Human Resource Systems

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Human Resource Systems

What Do Manager Do?

Managers Get Things Done

Human Resource System

What Is An Organization?
Consciously Coordinated Social Unit Functions On A Continuous Basis To Achieve A Common Goal

Human Resource Systems

What Are Management Functions ?
Henri Foyals: Plan Organize Command Control Coordinate

Human Resource Systems

In The 21st Century:
Planning Organizing Leading Controlling

Human Resource Systems

To Plan: Organization Goals Establish Overall Strategy To Achieve These Goals Developing A Comprehensive Set Of Plans To Integrate And Coordinate Activities

Human Resource Systems

To Organize: What Tasks To Be Done Who Is To Do Them How Tasks Are To Be Grouped Who Reports To Whom What Decisions Are To Be Made

Human Resource Systems

To Lead: Motivate Direct The Activities Select The Most Communicative Channel Resolve Conflicts

Human Resource Systems

To Control: Monitor Organizational Performance

Human Resource Systems Why Do We Need Management

Speed Of Change Technological Developments To Competitive Strategies Forces That Affect Organizational Performances Government Actions, Expectations Of Employees Are Complex.

Human Resource Systems

Put Employees Into a room with only a table and two chairs. Leave them without any instruction and check back on them in two hours. If they have taken the table apart... ...assign them to engineering. * If they are counting butts in the ashtray... ...put them in finance.

Human Resource Engineering

If they are talking to the chairs...
...assign them to personnel* If they are sleeping...

...they are management material.


Human Resource Systems

* If they do not notice when you walk in... them in security. * * If they Leave Early.. Put them In Sales

Human Resource Systems

Ten Specific Managerial Roles Grouped Under Three Primary Activity Centers 1.Interpersonal 2.Informational 3.Decisional

Human Resource Systems

Figure Head

Interpersonal Role



Informational Roles Monitor Disseminator Spokes Person


Human Resources Sysytems

Decisional Roles Entrepreneur Disturbance Handler Resource Allocate Negotiator


Human Resource Systems

Henri Fayol Focus On Managers Job Organizational Functions Were Included - Purchasing Planning - Production Organizing - Sales Directing - Finance Coordinating - Accounting Control - Administration

Human Resource Systems

20th Century Concept Federick Taylor pioneered Scientific Management Movement Observation of People Through Time And Motion Study, Importance To Task Lillian Gilbreth Analysis And Synthesis On The Basis Of Goal Setting Henri Fayol Administrative Principles Elevation Of Management From Shop floor To The Entire Organization

Human Resource Systems

Max Webers Bureaucracy Theory The Great Depression Led To Behavioral Approaches Elton Mayos Hawthorne Studies At Western Electric Humanistic Psychology Abraham Maslow, Douglas Mcgregor

Human Resource Systems

Mary Parker Follet Administrative Behavior Reciprocal Nature Of Power, Power As An Agent Of Change The Contingency Perspective It All Depends Perspective.


Human Resource Systems

Social Sciences - Psychology - Sociology - Social Psychology - Political Sciences - Anthropology

Human Resource Systems

Management Is The Practice Of Directing, Organizing, And Developing People, Technology, And Financial Resources In Task Oriented Systems That Provide Product And Services To Others.


Human Resource Systems

Links With Organizational Strategy How? A Major Airline Implements The Purchase Decision Of Buying Four New Airbus A380s 600 and 800 Seat Super Jumbo Aircraft. This Aircraft Is A Flying Palace Spacious Enough To Feature Sleeping Quarters, Shops, Exercise Rooms.

Human Resource Systems

What Are The Major HR Implications?


Human Resource Systems

The Most Experienced Captains With The Airline Will Need Training Training Needs Through Out The Cockpit Ranks First Officers, Flight Engineers Cabin Attendants Will Need To Undergo Training In Safety Features And Service


Human Resource Systems

Maintenance Mechanics Will Need Training In Routine And Special Servicing Of The Airplane Purchasing Agents Different Parts And Supplies Will Need To Be Ordered Construction Will Need To Be Undertaken To Alter Airport Gates

Human Resource Systems

Marketing Representatives Will Need To Know The Airplanes Special Features To Promote Travel On It.


Human Resource Systems

All this.
A Seemingly Straight Forward Decision To Purchase A New Aircraft, A Decision Based On Business Projections!!!


