Microsoft Excel Sec A and B

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Microsoft Excel


Microsoft excel
Is it an application software or system software?
It is created by Microsoft
It is a component of Microsoft’s office product group, for business application
Microsoft excel enables users to format, organize, and calculate data in a
Constant and variable
Computations (functions)
Operations in Excel
Data Entry
Computations (sum, average, counta, min, max)
Copy and Paste
Functions (IF)
Conditional formatting
Data Entry – Enter the data in a worksheet
University Name Age Hobbies Education Native
XIM Amit 18 Travel Bcom UP
XIM Rashmi 18 Sports MCOM Cuttack
XIM Sundar 19 Music BBA Delhi
XIM Biswa 19 Travel MBA Mumbai
XIM Raj 20 Books BSC Rajasthan
XIM Rakshi 20 Music BTECH Chhatisgarh
XIM harish 21 Books Bcom Kolkata
XIM Lila 21 Music Bcom Bhubaneswar
XIM Venkat 21 Acting BTECH Bhubaneswar
XIM Raju 22 Music BBA Kolkata
Beautify your Data!
Change the background color of the table to a color of your choice
Change the font color
Make the table header bold and in italics
Increase the font size of the header
Merge and center ‘University’
Wrap ‘Students Name’
Adjust width of columns to fit the text of column ‘City’ (set width = 15, set autowidth)
Apply the following filters to the data
Display data for students belonging to Bcom courses
Display data for students with hobbies as Music or Dance
Display data for students that are not in MBA courses
Display data for students whose age is greater than 20
Display data for students whose names are starting with ‘A’
Sort the data by Courses taken
Sort the above sorted data by students name
Computations – Enter the following data
Name Full Mark English Science History
Student 1 200 30 40 37
Student 2 200 32 41 36
Student 3 200 35 39 37
Student 4 200 41 38 42
Student 5 200 38 43 38
Student 6 200 41 37 35
Student 7 200 39 29 28
Student 8 200 40 45 46
Student 9 200 28 31 34
Find the following
The Total mark for each students
The Average mark for each students
The Average mark for each subject
The maximum and minimum marks in each subject
Count the number of students
What is the total mark of student 4 in History and English
What is the % of marks obtained by each students
Solving problem in excel - 1
Mr. Param’s total monthly income is 50000 Rs. He spends 20000 on food, 10000
on children’s education, 6000 on house rent, and 5000 on other expenses. He
saves the remaining amount.

Find out the following using the computational feature of excel.

◦ Mr. Param’s total annual expense

◦ Mr. Param’s total annual savings.

Solving problem in excel - 2
Mr. Sundar’s monthly income from salary is 50000 Rs. He has a fixed deposit in a
bank of amount 100000 from which he earns an interest with the rate of interest
being 6% per annum. He has given his house on rent and earns 8000 per month.

Find the total monthly income of Mr. Sundar using calculations in excel.
Solving problems in excel – 3 (Home work)

My monthly salary is 100000. I spent 30% of it in groceries, 20% in children's

education, 10% in insurance, 10% in loan repayment. I invest 20% in mutual
funds. Remaining amount I keep in my savings account.
Find the following
◦ My annual expenditure
◦ My expenditure on children’s education per month
◦ My annual investment in mutual fund
◦ My monthly savings
Logical operations - IF, AND, OR, NOT
IF – check conditions
AND – both conditions must be satisfied together
OR – One of the conditions can be satisfied
NOT – reverses the value, TRUE or FALSE
Logical Operation - IF
Name Full Mark Total mark % of Mark Grade
Student 1 50 30
Student 2 50 32
Student 3 50 35
Student 4 50 46
Student 5 50 38
Student 6 50 41
Student 7 50 49
Student 8 50 40
Student 9 50 28
Student 10 50 43
Student 11 50 31
Student 12 50 40
Find grades of each student If mark > 90% then grade is A else B
Logical Operation - AND
Find students where, university = “XIM” and Course = “MBA”,

Students University Course XIM MBA

Student 1 XIM BBM
Student 2 XIM BCOM
Student 3 XIM MBA
Student 4 KIIT BBA
Student 5 KIIT MBA
IF Age > 18 AND country of citizenship = “India”
Print (“Indian Adult”)
Else IF Age < 18 AND country of citizenship = “India”
Print (“Indian Minor”)
IF and AND: If university = “XIM” and Course = “MBA”,
display “PG”, else display “UG”

Students University Course PG

Student 1 XIM BBM
Student 2 XIM BCOM
Student 3 XIM MBA
Student 4 KIIT BBA
Student 5 KIIT MBA
Find students name where Course = “BBM” OR “BCOM”

University Course UG
Student 1 XIM BBM
Student 2 XIM BCOM
Student 3 XIM MBA
Student 4 KIIT BBA
Student 5 KIIT MBA
IF Course = “BBM” or “BCOM”, print “True”, else “False”
IF Course = “BBM” OR “BCOM” print “UG”, else “PG”

