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W Marketing Communications Mix

Consists oI advertising, personal selling, sales
promotion, and public relations a company
uses to pursue its advertising and marketing
Also called Promotion mix
ntegrated Marketing
W The Changing Communications Environment:
Mass markets hae ragmented, causing marketers to
shit away rom mass marketing to segmented
W Marketing programs are designed to build closer relationships
with customers
Improements in inormation technology are
acilitating segmentation
ntegrated Marketing
W The Need Ior ntegrated Marketing Communications
ConIlicting messages Irom diIIerent sources or promotional
approaches can conIuse consumers.
W The problem is particularly prevalent when
Iunctional specialists handle individual Iorms oI marketing
communications independently
ntegrated Marketing
W The Need Ior ntegrated Marketing Communications
All the communication tools must be careIully integrated to
target the customers
The best way is to wed impact oI traditional brand marketing
with the interactive and real service oIIered online
ntegrated Marketing
W ntegrated Marketing Communications
The concept under which a company careIully
integrates and coordinates its many communications
channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and compelling
message about the organization and its products.
LlemenLs of Lhe romoLlon Mlx
of the
of the
PubIic ReIations/ PubIicity
PersonaI SeIIing
SaIes Promotion
Iements of Promotion MIX
The direct presentation of a product to a prospective
customer by a representative of the organization
selling it
!t takes place facetoface or over the phone
!t may be directed to a business person or a final
Across all organizations, more money is spent on
personal selling than on any other form of promotion
Personal selling
Non personal communication paid for by a
clearly identified sponsor promoting ideas,
organizations, or products
Nost familiar outlets are broadcast (Tv, radio)
and print (newspapers, magazines) media
However, there are many other advertising
vehicles, from billboards to TShirts and, more
recently, the !nternet
Sales promotion
A sponsorfunded, demandstimulating
activity designed to supplement advertising
and facilitate personal selling
Frequently consists of a temporary incentive
to encourage a sale or purchase
!ncluded are a wide spectrum of activities,
such as event sponsorships, frequency
programs, contests, trade shows, instore
displays, rebates, samples, premiums,
discounts, and coupons
Public relations
Unlike most advertising and personal selling, it does not
include a specific sales message
PR can take many forms, including newspapers, annual
reports, lobbying, and support of charitable or civic events
is a special form of PR that involves news stories about
an organization or its products
Like advertising, it consists of an impersonal message
that reaches a mass audience
Organizations should try to provide the material for good
1he romot|on M|x
D|rect market|ng lnvolves maklng dlrecL connecLlons wlLh
carefully LargeLed lndlvldual consumers Lo boLh obLaln an
lmmedlaLe response and culLlvaLe lasLlng cusLomer
relaLlonshlpsLhrough Lhe use of dlrecL mall Lelephone
dlrecLresponse Lelevlslon emall and Lhe lnLerneL Lo
communlcaLe dlrecLly wlLh speclflc consumers
W aLalog
W 1elemarkeLlng
W klosks ( ls a booLh wlLh an open wlndow on one slde
Some vendors operaLe from klosks (see mall klosk) selllng
small lnexpenslve consumables such as newspapers
magazlnes llghLers sLreeL maps clgareLLes and
%he RoIe of Promotion in Marketing
Promotion is intended to make a product more
attractive to prospective customers
Through promotion a company strives to increase its
product's sales volume at any given price, that is, the
firm seeks to shift its demand curve to the right
A firm also hopes that promotion will affect the
demand elasticity for its product, the intent is to
make the demand more inelastic when price
increases and more elastic when price decreases
dvanLages of dverLlslng
Low cost per contact.
Ability to reach potential visitors where sales
staff cannot.
Great scope for creative versatility and
dramatization of messages.
Ability to create images that sales staff
Non-threatening nature of non-personal
Prestige and impressiveness of mass-media
lsadvanLages of dverLlslng
nability to close sales.
Ability for visitor to ignore advertising
Difficulties in getting immediate response
and action.
Difficulties in getting quick feedback and in
ad]usting messages.
Difficulties in measuring effectiveness.
Relatively high waste factor.
dvanLages of ersonal Selllng (Sales)
Ability to close sales.
Ability to hold the prospect's attention.
mmediate feedback and two-way
Presentations can be tailored to the
prospect's needs.
Ability to precisely target the prospect.
Ability to get immediate action.
lsadvanLages of ersonal Selllng (Sales)
igh cost per contact.
nability to reach some customers as
dvanLages of Sales romoLlons
$ales promotions have some of the
advantages of advertising and sales.
Ability to get quick feedback.
Ability to add excitement to what is being
offered by the destination.
lsadvanLages of Sales romoLlons
any sales promotions only provide short-
term benefits.
neffective in building long-term loyalty for
the destination.
nability to be used in the long term without
other promotional mix elements.
Often misused by tourism and hospitality
organizations {e.g., coupons_.
dvanLages of ubllc 8elaLlons and ubllclLy
Relatively low cost.