Human Resource Systems

Strategy: Corporate Strategy Several Businesses Business Strategy Competitive Positions Functional Strategy - Departments


Human Resource Systems

Strategic Planning Process SWOT Basic Strategic Trends: Globalization Technological Changes Diverse Work Force Nature Of Work

Human Resource Systems

Managerial Consequences: Global Expansion Improved Competitiveness Organizational Changes Flat Knowledge Management


Human Resource Systems

Strategic Decisions
Add New Type Of Equipment Acquisition

Impact On HR
Training Selection (From Acquired Firm), Training, Compensation, Outplacement


Human Resource Systems

Strategic Decisions Impact On HR

Pursue Competitive Strategy Compensation, Labor Relations, Training Expand Markets Selection, Training, Compensation Relocation Of Factory Transfer, Recruitment, Selection, Training


Human Resource Systems

HR Strategic Role: Ensuring Competitive Advantage Shift From Protector And Screener To Strategic Partner And Change Agent Metamorphosis From Personnel To Human Resource Management


Human Resource Systems

Role Of HR: Environmental Scanning Providing Of Competitive Intelligence Providing Of Internal Strengths


Human Resource Strategy

Future. Corporate Reorganizations - Loss Of Job, Pay, Benefits - Job Changes - Transfer To A New Geographic Location - Changes In Career Growth

Human Resource Systems

Steps Before Making A HR Score Card: Emerges From The Balance Score Card - Attempts To Collate Measures From Four Areas Financial, Internal Business Process, Customer, Learning And Growth (Objectives, Measures, Targets, Initiatives)


Human Resource Systems

HR Score Card:
Understanding The Reason For Implementing The HR Score Card


Human Resource Systems

HR Outcomes Measure The Focus On Business Outcomes Operational HR Metrics That Focus On Efficiencies


Human Resource Systems

Understanding The Business Context Of HR What Are The Value Drivers OF Business Units? What Is HR Value Proposition To The Business Where Is HR Contribution Recognized By Senior Management, The Line, Employees, HR Itself, Investors?

Human Resource Systems

What Does The HR Function Currently Measure? Are The Metrics Activity Driven Or Value Driven?


Human Resource Systems

Defining HR Value:
- The Value Of The HR Function As A Whole - The Value Of HR Processes As Practiced Throughout The Organization Performance Management And The Fit With Culture, Structure And Strategy

Human Resource Systems

Defining HR Value: Selecting The Relevant Measures And Metrics Maintaining A HR Score Card Frame Work


Human Resource Systems

Now HR Score Card: Business Context Two Influences On HR Effectiveness: - External Influences The Companys Current Operating Environment - Internal Influences How The Business Perceives HR Capability

Human Resource Systems

Current HR Objectives:
Resources, Performance Management, Training, And Development, Reward, Employee Relations Areas Where Measurement Is Required


Human Resource Systems

Evolve Appropriate HR Metrics


Human Resource Systems

Score Card Design Frame Work: Financial Process Internal Customer Focus People/Human Capital Management


Human Resource Systems

Financial Value: - HR Management Budget/Spend - HR Development Budget/Spend - Sales Per Employee - Revenue Per Employee


Human Resource System

Internal Customer: - Training - Self Learning - Ration Of E Learning Modules To Traditional Training Modules


Human Resource Systems

Human Capital Intervention (Focus And People) - Training Days Delivered - Training Needs/ Analysis - Performance Management


Human Resource Systems

Human Capital Management - Absenteeism Ration - Headcount - Staff Turnover - Employee Commitment


Human Resource Systems

HR Planning:
What Positions To Fill How To Fill Those Positions


Human Resource Systems

HR Planning: To Forecast: Personnel Needs The Supply Of Internal Candidates The Supply Of External Candidates


Human Resource Systems

How To Forecast Personnel Needs ? Forecast Future Revenue Estimate The Size Of Staff To Achieve This Revenue Projected Turnover Of Manpower Quality And Skills Based On Changing Needs Of The Organization

Human Resource Systems

Strategic Decisions Technological Changes Financial Resources Available


Human Resource Systems

To Predict Employment Needs:
Trend Analysis Ratio Analysis The Scatter Plot


Human Resource Systems

Job Analysis: Procedure To Determine Duties Of Positions Characteristics Of People To Satisfy These Positions - Job Descriptions - Job Specifications

