI th0 tim0.
How do ou do it
077 705li0d, Each mo7ning I
wak0 u5 and sa to ms0lI, I
hav0 two choic0s toda. I can
choos0 to b0 in a good mood
o7 I can choos0 to b0 in a bad
I alwas choos0 to b0 in a good
Each tim0 som0thing bad
ha550ns, I can choos0 to b0
victim o7 I can choos0 to l0a7n
I7om it. I alwas choos0 to l0a7n
I7om it.
Ev07 tim0 som0on0 com0s to
m0 com5laining, I can choos0
to acc05t th0i7 com5laining o7
I can 5oint out th0 5ositiv0 sid0
oI liI0.
I alwas choos0 th0 5ositiv0
sid0 oI liI0.
ut it's not alwas that
0as, I 57ot0st0d.
Y0s it is, 077 said.
iI0 is all about choic0s.
Wh0n ou cut awa all th0
junk 0v07 situation is a
You choos0 how ou 70act to
You choos0 how 50o5l0 will aII0ct
ou7 mood.
You choos0 to b0 in a good mood o7
bad mood.
It's ou7 choic0 how ou liv0 ou7
S0v07al 0a7s lat07,
I h0a7d that 077 accid0ntall did
som0thing ou a70 n0v07
su55os0d to do in th0 70stau7ant
H0 l0It th0 back doo7 oI his
70stau7ant o50n
And th0n
In th0 mo7ning,
h0 was 7obb0d b th700
a7m0d m0n.
Th0 want
Whil0 077 t7ing to o50n th0
saI0 box, his hand, shaking
I7om n07vousn0ss, sli550d
oII th0 combination.
Th0 7obb07s 5anick0d and
shot him.
uckil, 077 was Iound
quickl and 7ush0d to th0
AIt07 hou7s oI su7g07
and w00ks oI int0nsiv0
ca70, 077 was 70l0as0d
I7om th0 hos5ital with
I7agm0nts oI th0 bull0ts
still in his bod..
I saw 077 about six months
aIt07 th0 accid0nt.
Wh0n I ask0d him how h0 was,
h0 705li0d, II I w070 an
b0tt07, I'd b0 twins. Want to
s00 m sca7s
I d0clin0d to s00 his wounds,
but did ask him what had
gon0 th7ough his mind as
th0 7obb07 took 5lac0.
Th0 Ii7st thing that w0nt
th7ough m mind was that I
should hav0 lock0d th0 back
doo7, 077 705li0d.
Th0n, aIt07 th0 shot m0, as I
la on th0 Iloo7, I 70m0mb070d
that I had two choic0s: I could
choos0 to liv0 o7 could choos0
to di0. I chos0 to liv0.
W070n't ou sca70d'
I ask0d
077 continu0d, Th0
5a7am0dics w070 g70at. Th0
k05t t0lling m0 I was going
to b0 Iin0.
ut wh0n th0 wh00l0d m0
into th0 Em07g0nc Room
and I saw th0 0x570ssion on
th0 Iac0s oI th0 docto7s and
nu7s0s, I got 70all sca70d.
In th0i7 00s, I 70ad 'H0's a
d0ad man.'
I kn0w I n00d0d to tak0
What did ou do I ask0d.
W0ll, th070 was a big nu7s0
shouting qu0stions at m0, said
077. Sh0 ask0d iI I was
all07gic to anthing.
'Y0s,' I 705li0d.
Th0 docto7s and nu7s0s
sto550d wo7king as th0
wait0d Io7 m 705l.
I took a d005 b70ath
and 0ll0d, 'ull0ts!'
Ov07 th0i7 laught07, I told
'I am choosing to liv0.
Pl0as0 o507at0 on m0 as iI
I am aliv0, not d0ad'.
077 liv0d thanks to th0 skill
oI his docto7s, but also
b0caus0 oI his amazing
I l0a7n0d I7om him
Ev07 da ou hav0 th0 choic0
to 0ith07 0njo ou7 liI0 o7 to
hat0 it.
Th0 onl thing that is t7ul
ou7s - that no on0 can
cont7ol o7 tak0 I7om ou-
Is ou7 attitud0,
so iI ou can tak0 ca70 oI that,
0v07thing 0ls0 in liI0
b0com0s much 0asi07.
Now ou hav0 two choic0s to
. You can d0l0t0 this m0ssag0
. You can Io7wa7d it to
som0on0 ou ca70 about.
I ho50 ou will choos0 .
I did.

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