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Approved by AICTE New Delhi & Affiliated to Anna University Chennai
Accredited by NBA & Accredited by NAAC with A++ Grade, Recognized by UGC


Academic year 2023-24(ODD semester)
19BMP201-Mini Project-II
Project Review:1(30.10.2023)

Project Title:Lung Disease Detection using Deep Learning


Class:II Year BME
S.TARUN 713522BM055

30/10/2023 Lung Disease Detection using Deep Learning 1

30/10/2023 2
Lung Disease Detection using Deep Learning
 Project title: “Lung Disease Detection using Deep Learning”
 Reference Y-Combinator website:
 Company name:Picnic health
 Innovation Industry(7+7):Machine learning
 Innovation Technology(7+7):Health care
 Mentor:Mr.Prince Samuel

30/10/2023 Lung Disease Detection using Deep Learning 3

• The aim of this project is to develop a robust and accurate machine learning
model for the early detection and classification of various lung diseases,
including but not limited to pneumonia, tuberculosis, and lung cancer, using
medical imaging data such as X-rays and CT scans.
• The model will be able to provide timely and reliable predictions to assist
healthcare professionals in making informed decisions, ultimately improving
patient outcomes and reducing the burden on the healthcare system.
• Furthermore, the project seeks to explore the potential of leveraging state-of-
the-art deep learning techniques to enhance the interpretability and
generalizability of the model, ensuring its applicability across diverse patient
populations and imaging settings.

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 Lung diseases are a significant global health concern, leading to a high mortality rate
and a substantial economic burden on healthcare systems.
 Early and accurate detection of these diseases is crucial for timely intervention and
improved patient outcomes.
 Traditional methods for diagnosing lung diseases, such as X-ray and CT scan
analysis, are time-consuming and often require specialized expertise.
 Additionally, the increasing demand for healthcare services further increases the
need for efficient and accessible diagnostic tools.

30/10/2023 Lung Disease Detection using Deep Learning 5

A Survey of Deep Learning for Lung Disease Detection on opportunity to accelerate tuberculosis diagnosis Four main issues were identified: (i) data
Medical Images: State-of-the-Art, Taxonomy, Issues and Future among these communities. imbalance; (ii) handling of huge image
Directions (Stefanus Tao Hwa Kieu 1 , Abdullah Bade 1 , Mohd size; (iii) limited available datasets; and (iv)
1 Hanafi Ahmad Hijazi 2 and Hoshang Kolivand 3 ,2020) high correlation of errors when using
ensemble techniques.

LUNG DISEASE DETECTION USING DEEP LEARNING (Siddhanth F 0.5 score of the best model is 0.67. Training time 1) Testing the model to distinguish each
Tripathi, Sinchana Shetty, Somil Jain, Vanshika Sharma,2021) is bigger than Vanilla CNN type of disease rather than just having the
disease (2) Training with more epoch,
2 change some parameters to faster
convergence models such as learning rate.
(3) Increasing the size of training shots. (4)
For optimized CNN using VGG, we can
experiment on many other pretrained
models. (5) For the Spatial Transformer
layer, I will experiment with more complex
localization network. (6) Some metric
parameters of the metrics will also be
tested more. (7) For CapsNet I want to try
adding some more layers so that it can
extract more features,

30/10/2023 Lung Disease Detection using Deep Learning 6

Analyzing Lung Disease Using Highly Effective Deep Learning The results of the convolutional neural network model improve the efficiency of these
Techniques evaluation showed that Densenet-121, with a state-of- CNN models by using Mish with
(Krit Sriporn,2020) the-art Mish activation function and Nadam-optimized seven optimizer methods to
performance. All the rates for accuracy, recall, precision predict lung disease, as well as to
and F1 measures totaled 98.88%. We then used this compare the efficiency between
3 model to test 10% of the total images from the non- traditional CNN models and CNN
dataset training and validation. The accuracy rate was models using Mish with seven
98.97% for the result which provided significant optimizer methods to predict lung
components for the development of a computer-aided disease..
diagnosis system to yield the best performance for the
detection of lung lesions.

Hybrid deep learning for detecting lung diseases from X-ray For both full and sample datasets, VDSNet outperforms Some metric parameters of the
images existing methods in terms of a number of metrics metrics will also be tested more.
(Subrato Bharati, Prajoy Podder, M. Rubaiyat including precision, recall, F0.5 score and validation For CapsNet I want to try adding
Hossain Mondal,2020) accuracy. For the case of full dataset, VDSNet exhibits a some more layers so that it can
validation accuracy of 73%, while vanilla gray, vanilla extract more features,
4 RGB, hybrid CNN and VGG, and modified capsule
network have accuracy values of 67.8%, 69%, 69.5% and
63.8%, respectively.

30/10/2023 Lung Disease Detection using Deep Learning 7

1. Data Collection: Gather a diverse and comprehensive dataset comprising chest X-ray and CT scan
images of patients with various lung diseases, including pneumonia, tuberculosis, and lung cancer, along
with healthy individuals. Ensure that the dataset is balanced and representative of different
2. Data Preprocessing: Apply image preprocessing techniques such as normalization, resizing, and noise
reduction to enhance the quality of the images. Implement data augmentation to increase the dataset size
and improve the model's robustness.
3. Feature Extraction: Utilize advanced image processing methods and deep learning architectures, such
as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), to extract high-level features from the preprocessed images.
Employ techniques like transfer learning to leverage pre-trained models for feature extraction.
4. Model Development: Design and train a machine learning model, preferably a CNN, to classify lung
disease patterns accurately. Utilize popular algorithms such as ResNet, VGG, or Inception for building
the architecture. Employ techniques like cross-validation and hyperparameter tuning to optimize the
model's performance.

