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Hortatory exposition text

01 What is
exposition text?
A hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is
intended to explain the listeners or readers that something should
or should not happen or be done.
In other words, the main function of Hortatory Exposition text is to
persuade the readers or listener that something should or should
not be the case.

The Questions And answer

How does the speaker What are the
What is the discussion define ingredients of the
of the video? junkfood/fastood? junk food?

Write the speaker

opinion and
arguments about junk What is the speaker
recomendation Based on Give your Recomendation
the video? about The discussion
The discussion in the video revolves around why eating junk food makes us
feel good temporarily but can be harmful in the long term.
The speaker defines junk food/fast food as food high in calories but low in
nutritional value, typically packed with sugar for fast energy release.
The ingredients of junk food/fast food typically include high levels of sugar,
which provide quick energy but lead to spikes and crashes in blood sugar
The speaker’s opinion is that while junk food/fast food can provide a
temporary mood boost due to the release of dopamine, it’s detrimental to
health in the long term, leading to energy crashes, mood swings, and
The speaker recommends alternatives such as exercise, which releases
similar feel-good chemicals without the negative effects, and choosing
foods that provide longer sustained energy release to regulate sugar levels
and mood. Additionally, staying connected with loved ones is suggested to
improve overall well-being.
I would recommend following the speaker's advice by
opting for healthier food choices, engaging in regular
exercise, and maintaining strong social connections to
support emotional well-being. Balancing these aspects can
contribute to a healthier lifestyle and improved mood.
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention

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