Human Resource Systems

Job Analysis: Work Activities Human Behaviors Machine Tools, Equipments Performance Standards Job Context Human Requirements

Human Resource Systems

Uses Of Job Analysis: Recruitment And Selection Compensation Performance Appraisal Training Discovering Unassigned Duties

Performance Appraisal
Why Job Analysis? Globalization Flatter Organizations Reengineering High Performance Insight


Human Resource Systems

Which Are The Types Of Jobs To Be Analyzed ? Jobs Which Are Critical To The Organization Jobs Which Are Difficult To Learn And Perform Legal Factors

Human Resource Systems

Types Of Job Data: Foundation Work Activities (Basic ) Amount Of Responsibility Intermediate Work Content (Some Technological Content) How Much Of Time Is Spent On Teaching People? Area Work Activities Technologically Oriented Specific To Work Activities

Human Resource Systems

Steps In Job Analysis: How Will The Information Be Used? Review Relevant Background Information Select Representative Positions Actually Analyze The Job Verify The Information Develop A Job Description And Specification

Human Resource Systems

Methods Of Collecting Job Analysis Information: Qualitative Quantitative


Human Resource Systems

Qualitative Methods:
Interview Individual, Supervisor, Group


Human Resource Systems

Interview Method Typical Questions: What Is The Job Being Performed? What Are The Major Duties? What Exactly You Do? What Physical Conditions Do You Work In? In What Actives Do You Participate?

Human Resource Systems

Interview Method: Detailed Checklists Interview Guidelines Questionnaire Method: Observation Method Participant Diary/Logs

Human Resource Systems

Recruitment The Process Of Organizations Locate And Attract Individuals To Fill Job Vacancies


Human Resource Systems

Recruitment Process: Vacant/New Position Occurs Perform Job Analysis And Plan Recruiting Effort Generate Applicant Pool Internal/External Evaluate Applicants Impress Applicants Make Offer

Human Resource Systems

Strategic Issues In Recruiting: Match With Organizational Values State Of External Labor Market Firms Ability To Pay Attract Talent


Human Resource Systems

Recruitment Goals: To Attract Large Pool Of Applicants Attract High Proportion Of Well Qualified Candidates Who Are Interested In Accepting Offers Post Hiring Goals Retention, Spill Over Effect

Human Resource Systems

Recruitment Philosophy Whether Internal/External Recruitment Merely Filling Up Vacancies/Hire For Long Term Careers Depth Of Commitment To Hiring A Diverse Range Of Employees Marketing Orientation Ethical Overtones

Human Resource Systems

How To Attract Applicants: By Changing Nature Of Inducements Target Labor Pools Sponsor Immigration Mergers And Acquisitions Temps Employee Leasing

Human Resource Systems

Internal Recruitment: Job Posting And Bidding Consulting Of Replacement Charts Nominating Committees Managerial Succession Planning


Human Resource Systems

External Recruiting: About The Position To Be Filled Job Specification Sheet Recruiter Must Identify What Will Attract The Candidate


Human Resource Systems

Planning For External Recruiting: Factors Which Are Time Consuming: The Need For Confidential Search A Technically Complex Position Competition In The Market Place A Poor Industry/Company/Division Reputation Low Pay Unclear Job Description An Undesirable Location

Human Resource Systems

External Recruitment: Informal Methods Employee Referrals Formal Methods - Advertisements Internet Recruitment Employment Agencies HR Consultants

Human Resource Systems

Recruiting Targeted Groups: Executive Search Firms - Reasons For Failure Unrealistically High Job Specifications, Poor Reputation, Internal Politics In Hiring Organisations, Insufficient Research Staff, Use Of Overly Specialized Search Firmly

Human Resource Systems

Campus Recruiting Recruiting Older Workers Recruiting Disabled Workers Affirmative Action Recruiting E.g.: SEZ


Human Resource Systems

The Applicants Point Of View: Job Search Job Choice


Human Resource Systems

Job Choice: Individuals Make Rational Choice - Pay, Benefits, Growth Instinct Influenced By Interviewers Skill/Politeness


Human Resource Systems

Why Selection Is Important?