30/10/2023 Lung Disease Detection using Deep Learning 8

5. Evaluation and Validation: Assess the model's performance using metrics such as accuracy, precision,
recall, and F1-score. Conduct comprehensive validation tests on a separate test dataset to ensure the
model's generalizability and robustness.
6. Interpretability and Explainability: Employ techniques such as gradient-weighted class activation
mapping (Grad-CAM) to interpret the model's predictions and understand the key features contributing
to the classification. Ensure the model's decisions are explainable and interpretable for clinical use.
7. Deployment and Integration: Develop an intuitive user interface for clinicians to interact with the
model and integrate it into existing healthcare systems. Ensure compliance with regulatory standards and
data privacy protocols to maintain patient confidentiality and security.
8. Continuous Improvement: Continuously update the model with new data to adapt to emerging lung
disease patterns and improve its accuracy and performance over time. Incorporate feedback from
clinicians and researchers to enhance the model's diagnostic capabilities and reliability.
By following this comprehensive methodology, the project aims to develop an efficient and accurate
machine learning model for the early detection and diagnosis of various lung diseases, ultimately
improving patient outcomes and reducing the burden on healthcare systems.

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30/10/2023 Lung Disease Detection using Deep Learning 11

Building a database for training a machine learning model for lung disease detection involves several critical steps to
ensure data quality, diversity, and relevance.
1. Data Collection: Gather a diverse set of high-quality medical images such as chest X-rays, CT scans, and MRI
scans from reputable healthcare institutions, research centers, and publicly available datasets.
2. Data Annotation: Employ experienced radiologists or medical professionals to annotate the collected images with
accurate labels and metadata, indicating the presence or absence of lung diseases, as well as specific disease
characteristics or patterns.
3. Data Preprocessing: Standardize the collected data by normalizing image dimensions, removing artifacts or noise,
and applying image enhancement techniques to improve the quality and consistency of the dataset. Implement data
augmentation techniques to increase the dataset size, including image rotation, flipping, and zooming, to create
variations of the original data.
4. Data Privacy and Security: Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations and ethical standards by de-
identifying patient information, removing any identifiable information, and implementing robust data security
measures to protect sensitive patient data throughout the data handling process.
5. Database Construction: Organize the preprocessed and annotated data into a structured database, adhering to
standardized formats such as SQL or NoSQL databases. Implement efficient indexing and retrieval mechanisms to
facilitate quick and accurate data access during the training process.

30/10/2023 Lung Disease Detection using Deep Learning 12

6. Validation and Quality Assurance: Perform thorough quality checks and validation procedures to verify the
correctness of data labels and annotations.Remove any corrupted or low-quality data points that may adversely
impact the training process.
7. Data Splitting: Divide the database into separate subsets for training, validation, and testing, ensuring a balanced
distribution of different lung disease cases in each subset. Employ stratified sampling techniques to maintain the
representation of various lung diseases across different data splits, preventing data bias and ensuring the model's

By meticulously following these steps, the database was constructed with the necessary quality, diversity, and integrity
to train a robust machine learning model for accurate and efficient lung disease detection, ultimately contributing to
improved diagnostic capabilities and patient care in the field of healthcare

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Diseased lung(Emphysema) Healthy lung(normal)

30/10/2023 Lung Disease Detection using Deep Learning 15

The specific expected outputs include:
1. Trained Deep Learning Model
2. Diagnostic Tool or Application
3. Performance Metrics
4. Validation Results
5. Integration Documentation
6. Ethical Compliance Framework
7. Technical Documentation
8. Research Contributions
30/10/2023 Lung Disease Detection using Deep Learning 16
• Lung disease detection using deep learning offers a range of significant
benefits that contribute to improved diagnostic accuracy, early intervention,
and enhanced patient outcomes. Some of these benefits include:
1. Early Detection
2. Improved Accuracy
3. Enhanced Efficiency
4. Standardization of Diagnosis
5. Personalized Treatment Plans
6. Increased Accessibility
7. Research Advancements
30/10/2023 Lung Disease Detection using Deep Learning 17
 In conclusion, the application of deep learning in lung disease detection stands as a
transformative milestone in healthcare.
 By enabling early and accurate identification of abnormalities from medical imaging,
this technology promises enhanced patient outcomes, personalized treatment
strategies, and cost-effective healthcare.
 The amalgamation of artificial intelligence with medical diagnostics not only
streamlines processes but also opens avenues for continuous innovation and research,
marking a significant leap towards more effective, accessible, and efficient
healthcare solutions for individuals at risk of lung diseases.

30/10/2023 Lung Disease Detection using Deep Learning 18

 Future work for the lung disease detection project using deep learning includes
refining the model's performance by incorporating diverse and larger datasets,
enhancing interpretability through explainable AI techniques.
 exploring real-time applications for immediate clinical impact.
 integrating multi-modal data sources and collaborating with healthcare professionals
for practical implementation will be crucial steps.
 Ongoing efforts should focus on adapting the model to evolving medical imaging
technologies and continuously updating the algorithm to ensure sustained accuracy
and relevance in clinical settings.

30/10/2023 Lung Disease Detection using Deep Learning 19

1. NIH sample Chest X-rays dataset,
2.NIH full Chest X-rays dataset,
_lung_cancer_diagnosis_ with_deep_learning_algorithms

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