Cellular Respiration

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Write down the word equation AND chemical equation

for photosynthesis.
● Cellular Respiration is a process during
which cells use oxygen to breakdown glucose
and release energy (ATP). Carbon dioxide
and water are also released during this

Glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water +

The energy produced during
respiration is used in the human
body to:
? Bring about growth of
the body
? Keep the body temperature
? Enable movement of the
? Digest food that is taken
into the body
? Remove waste materials from the
? The sum of all chemical reactions within a living
organism is known as metabolism.

? Catabolism refers to chemical reactions that result in

the breakdown of more complex organic molecules
into simpler substances. These release energy.

Anabolism refers to chemical reactions in which
simpler substances are combined to form more
complex molecules. Anabolic reactions usually
require energy.
An electronmicrograph of mitochondrion
Aerobic-oxygen is present
Anaerobic-in the absence of
Aerobic Respiration
● Glucose + oxygen water + carbon dioxide + energy
● C6H12O6 + O2 H2O + CO2 + 38 ATP

● 3 stages:
1. Glycolysis
2. Kreb’s cycle
3. Oxidative phosphorylation
? glucose energy-rich hydrogens

? 2ATP

● Occurs in the cytoplasm

● Glucose is broken down into pyruvic acid
● Energy rich hydrogens are released-move into
● 2 ATP molecules are formed
1. Where does glycolysis occur?
2. What is glucose broken down into?
3. How much energy is formed during glycolysis?
4. Name something else given off during glycolysis?
Kreb’s Cycle
● Occurs in mitochondrion
● Pyruvic acid energy rich hydrogens
+carbon dioxide
● Carbon dioxide is given off
● Energy rich hydrogens are used in oxidative
Oxidative phosphorylation
● Occurs in mitochondrion
● ATP is formed from the energy from the energy rich
● Once the hydrogens have lost all their energy they
combine with oxygen to form water.
● 36 ATP formed
● Altogether 38 molecules of ATP are formed
Aerobic respiration
Energy rich oxygen
hydrogen atoms
CO2 Pyruvic acid

2 3
Kreb’s Oxidative
Cycle energy-rich phosophorylation

water 36 ATP
1. What type of metabolic reaction is?
a) Respiration
b) Photosynthesis
2. Give 2 ways in which the mitochondrion is suited to
3. Which phase of respiration releases the most energy?
4. Bacteria only respire anaerobically. Why can’t they
carry out aerobic respiration?
5. Why is the energy from the hydrogen atoms not
released all at once?
6. Which phase of respiration requires oxygen?
7. Name the phase which releases CO2.
Experiment to show that O2 is used during
aerobic respiration
Experiment to show that O2 is used during
aerobic respiration
Experiment to show that CO2 is given off
during respiration
? Alcoholic fermentation occurs in primitive organisms
when there is no oxygen.
? glucose alcohol + 2 ATP + CO2

? Lactic acid fermentation occurs in animal cells.

? glucose lactic acid + 2 ATP + CO2
Tabulate 2 differences between anaerobic and
aerobic respiration under the headings:
• Amount of energy released
• Products
Anaerobic respiration in
Role of anaerobic respiration in industry

Biotechnology-the industrial use of

living organisms to manufacture
food and other products.
? Wine making-grapes
? Traditional beer-sorghum and
? Beer-barley
Yeast converts sugar into alcohol
and carbon dioxide
? Bread making-flour, water, a
little sugar and yeast
Aim: to investigate the effect of exercise on muscles

Position of arm Number of clenches

Arm out straight
Arm hanging at side

1. Explain why your hand and arm started to ache after you had clenched and unclenched
it for a while.
2. What substance started to accumulate in your muscles that caused them to ache?
3. How long did it take your muscles to recover from the first part of the activity?
4. What do you think was happening to your muscles as they started to recover?
5. Did you manage more clenches with your arm raised or lowered? Provide an
explanation for this result.

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