Effective because not seen as a commercial
Prestige and impressiveness of mass-media
coverage {e.g., feature articles_.
Added excitement and dramatization.
aintenance of a public" presence.
lsadvanLages of ubllc 8elaLlons and ubllclLy
Difficulties in arranging consistent coverage
of the destination.
Lack of control over what gets printed or
The Communication Process
W Communications eIIorts should be viewed Irom
the perspective oI managing customer
relationships over time.
W The communication process begins with assessing
the inIluence, have at diIIerent stages oI buying
W EIIective communication requires knowledge oI
how communication works.
The Communication Process
Sender Encoding
Receiver Decoding
l and Lhe Plerarchy of LffecLs
Attention Interest Desire Action
W LLenLlon Lo aLLracL Lhe consumer Lowards your
lnLeresL Lo capLure Lhe lnLeresL of Lhe consumer by
Lelllng hlm abouL Lhe advanLages and dlsadvanLages
of Lhe producL
eslre Lo make Lhe consumer deslre and wanL Lhe
cLlon Lo lead Lhe consumer Lowards Lhe acLlon of
purchaslng Lhe producL
SaLlsfacLlon Lo saLlsfy Lhe consumer wlLh your
producL and leave no complalnLs
Plerarchy of LffecLs
W areness
W lf mosL of Lhe LargeL audlence ls unaware of Lhe
ob[ecL Lhe communlcaLor's Lask ls Lo bulld
awareness perhaps [usL name recognlLlon wlLh
slmple messages repeaLlng Lhe producL name
1hus Lhe brand name needs Lo be made focal Lo
geL consumers Lo become aware Magazlnes are
full of ads LhaL wlll capLure your aLLenLlon buL
you'll have Lrouble easlly seelng Lhe brand name
W noedge
W 1he LargeL audlence mlghL have producL
awareness buL noL know much more hence Lhls
sLage lnvolves creaLlng brand knowledge 1hls ls
where comprehenslon of Lhe brand name and
whaL lL sLands for become lmporLanL WhaL are
Lhe brand's speclflc appeals lLs beneflLs? ln whaL
way ls lL dlfferenL Lhan compeLlLor's brands? Who
ls Lhe LargeL markeL? 1hese are Lhe Lypes of
quesLlons LhaL musL be answered lf consumers are
Lo achleve Lhe sLep of brand knowledge
W |k|ng
W lf LargeL members know Lhe producL how do
Lhey feel abouL lL? lf Lhe audlence looks
unfavorably Lowards Lhe producL Lo
communlcaLor has Lo flnd ouL why lf Lhe
unfavorable vlew ls based on real problems a
communlcaLlon campalgns alone cannoL do
Lhe [ob lor producL problem lL ls necessary
Lo flrsL flx Lhe problem and only Lhen can you
communlcaLe lLs renewed quallLy
W reference 1he LargeL audlence mlghL llke Lhe
producL buL noL prefer lL Lo oLhers ln Lhls case Lhe
communlcaLor musL Lry Lo bulld consumer
preference by promoLlng quallLy value
performance and oLher feaLures 1he
communlcaLor can check Lhe campalgns success by
measurlng audlence preference before and afLer
Lhe campalgn
W onv|ct|on LargeL audlence mlghL prefer a
parLlcular producL buL noL develop a convlcLlon
abouL buylng lL 1he communlcaLor's [ob ls Lo bulld
convlcLlon among Lhe LargeL audlence
W urchase llnally some members of Lhe LargeL
audlence mlghL have convlcLlon buL noL qulLe geL
around Lo maklng Lhe purchase 1hey may walL
for more lnformaLlon or plan Lo acL laLer 1he
communlcaLor musL need Lhese consumers Lo
Lake Lhe flnal sLep perhaps by offerlng Lhe
producL aL a low prlce offerlng a premlum or
leLLlng consumers Lrled ouL 1hls ls where
consumers make a move Lo acLually search ouL
lnformaLlon or purchase
W 1hus adverLlslng ls LhoughL Lo work and follow
a cerLaln sequence whereby Lhe prospecL ls
moved Lhrough a serles of sLages ln successlon
from unawareness Lo Lhe purchase of Lhe
W dverLlslng cannoL lnduce lmmedlaLe
behavloural response raLher a serles of
menLal effecLs musL occur wlLh Lhe fulflllmenL
aL each sLage before progress Lo Lhe nexL sLage
ls posslble
14 30
W 5tep 1 ldenLlfylng Lhe
1argeL udlence
ffecLs declslons relaLed
Lo whaL how when and
where message wlll be
sald as well as who wlll
say lL
eveloplng LffecLlve ommunlcaLlon
W 5tep 2 eLermlnlng ommunlcaLlon
Cb[ecLlves may be seL Lo move buyers
Lhrough Lhe slx readlness sLages
