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Types of Teams and Groups

• Largely social-sports and leisure clubs

• Work or task oriented – workplace groups,
committees, task and project groups, other
ad hoc but organized gathering
• Based on norms and expectations of society
– above all the family (nuclear and extended)
• Based on the beliefs and values of the
members – churches and religious groups
• Based on the expertise of members –
professional bodies, legalized associations
• Mutual interest: trade unions; also hobbies
and interests
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Purpose of Organizational
• Distribution of work, by department, division, function,
location, skill, aptitude, expertise, quality etc
• Controlling work, through the placing of managers and
supervisors at the head of the teams and groups of
people constituted for the purpose of conducting work
• Project work and problem solving, often constituted on
ad hoc basis and for the life and duration, of the
specific matter in hand (though there are certain
circumstances were this leads to future activities
• Creative activities, brainstorming, information, pooling
and gathering, the generation of bursts of energy and
enlightenment in response to given issues

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Purpose of Organizational
• To conduct inquiries into past activities, both successful and
• To investigate and resolve conflicts, grievances, disputes and
arguments between individuals and groups
• Clusters: of persons of same profession or occupation from
different departments-for the purposes of gathering general
information and knowledge for understanding of total
organizational and professional picture
• To take responsibility for the direction and management of a
particular organization's activities and services
• To coordinate and harmonize sets of activities often from
different sources, functions, divisions, departments, expertise
• To implement initiatives, directions, policies, strategies, and
• For other specific organizational matters, especially health,
safety, staff relations and consultation
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Theories of Group Formation
• Propinquity Theory: Individual affiliate with
one another because of spatial or
geographical proximity
• IAS Theory: (Homan’s )
Interaction Activities
• Balance Theory (Theodore Newcomb):
Groups formed on the basis of common
relevant objects such as religion, politics, life
styles, marriage, work, authority etc
• Exchange Theory: (Thibaut J W/ Kelley H H):
Rewards > Cost = Minimum level of outcome
must exist for attraction and affiliation
Rewards from interaction
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gratify needs while
Formation of Groups (Tuckman
and Jensen)

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Why do individual join groups?

• Security
• Status
• Self-esteem
• Affiliation
• Power
• Goal Achievement
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Benefits of Groups
• Improved performance • Increased interaction
in terms of quality, interpersonal
productivity, speed, relationship and
flexibility and customer communication
service • Improved motivation
• Better decision making and performance
• Improved learning
• Reduced cost
• Opportunities to
• Easier adaptation to perform best of their
change abilities
• Fewer and simpler job • Reduced duplication
classification of efforts
• Increased commitment • Increased cooperation
• Improvement in • Decreased destructive
innovative ideas
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Dr Ashutosh N Misal 7
Issues facing work
• groups
Atmosphere and relationship – nature of relationship; closeness,
friendliness, formality and informality
• Participation: the nature and extent to which participation is to be allowed
• Understanding and acceptance of aims and objectives, and the
commitment required for this
• Availability, access and use of information
• Means for handling disagreements and conflict
• Means and methods of decision making
• Evaluation and appraisal of member performance
• Evaluation and appraisal of group performance
• Expression of feelings; how this should be done
• Leadership; relating both to the total group and the individual tasks for
which it has been constituted
• Maintenance activities; including the development of group members and
the bringing in of new and fresh talents and expertise as and when
• Achievement and success
• Coping with failure

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Group Dynamics
• is concerned with interaction
and forces between group
members in a social situation