Human Resource Systems

Selection: Your Own Performance Depends On The Performance Of Your Colleagues It Is Costly To Recruit Legal Implications Negligent Hiring


Human Resource Systems

Effective Selection Depends On Validity And Reliability Validity A Sample Of A Persons Behavior Reliability Consistency Of Scores


Human Resource Systems

Reliability :
Systematic Error Versus Random Error


Human Resource Systems

Methods Of Measuring Reliability:
Test Retest Consistency Of A Test Over Time Inter-Rater Internal Consistency

Human Resource Systems

Validity: Whether The Test Is An Adequate Measure Of The Characteristic It Is Supposed To Measure Whether The Inferences Based On The Score Are Appropriate


Human Resource Systems

Validity :
Criterion Validity Behavioral Determinations Content Validity Representative Of Constructs Domain


Human Resource Systems

How To Validate A Test? Step 1: Analyze The Job - Predictors Job Description And Specification - Define Success On The Job - Standards Of Success Criteria 89

Human Resource Systems

Step 2:
Step 3:

Choose The Tests

Administer The Test Concurrent Validation Predictive Validation


Human Resource Systems

Concurrent Validation: 3 Steps Select A Sample Of Employees Give Each Employee A Proposed Selection Test Compute The Correlation Between Test Scores And Criterion Scores


Human Resource Systems

Predictive Validation:
Present (Time 1) Versus Future (Time 2)


Human Resource Systems

Step 4: Relate Your Criteria (Test Scores) And Predictor ( Test Scores)
Cross Validate And Revalidate

Step 5:


Human Resource Systems

Special Concerns In Validation: Measurement Bias Validity Generalization


Human Resource Systems

Types Of Tests For Selection:
Cognitive Abilities Motor And Physical Abilities Measuring Personalities And Interests Management Assessment Centers Simulation Exercises (In Basket, Leaderless GD, Games, Individual Presentations, Objective Tests, The Interview)

Human Resource Systems



Human Resource Systems

Induction: Employee Induction Should Feel Comfortable And At Ease Understand The Organization's Culture Policies And Procedures Of The Organization Expectations From The Employee

Human Resource Systems

Training And Development


Human Resource Systems

Training 5 Step Process: Needs Analysis Step A.D.D.I.E. Instructional Design Validation Step Implement Evaluation And Follow -Up

Human Resource Systems

Training And Learning:
Make Learning Meaningful Make Skills Transfer Easy Motivate The Learner


Human Resource Systems

Analyzing Training Needs


Human Resource Systems

Analyzing Training Needs:
Task Analysis Performance Analysis Supplementing Methods: - Managements Request, Supervisors Report, Personnel Records, Questionnaire Survey

Human Resource Systems

Performance Analysis:
Difference Between Cant Do And Wont Do


Human Resource Systems

Traditional Training Methods: On-The Job Training Apprenticeship Training Informal Learning Job Instruction Training Step-By-Step Approach Lectures Programmed Learning Audio-Visual Tools Simulated Training 104 Computer Based Training

Human Resource Systems

Managerial Development And Training: Job Rotation Coaching/Understudy Transactional Analysis


Human Resource Systems

Off The Job Training And Development Techniques: The Case Study Method Management Games Out Of Campus Seminars University Related Programs Role Play

Human Resource Systems

Behavior Modeling: - Showing The Right Way Of Doing Things - Practice The Right Way - Feedback


Human Resource Systems

Evaluation Of Training Effort: Designing The Study Controlled Experimentation Training Effects To Measure: Reaction Learning Behavior Results

Human Resource Systems



Human Resource Systems

What Is Career?


Human Resource Systems

Organization Career Development Individual Career Development


Human Resource Systems

Career Development Vs. Personnel Development - Ensures Needed Talent Is Available - Improves Organizational Ability To Attract And Retain High Talent Personnel - Ensuring Growth Opportunities For All Employees - Reduces Employee Frustration

Human Resource Systems

External Versus Internal Dimensions To A Career


Human Resource Systems

Career Stages: Exploration Establishment Mid-Career Late Career Decline

Human Resource Systems

Effective Career Development: Challenging Initial Jobs Dissemination Of Career Option Information Job Postings Assessment Centers

Human Resource Systems

Career Counseling 4 Elements: Employee Goals And Aspirations For The Next 5 Years The Managers Views About Opportunities Available Identification Of What The Employee Would Have To Do In The Way Of Self Development Identification Of Actual Steps In The Form Of Plans For New Development Activities

Human Resource Systems

Methods For Growth:
Career Development Workshops Continuing Education Periodic Job Changes Sabbaticals

