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Service in

Hospitality Industry
• Definition of hospitality industry: The hospitality industry is part of a large network which

includes food services, lodging services, recreation services, travel-related services, and

products provided with personal services in conjunction with the above industries .
What is Customer Service?

In the hospitality industry it is the total customer experience with that business.

In other words:

 the performance of the staff

 the courtesy of the staff,

 the cleanliness of the property,

 and the way customers are treated during their visit

Definition of Guest or Customer

• A customer is someone that purchases products or services form a business

• A guest is a customer who purchases products or services from a hospitality business The success of any
hospitality industry business is return customers-thus great customer service is imperative

As a customer/guest representative the most important skill that need to be implement is Empathy

 The best way to understand the guest is to have empathy or the ability to put yourself in someone else’s

shoes. Empathy helps you figure out what customers need

 3 Examples of Unique Needs,

 A corporate business traveller might value speed of service and “frequent customer” treatment

 Senior citizens might value earlier meal times, quieter surroundings, Senior Discounts and buffet meal

 A young family might value activities geared toward children, kid’s meals and less fancy accommodations
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid
Abraham Maslow developed a method to describe how human needs are met.

• He ranked needs in order from most basic needs to higher needs.

• The pyramid shows the basic needs (Physical Needs & Safety at the bottom)

• As needs are met people advance up the Pyramid

Pyramid of Needs
 The needs at the bottom must be at least partially met before a person can work to meet
needs at the higher level

 Most hospitality businesses fill customer’s basic physical and safety needs food, lodging,
locking guest room doors, security staff, medical staff, clothing for purchase

 The three higher levels of the Pyramid involve more psychological needs

 Acceptance – eating with friends, attending a convention/conference, wedding or family


 Esteem – staying a luxury hotels or fancy resorts, renting fancy cars or limos, Preferred
Customer status

 Hospitality employees can also meet the customer needs of acceptance and esteem by
treating all customers with courtesy, respect and dignity, also by remembering a customer’s
name and using it!

 Self Actualization is the need at the top of the Pyramid

 Self Actualization is Expressing your true self through reaching goals and helping others

 This need can be met by travel to a foreign country, educational tours, mission
Customer Satisfaction

 It is the positive feeling customers have about

a business that meets their needs

 Hospitality companies meet the needs of

their customers through quality service

Happy or Not? Happy satisfied guests on

average tell 3 people

 Unhappy, dissatisfied guests tell over average

12 people!

 Feedback from customers is essential to

identify a problem that exists and act on it.
Quality Service
 Service depends on people – the employees who provide the service
Greet the guest
 Therefore, employees need to be trained in being Customer-Focused, empathetic and
Use their name
Establish their need
 Consistency is hard to deliver but is critical to the loyal customer!
Satisfy their need
 All employees must deliver quality service.
Thank the guest!
Service Qualities Specific Service Qualities that all guests value:

 Product quality • Staff service  Fast Service

 Cost • Service after a sale  Courtesy

 Convenience • Communication  Smile

 Reputation • Efficiency  Efficient

Service Relationship

 To create a loyal customer (one who

returns repeatedly) the hospitality
provider must understand the guest will
evaluate the entire experience to
determine the level of satisfaction

• Before – reservations process, ease

accessing location, 1st impressions

• During- service interactions, food,

accommodations, costs, etc

• After – departure experience & follow-up

by staff especially if there was a problem
 A loyal guest or returning guest tends to spend more and use more of the offered services
than a first time guest!!!

 They will also refer family, friends and colleagues to the business

 Loyalty programs offer discounts, upgrades, lower rates, complimentary items

 All Customers Expect …To be treated with dignity and respect

 Their requests to be handled accurately and efficiently

 Honesty in product descriptions and answers to questions

 Money transactions to be handled honestly and accurately


 Cleanliness and attractive appearance of facilities and grounds

 Employees who respond quickly to requests

 Employees who anticipate and meet customer needs

Methods of Service

 In-person service – face to face personal service with the property, staff, food, etc.

 Indirect service – telephone bookings, complaints made by phone

 Electronic service – Some guests still prefer the one-to-one interaction over the easy
and quick electronic booking system; s & social media must be professional
Collecting Feedback Questionnaires
Surveys comment cards

 Trained personnel that listen to guest’s comments

example Trip Advisor and other websites

 Guest Recovery-Special management training is extremely

helpful in dealing with customer complaints

 Empowerment is the granting of authority of power to

front-line employees for handling and solving guests’

 When the situation is resolved quickly the guest & feels

satisfied the situation is recovered!

 The employee must then report the situation to his

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