• Understanding the internal

nature of the group, why the
group is formed, how they form,
the structure of the group, how
they function, and its effect on
other group members, other
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Concepts relevant to Group
• Norms: Norms are set of beliefs,
feelings, and attitudes commonly
shared by members/ rules of
standard behaviour that apply to
– Performance Norms: Standard of
– Appearance Norms: Dress Code
– Behaviour Norms: General Behaviour
 Development of Norms: over a
long period of time – when going
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gets tough; tough gets going
Concepts relevant to Group
• Status: Official position as well as
the importance and deference
given to an individual which depends on
personal attributes, charismatic disposition,
demographic characteristics, educational level,
experience, service, expertise, record etc
• Cohesion: Degree of closeness and
bond individual has with other members and
group on which the strength depends – used in
achieving the targets
• Conformity: Sticking to the group’s
decision and norms irrespective of
individual opinion…non-conformists
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may also
be the members of the group but then they are
Concepts relevant to Group
• Group Think: a phenomenon in
which norms for consensus
overrides the realistic appraisal of
alternative course of action
• Group Cohesiveness:
Challenge Entry
s Norms
Past N
e Attitude
Degree of and Value
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Group Factors and Characteristics that affect
cohesion, behaviour and effectiveness of Groups
 Group Size: Cohesiveness depends upon
the close interaction of members – 8 to
10 is ideal number for cohesiveness of
 Size and Scale of the task
 Nature of the task: Physical, laborious,
complex, expert etc
 Individual Roles: Expertise,
contribution, involvement leading to
harmony and integration
 Individual ambitions and aspirations:
Career paths, goals, pay and rewards,
10/22/08 08:07 esteem
Dr Ashutosh N Misal 13
Group Factors and Characteristics that affect
cohesion, behaviour and effectiveness of Groups
 Group/ Entry Norms: Standards of
behaviour and integrity. There are
organizations whose membership is
difficult to obtain. More difficult the entry;
more cohesive group would be
 Motivation of members: Perceptions,
 Group Identity and Spirit: Common
interest in task achievement, confidence
in, dependence on other members. Pride,
attitude, esteem, behaviour of members
 Leadership:
 Togetherness: natural tendency to remain
together – sharing of happiness, hardships
bonds the members together
 Degree
10/22/08 08:07 of participation
Dr Ashutosh N Misal in group activities:
in sports, cultural events and wining
• Attitudes and Values: “Birds of
same feather flock together” –
conflict situations are avoided and
smooth sailing is achieved
High Low
High High Productivity Moderate Productivity

Performa Low Productivity Moderate to

nce Low Productivity

Low High
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To achieve Cohesiveness following
suggestions are made:
• Small Groups have better cohesion
• Encourage unilateral acceptance of
group goals
• Time spent by members fro group
activities should be increased
• Increase status of group and group
• Create an environment of perceived
difficulty in attaining group
• Competition with other groups
• Introduce reward system
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Consequences of Group

Group Participat
Influence ion

More SS vity

Effective • Job
Communica Satisfactio
tion n

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Determinants of Group
• Group itself
• Work and tasks
• Procedures and processes
• Leadership, direction and
management style
• Synergy principle
• Morale and satisfaction
• Group ideology
• Power and influence
• Factors outside the group’s control
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Teams – Defined

• Groups of two or more

people who interact and
influence each other, are
mutually accountable for
achieving common
objectives, and perceive
themselves as a social
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•T - Task
•E - Experts
•A -
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• Importance of Team work
– People with mixed skills
– Performance
– Reason for Joining
• Functions of Team
– Planning and Control
– Setting Goals
– Scheduling
– Budgeting
– Inspect quality
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Characteristics of Effective
Team Members

• Share same objective

• Care about task
• Ability to listen
• Ability to resolve

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Benefits of Teams

• Productivity
• Quality
• Improved customer
• Reduced scrap
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Difference between Work Groups and Work
Work Group Work Team
• Has shared
• Has strong, leadership
clearly focused • Has individual and
mutual accountability
• Has individual
• Has specific purpose
• Purpose is the • Has collective work
same as that of an products
organization’s • Encourages open
• Has individual ended, active
work products problem solving
• Runs efficient meetings
meetings • Measures
• Measures performance directly
effectiveness by assessing
10/22/08 08:07 collective work
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