Human Resource Systems

Suggestions For Individuals Career Development: 3 Step Self Assessment Process: Identify And Organize Your Skills, Interests, Work-Related Needs And Values Convert These Inventories Into General Career Fields And Specific Job Goals Test These Possibilities Against The Realities Of The Organization Or The Job Market

Human Resource Systems

Performance Appraisal


Human Resource Systems

Why Performance Appraisal? An Objective Method To Decide On Compensation/Benefits Identify Areas Where Development/Training Is Required Criterion On Which Selection Programs Are Validated

Human Resource Systems

Other Uses Of Performance Appraisal: Less Need to Micro Manage Greater Employee Commitment Greater Employee Engagement Increased ease and comfort around Performance Appraisals Better Coordination Between Company, Department and Individuals Performance

Human Resource Systems

Linkage Between :
Efforts And Performance Performance And Rewards


Human Resource Systems

What Is Performance In Performance Appraisal?
Means Doing The Job Effectively And Efficiently With A Minimum Related Employee Disruption


Human Resource Systems

Definition Of Performance Appraisal: Is A Structured Formal Interaction Between A Subordinate And The Supervisor That Usually Takes A Form Of Periodic Interview In Which Work Performance Of The Subordinate Is Examined And Discussed With A View To Identify Weaknesses And Strengths, Opportunities For Skill Development

Human Resource Systems

The Appraisal Process: Establishment Of Performance Standards Communication Of Expectations To The Employee Measurement Of Performance How And What To Measure Actual Performance Versus Expected Performance

Human Resource Systems

Who Should Do The Appraisal: Immediate Supervisors Peers Self Evaluation Immediate Subordinates


Human Resource Systems

When The Systems Of Performance Appraisal Is Not Clear : 3 Emotions Are Prevalent: Ambiguity Uncertainty Suspicion

Human Resource Systems

Methods Of Appraisal: Graphic Rating Scales 1. Quality (Accuracy, Thoroughness, Acceptability Of Work Performed) 2. Productivity 3. Job Knowledge 4. Reliability 5. Availability 6. Independence

Human Resource Systems

Methods Of Appraisal: Paired Comparison Method Forced Distribution Method Critical Incident Method Narrative/Essay Method BARS Method (Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales) Virtual Appraisals

Human Resource Systems

Steps For BARS: Generate Critical Incidents Develop Performance Dimensions Reallocate Incidents Scale The Incidents Develop A Final Instrument As Behavioral Anchors Clusters Of Skills

Human Resource Systems

Performance Management: Performance Planning (Employee Goal Setting, Objective Setting) Ongoing Communication Data Gathering, Observation, Documentation Performance Appraisal Performance Diagnosis And Coaching

Human Resource Systems

What Is Participative Management? Process Of Involving Those Who Are Influenced By Decisions, In Making Decisions. 2.Where Everyone Makes Certain That Everyone Gets Their Needs Met.


Human Resource Systems

Participative Management: Delegating Process: Responsibility + Accountability + Authority


Human Resource Systems

In Participate Management We Negotiate: Goals Guidelines Accountability Resource Reward

Human Resource Systems

The Concept Of Control Is Generally Replaced By The Concept Of Self-control And Accountability. The Word Manage Is Generally Replaced By The Words Lead, Encourage, Persuade, Lift, Serve, Help,Understanding, And Inspire The Words Negotiate And Review And Discuss And Decide Replace Words Like Orders, Inform, Tell, Assign, Direct, And Require. The Attitude Of Negotiation Is Encouraged By Phrases Like How Can We Improve The Phrase I Is Replaced By We

Human Resource Systems

Managerial Succession Planning: Business Systems: From To Organizational Pyramids - Flatter Systems Desire For Seasoned Leaders Want The Seasoning To Develop Sooner Stability Flexibility With Faster Market Responsiveness

Human Resource Systems

Managerial Succession Planning: Develop Pools Of Broadly Qualified Candidates Have Position Pools More Broadly Disciplined Candidates More Centralization And Integration Of Systems And Information In Business Units Cross Boundary Fertilization To Develop Broader Skills And Perspective

Human Resource Systems

Managerial Succession Planning: Largely Line Driven Strategic Competencies And Models Define Success Cross Functional Management Capability Individual Sets Career Direction Sequential Job Assignments Provide Primary Development, Supplemented By Specific Training Create Assignments For Development

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