eveloplng LffecLlve ommunlcaLlon
oals and 1asks of romoLlon
Informing Reminding
Lxamples of romoLlon Cb[ecLlves
bjective: %o Remind
%o remind consumers that Peter Pan peanut butter is the
creamiest peanut butter and is avaiIabIe at their nearest grocery
and convenience stores
bjective: %o Inform (Awareness)
%o increase the top-of-mind awareness IeveI for Peter Pan
peanut butter from 16 percent to 24 percent
bjective%o Persuade (AttitudinaI)
%o increase the percentage of parents who feeI that Peter Pan
peanut butter is the best peanut butter for their chiIdren from
22 percent to 35 percent
14 34
W 5tep J
eslgnlng a Message
l framework guldes
message deslgn
Message conLenL
W 8aLlonal (Saffola nuLrallLe)
W LmoLlonal appeals fear
humor gullL shame love(Ll)
W Moral appeals(!aago raahak !ago)
eveloplng LffecLlve ommunlcaLlon
14 3S
W 5tep 4 hooslng Medla
ersonal vs nonpersonal communlcaLlon
eveloplng LffecLlve ommunlcaLlon
14 36
W 5tep 4 hooslng Medla
ersonal communlcaLlon channels
W lncludes faceLoface phone mall and
lnLerneL chaL communlcaLlons
W WordofmouLh lnfluence ls ofLen crlLlcal
W 8uzz markeLlng culLlvaLes oplnlon leaders(ls a form
of vlral markeLlng
nonpersonal communlcaLlon channels
W lncludes medla and evenLs
eveloplng LffecLlve ommunlcaLlon
14 37
W Source
Plghly credlble
sources are more
poor cholce of
spokesperson can
Larnlsh a brand
eveloplng LffecLlve ommunlcaLlon
ett|ng the 1ota romot|on
8udget and M|x
ffordabe budget method seLs Lhe budgeL aL an
affordable level
W lgnores Lhe effecLs of promoLlon on sales
ett|ng the 1ota romot|on 8udget
ercentageofsaes method seLs Lhe budgeL aL a
cerLaln percenLage of currenL or forecasLed sales or
unlL sales prlce
W Lasy Lo use and helps managemenL Lhlnk abouL Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween promoLlon selllng prlce and
proflL per unlL
W Wrongly vlews sales as Lhe cause raLher Lhan Lhe
resulL of promoLlon
ett|ng the 1ota romot|on 8udget
ett|ng the 1ota romot|on
8udget and M|x
ompet|t|vepar|ty method seLs Lhe budgeL Lo maLch
compeLlLor ouLlays
W 8epresenLs lndusLry sLandards
W volds promoLlon wars
ett|ng the 1ota romot|on 8udget
ett|ng the 1ota romot|on
8udget and M|x
b[ect|veandtask method seLs Lhe budgeL based on
whaL Lhe flrm wanLs Lo accompllsh wlLh promoLlon
and lncludes
W eflnlng promoLlon ob[ecLlves
W eLermlnlng Lasks Lo achleve Lhe ob[ecLlves
W LsLlmaLlng cosLs
ett|ng the 1ota romot|on 8udget
ett|ng the 1ota romot|on
8udget and M|x
14 42
W SeLLlng Lhe Cverall romoLlon Mlx
eLermlned by Lhe ftote efn pttf t
and Lhe selecLed ptt ttfteqy
SeLLlng Lhe romoLlonal 8udgeL and
%elon %elon
emphasizes emphasizes
a1ertising a1ertising
while on while on
emphasizes emphasizes
personal personal
selling selling
14 43
Push s. Pull
Promotion Strategy
Measure 8esulLs orrecLlve
W MgL wanLs Lo know Lhe ouLcome ln Lerms of
revenue leedback measuremenL ls done
W 8each lrequency
W 8ecall 8ecognlLlon scores
W 8ehavlor changes
ommon dverLlslng ppeals
Profit Profit
HeaIth HeaIth
Love or Romance Love or Romance
Fear Fear
Admiration Admiration
Convenience Convenience
Fun and PIeasure Fun and PIeasure
Vanity(Pride and gotism Vanity(Pride and gotism
Save money, keep from Iosing money Save money, keep from Iosing money
Body-conscious, heaIthy Body-conscious, heaIthy
SeII cosmetics and perfumes SeII cosmetics and perfumes
SociaI embarrassment, growing oId, Iosing
heaIth, power
SociaI embarrassment, growing oId, Iosing
heaIth, power
CeIebrity endorsement effective CeIebrity endorsement effective
Fast-food and microwave products Fast-food and microwave products
Vacations, beer, amusement parks Vacations, beer, amusement parks
xpensive, conspicuous items xpensive, conspicuous items
MeLhods used Lo LvaluaLe dverLlslng ampalgns
W Consumer jury tests
W PortfoIio or unfinished rough tests
W PhysioIogicaI tests
W Recognition tests
W RecaII tests
W Attitude measures
W Audience size measurement

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