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Set A Set B
Set A Set B
Set A Set B
Set A Set B

1. What is the common difference between pictures in Set A and Set B in each pair?

-Set A shows only single featured organism while and Set B has more than one

2. What process causes organisms to increase their number?

- Reproduction
Activity: Twisted Text
Identify the two types of reproduction by rearranging the twisted
texts using the descriptions in each item as clues.

Reproduction that involves sperm and egg cells

Reproduction that does not involves sperm and egg
Differentiate asexual from sexual
reproduction in terms of:
1 Number of individuals involved;
2 Similarities of offspring to parents

Specific Objectives:
1. Name the different modes of asexual
2. Describe asexual reproduction in terms of
A. number of individuals involved
B. similarities of parents and offspring
Activity: Charge to Experience (5 mins.)
Identify what part is used by the farmers and plantitos in
reproducing the following plants.
Name of the plant Part used in reproduction
sweet potato
1. Did it involve egg and sperm?
2. How many parents are needed in this type of reproduction?
3. How do you compare the characteristics of the parent and the
offspring- the same or different?
Name of the plant Part used in reproduction
sweet potato cutting of stem
Katakataka/hanlilika/kalanchoe plantlet
banana saplings
potato bud
1. Did it involve egg and sperm? No
2. How many parents are needed in this type of

3. How do you compare the characteristics of the

parent and the offspring- the same or different?
Since it did not involve egg and sperm. The methods of
reproduction are asexual or specifically known as
vegetative reproduction because other parts of the plants
are used instead of seeds.

In terms of characteristics of the parent and the

offspring- they are the same

It needs only one parent in this type of reproduction

What is reproduction?
-the process of an organism to produce new
-one of the characteristics that distinguishes
living things from nonliving things
What is the main purpose of
1. to ensure the survival of the
2. to pass on our own genetic identity.
There are two types of reproduction?

1. Sexual Reproduction
2. Asexual Reproduction
Asexual Reproduction
- a type of reproduction where a new individual or
offspring is produced from a single parent.
- no need for egg and sperm cells.
- reproductive parts are taken from the other parts of
organisms not from the egg and sperm.
- specifically known as vegetative reproduction because
other parts of the plants are used instead of seeds.
Vegetative reproduction through:
1. Buds - growth of the plant that develops into a leaf,
flower or shoots
Ex. potato

2. Plantlets - little plant that grows on the leaf margins

Ex. kalanchoe
3.Cuttings - a plant section from the stem, leaf or root and
capable of developing into new plant
Ex. Sweet potato

4. Shoots/saplings - young tree, bigger than the seedling

Ex. Banana
Other forms of asexual reproduction with pictures such as:

a. Cell fission -the cell divides to form two daughter

b. Budding- a new individual may form as an outgrowth
of the parent. The outgrowth separates from the parent
and becomes a new individual
c. Fragmentation is the process where a body into parts while
regeneration is the process in which organisms restore their or
damaged body parts.
Ex. regrowing of a starfish arm into new individual
d. spore formation is a mode of asexual reproduction in which
the organism produced several spores. Spores are microscopic
propagative part which will germinate into either male or female
Activity: Define the concept asexual reproduction by
underlining the correct answer inside the
parenthesis to complete the sentence

Asexual method of reproduction does not need

the union of sex cells and involves (one or two)
parent(s) which results to offspring that
has (same or different) characteristics from the
Your neighbor’s rambutan is sweet and juicy so you
want to grow the same kind of plant in your
backyard, which method of reproduction will you
use- seeds or cutting? Why?

- Asexual , because the characteristics of the parents

is maintained
DepEd has a program that aims to increase food production, and
reduction of solid waste known as Gulayan sa Paaralan, can you
use the information about asexual reproduction to achieve the
- Use the knowledge in reproducing plants and fruit trees in my

If you want to maintain the characteristics of the parent plants

in your garden, what method of propagation/reproduction
should you use?
- Asexual
How do you classify marcotting and grafting
method of propagation discussed in your TLE
class? Is it sexual or asexual?

- Asexual
Performance Task :
(by group minimum of 10 learners in each
group): Submit an alive edible plant (vegetable
or fruit trees) propagated by asexual method
planted in a pot with loose soil from the
compost heap. During submission, explain
which asexual method of propagation you used
in propagating your plant.
To Sum Up:
What is Asexual reproduction?
- a type of reproduction where a new individual
or offspring is produced from a single parent.
- don’t need egg & sperm cell to reproduce
- characteristics of the parent and the offspring-
they are the same
How many parents are needed in this type of
- one

How do you compare the characteristics of the

parent and offspring?
- the same
What are the different methods of asexual
- budding, stem cutting, plantlets &
- cell fission, stem cutting, fragmentation
and spore formation
Choose the letter that has the best answer.
1. If a plant is propagated from the leaf cutting, this is an
example of what kind of reproduction?
A. propagation by runners C. propagation by bulbs
B. sexual reproduction D. asexual reproduction.
2. Budding is a method of asexual reproduction taking
place in .
A. Bacteria C. hydra
B. Honeybee D. virus
3. How many parents are needed in asexual reproduction?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about asexual

A.There is great variation among the offspring.
B. The characteristics of the parents are passed unchanged to
the offspring.
C.It does not involve sperm and egg.
D. Marcotting is asexual method of reproduction
5. How do bacteria make the next generation?
A. Budding
B. Sexually
C. Fragmentation
D. Binary Fission
1. Watch the video entitled “Organic
Fertilizer, Pesticide at Fungicide mula sa
Madre de Cacao @
v=ZXRdN6L5cS Q
2. Bring gumamela plant for our next lesson.

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