1st Meeting

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Active Communication

With Ms nana 
Match the sport with the verb
to go to do to play

tennis karate swimming

Match the words with their opposites
polite confident fun

shy boring rude

Put the words in order
love With up to you

catch Next weekend I’d


Do you want to on Sunday?

in up meet rude
Put the words in order
With my boyfriend was last a chat

night having I
Tell me more about !
 Can you tell me about vehicle that you love ?
 Why do you love it?
 When did you start loving that?
VOCABULARIES : 11. Glad/ happy = senang 21. Travel = berpergian
1.Buy = membeli 12. Comfortable / cozy = nyaman 22. Hang out = jalan/jalan
2.Bargain = menawar 13. Proud = bangga 23. Plan = merencakana
3.Pay = membayar 14. Generous / kind = baik hati 24. Pass = melewati
4.Sophisticated = canggih 15. Safe = aman 25. Wish = mengharapkan
16. Discount = diskon 26. Speed = kecepatan
5.Cool /amazing= keren 17. Like/love = menyukai 27. Interest in = tertarik akan
6.Cost = harga 18. Present/gift = hadiah 28.car/motorcyle/bicycle/plane/bus
7.Pricey/expensive = mahal 19. Give = memberi
29. Vehicle = kendaraan
8.Cheap/affordable =murah 20. Get = mendapatkan
30. Usefull = bermanfaat
9. Fast = Cepat 21. Admire =mengagumi 31. Keep/ take care of = menjaga
1 Job satisfaction 1 Application

2 Salary 2 Probation

3 Benefits 3 Education
4 Work 4 Resign
5 Insurance 5 Experience

6 Work 6 Terminated/
Performance dismissed/fired
7 Qualification 7 Skills

8 Retirement 8 Motivation
1. We can enjoy working if .....
2. A person can feel frustated with his job because....
3. Finding a job is more difficult these days because...
4. Many graduates are unemployed because...
What is your goal in life?
What are the things you should do to reach
that goal?
When do you plan to achieve it?
Agree or Disagree
1.Parents should decide whatr kind of career
their children should have
2.Salary should be based on work perfomance
3.Experience is more important than education
4.Finding job is more difficult these days

Much money a fussy sister

No money a plane

A naughty friend Homework

10 cars
Answer these question :
 Would you like to be famous
 Why or why not ?
 Are famous people happy
 Do you think being a celebrity means the
person is intelligent?
 When you were a child, what did you
want to be?
1. When do you wake up?
Well, I’m a morning riser, and I wake up at about 5 o’clock. Getting up early not only makes me feel refreshed
and productive, but it also prevents my skin from having wrinkles.

2 What is your daily routine?

Well, in the morning, I get up early to have a light breakfast and hit the gym at about 8 a.m. After one hour
of workout, I leave the gym club and go to the supermarket to buy food to prepare lunch and dinner. In the
afternoon and evening, I go to my workplace and start working from 14.00.pm until 21.00.p.m.

3. Do you usually have the same routine every day?

Pretty much yeah, although there’s a slight change on Sunday. I usually wake up really late on Sunday and I
don’t have any coffee either. I just want to spend my weekend in my warm bed.

4. What part of your day do you like best?

Probably the morning. I do exercise regularly in my room when the sun rises, and sometimes I go to the gym.
What’s best about the morning is coffee time. I just love it because coffee keeps me active all day long.

5. What’s the difference of routine between you and your teenager’s times?
Well, I can say that there’s a vast difference between my life then and my present life. You know, when I was a
teenager, besides focusing on study, I had much free time to pursue my interests like watching films or listening
to music. In contrast, my routine and time management has become stricter now. Since I graduated from
university and began working as an English teacher, I’m so occupied with my work that I have little leisure time.
LET’S PRACTICE !! Is it the correct sentece
or not ??
1. Swim makes my body health

2. With the method can increase the desire of students to attend the school

3. In this esay will analyze the problem and give some solutions for the issue

4. Education very important in development of a country

5. Parents responsible to form a fundamental character and basic skills of children

Event and V1 (Present) V2(Past tense) Future

Simple V1 (s/es) V2 Will/shall + v1

Continuous Is/am/are Was/were Will/shall be + ving

+ving +ving

Perfect Have/has +v3 Had + v3 Will/shall have +

Tentukan tenses apa yang dibutuhkan kalimat-kalimat dibawah ini dan
terjemahkan verbnya
Italia menjadi juara di piala dunia pada tahun 2006

Seorang filosof menganalisa setiap permasalahn dengan mendalam

Sebuah menara besar sedang dibangun di kota kami

Besok, Jokowi akan mengadakan rapat mengenai varian virus covid terbaru

Mrs iradewi telah memperingatkan pasiennya untuk memakan makanan

1 To slash prices To reduce prices / to bargain Menawar harga

2 Local shop Community shop Pasar lokal

3 To get into debt to owe money berhutang

4 A pay in cash Paying by paper money Pembayaran cash

5 To shop around To try different shop Mencari toko lain

6 High street names Well-known shops Toko terkenal

7 Window shopping To visit store without buying Cuci mata

8 Tight budget Limited amount of money Jmlh Uang yg sedikit

9 To be value for money To be worth the cost Kualitas = Uang

1. Do you like shopping ?
2. What kinds of shopping do you like doing?
3. What don’t you like about shopping ?
4. Who usully does the shopping in your
home ?
5. How often do you buy something in a shop
6. What do you thik of online shopping ?

With Ms nana 
Describing Person 
Describing Human Charateristic 
1 Charming Indah 1 Coquettish genit

2 Humble Rendah Hati 2 Brave Berani

3 Skillful Terampil 3 Spoil Manja

4 Selfish Egois 4 Cranky Pemarah

5 Envy Iri / dengki 5 Lazy Malas

6 Careless Ceroboh 6 Funny Lucu

7 Cheerful Periang 7 Fussy Cerewet

8 Reliable Dapat Dipercaya 8 Spite Bandel

What is your goal in life?
What are the things you should do to reach
that goal?
When do you plan to achieve it?

With Ms nana 

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