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After Dark

Chapter 16 & 17
Presented by: Zuri, Swae and Emily
With the approaching dawn, we feel the various
threads of the story coming to a resolution. How
do chapters 16 and 17 act as a denouement to the
novel? How does resolving the story through
these chapters shape the meaning of the work as a
whole (e.g., its themes and message)?
Chapter 16
- Shirakawa loosened tie, leaning back in his chair, and shirtless rolled up to the elbow with his TV on when he
is not interested to watch; he is in pain with memories and cannot sleep even if he is exhausted because of his
- Eri Asai is sleeping in her room with heavy silence with unanswered questions
- As the new day approaches, the lingering presence of the old day persists creates a metaphorical clash between
past and present, akin to the struggle of ocean and river waters merging at a river mouth. Takahashi finds
himself torn between these opposing forces, uncertain of where his center lies. The events of the night have
concluded, marking the end of a cycle and the resolution of disturbances, yet mysteries remain concealed,
returning everything to its original state. Within this room, where cause and effect intertwine and equilibrium
is maintained between synthesis and division, lies a deep, inaccessible fissure, a gateway to darkness that
defies prediction or principle. Despite the clarity surrounding Eri's peaceful slumber and the imminent dawn,
questions linger about the true nature of reality, blurring the lines between what is tangible and surreal.
Narrative Voice third person, omniscient narrator

Language Style Descriptive, tones changes depending on the character’s emotions

Literary Device The TV screen is cold and dead, like the far side of the moon again.

Textual Evidence As the dawn approaches, the lingering remnants of the old night persist, entwining with the imminent
arrival of the new day. Like the tumultuous meeting of ocean and river waters at a confluence, the
clash and melding of old and new time blur distinctions. Takahashi finds himself suspended between
worlds, uncertain where his center lies.
Chapter 17

At the train station, Mari recalls a childhood memory of being trapped in an elevator
with her sister during an earthquake, expressing regret over their distant relationship.
Takahashi comforts her, promising to maintain communication through letters, hinting
at the possibility of renewed connection amidst life's uncertainties.
Narrative Voice Third person

Language Style Poetic by making the characters express their emotions, descriptive

Literary Device Mari’s memories or Eri, newly found connection with Takahashi

Textual Evidence P. 232: “But that was the last time…” She expresses regret about how her and her
sister didn’t have such a close relationship.

Textual Evidence P. 233: “I’ll write to you,” he says. “A super-long letter, like in an old-fashioned
Novel.” - This indicates how Takahashi wants to commit to a long-term connection
with Mari. It also gives a sense of nostalgia by using traditional communication
How do chapters 16 and 17 act as a
denouement to the novel?
In the denouement of 'After Dark' by Haruki Murakami, Chapters 16 and
17 provide closure to the narrative and emotional arcs. As characters
grapple with past regrets and uncertainties, they find solace in the
promise of renewed connections and hope for the future
How does resolving the story through these chapters shape
the meaning of the work as a whole (e.g., its themes and
Chapter 16 of "After Dark" delves into themes of loneliness, connection, existential reflection, the
transient nature of time, and the blurring of reality and dream, contributing to the novel's exploration of
the human condition and the mysteries of existence.

Chapter 17 of "After Dark" serves to further develop and reinforce the novel's central themes of
resolution and closure, the passage of time, acceptance and growth, and ambiguity and uncertainty,
contributing to a nuanced exploration of the human condition and the mysteries of life.

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