University Course UG
Student 1 XIM BBM
Student 2 XIM BCOM
Student 3 XIM MBA
Student 4 KIIT BBA
Student 5 KIIT MBA
Find students that are not from “MBA” course
NOT (Subject = “MBA”)
If students are not from MBA, print UG, else PG
Student University Course UG
Student 1 XIM BBM
Student 2 XIM BCOM
Student 3 XIM MBA
Student 4 KIIT BBA
Student 5 KIIT MBA
Logical Operation – nested IF
Name Full Mark Total mark % of Mark Grade
Student 1 50 30
Student 2 50 32
Student 3 50 35
Student 4 50 46
Student 5 50 38
Student 6 50 41
Student 7 50 49
Student 8 50 40
Student 9 50 28
Student 10 50 43
Student 11 50 31
Student 12 50 40
Find grades of each student If mark > 90% then grade is A else if > 60% grade is B else grade is C
Logical Condition (Home Work)
If the mark % >= 75% display “Outstanding”
Else display “Excellent”

IF (mark >=75%, “Outstanding”, Excellent”)

IF (Logical test, “value if True”, “value if False”)
Logical Condition (multiple condition) –
Home work
If the mark % >= 75% display “Outstanding”
Else If the mark % >= 60% display “Excellent”
Else display “Good”

IF (mark >=75%, “Outstanding”, IF (mark >=60%, “Excellent”), “Good”)

IF (Logical test, “value if True”, IF (logical test, “Value if True”, “value if False”))
Logical problem
If the number of years of experience is < 5, display “junior manager”, else if the number of years
of experience is between 5 and 8, display “middle manager”, else display “senior manager”.

Employee Name Year of experience Designation

Employee 1 4
Employee 2 12
Employee 3 7
Some other formulas
CONCAT (concatenate two or more values)

First name Last Name Full Name Group Name - Section

Sumana Sarkar Sumana Sarkar G1 Sumana Sarkar
Padmaja Debarpita Sha Padmaja G2
Debarpita Sha
Pragya Tirkey Pragya Tirkey G3
Sahil Tiwari Sahil Tiwari G4
Shruti Sarkar Shruti Sarkar G5

=CONCAT(D4," ", E4, " ",G4)

Year - year of the date

Date Year

Relative reference
In an excel worksheet do the following activity

1. Enter 200 in cell C10

 When you copy the formula from one cell to another the
2. Enter 300 in Cell D10 relative cell address changes depending on the relative
position of the column and row
3. Enter the following formula in F10  Relative references are used when we want to perform a
similar operation on multiple cells and the formula must
4. =C10+D10 change according to the relative address of column and row.

5. Now, change the value of C10 to 1000. What do you see?

6. Copy the content in F10 to F11

7. What do you see? Check the formula in F11. It has changed to C11+D11. How?

8. Cut the content in F10 and paste in anywhere in the sheet. What do you notice?

9. Cut the contents of C10 and D10 to some other place. What happens to F10?
Absolute Reference
Following persons have taken loans from a bank at the annual interest rate of
6%. What is the interest amount they have to pay per year.

Borrower Loan amount Interest amount

B1 10000
B2 12000
B3 13000
B4 21000

The cell address doesn’t change when copied. This feature is used when you want to fix the
cell address. In this reference, the cell address is preceded by a $ sign (e.g. instead of A4, it
is expressed as $A$4)
Conditional Formatting
Use the data calculated in Logical operation (student name, percentage)
Highlight the cells that have % greater than 70% and less than 80%
Clear the formatting
Data Validation
You want to do a survey on the weekend activity of people of Bhubaneswar.
Your research question – Where do you generally spend your weekend?
◦ Options A – Hostel
◦ Option B – With family
◦ Option C – Restaurants
◦ Option D – Theatre
◦ Option E – Others (Please mention)

Design it in excel
Apply rules as appropriate (numeric, date, etc)
Lookup & Reference
You have two separate set of data as below. One table contains the list of student roll no. and name. Another
contains students Roll. No. and some additional information, but not the name. How can you get the name in
the second table using a feature of excel?

Roll Names Roll Subjects Names (vlookUp)

1Student 1 2BBM
2Student 2 7BCOM
3Student 3 3BSC
4Student 4 4BBM
5Student 5 1BCOM
6Student 6 5BSC
7Student 7 6BBM
…………….. ….….. ….
Year Prod Category Product Name Sales
Data analysis by various 2000CAT 1 PRD 1 10000
columns, rows. 2000CAT 1 PRD 2 3000
Filters, Different operations on 2000CAT 2 PRD 6 2000
numeric values. 2001CAT 1 PRD 3 11000
2002CAT 1 PRD 1 22000
2002CAT 1 PRD 2 12000
2003CAT 1 PRD 4 8000
2003CAT 2 PRD 6 5000
2003CAT 2 PRD 7 2000
2004CAT 2 PRD 7 8000
Find from the given data using pivot table
What is the total sales?
Find the year-wise total sales from the data given.
Find the sales per product category. Which product category has
maximum sales per year?
Find the sales per product name. Which product has minimum
Find the category-wise sales for each year.
Cost of one toy is 200 Rs. Price of one toy is 300 Rs. Quantity
of toys sold is 1020. What is the profit from the sales of the
How many toys need to be sold to earn a profit of 150000?
Cost of one toy is 200 Rs. Price of one toy is 300 Rs. Quantity of toys sold is
I want to increase the profit to 150000 by increasing the price of the toy
and quantity of sales. I cannot reduce the cost. I can not increase the price
beyond 330 Rs.
What should be the price and quantity of toys to be sold?

What if I cannot increase the price beyond 320 and the quantity beyond
What if I cannot reduce the cost below 180 and the quantity beyond 1300?

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