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Soil Bearing Capacity Investigation

as Reference for Foundation Design in

San Roque, Legazpi City
(Geotechnical Analysis and Geohazard
Assessment of Soil)
Barangay San Roque, situated in the coastal areas of Legazpi
City, and is prone to catastrophic events relevant to large bodies of
water in its presence. Under these circumstances, the barangay is in
crucial need to re-evaluate and make an attempt to ascertain and to
make progress in infrastructure advancements in order to resolve these
safety risks and determine structural integrity.
With reference to the findings of the researchers, there are no
known and pre-existing studies and recorded documentation about the
specifications of soil capacity and characteristics present in the
previously cited location.
Enough to say, it is evident that soil investigation and testing is
crucial in all situations and must be practiced accordingly in all types of
soil and at any point of location.
Review of Related Literature and Studies
Gap to be bridged

It is supposed that there were no prior assumptions and

investigations conducted in the scope of the location, this study
works toward the provision of supporting details that will
conclude to a result wherein necessary data will be gathered
so as to examine the soil capacity and characteristics of
Barangay San Roque. With the location being along the coasts
of the city, making sure that this is taken into consideration is
paramount to the main objectives and purpose of a
construction project. Such tests also
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information which can be vital to constructione imágenes and deengineering,

and identify and address certain geological hazards present in

the location.
Problem in the Field
In consistence with the information provided and as observed,
the large body of water itself and the properties brought about by its
range to the barangay, have since exposed the place to an array of
events that have and still may affect the general economic and
environmental movement and progress, and more so, in this case, the
construction of housing and commercial buildings in the area. It is also
provided that the boreholes are made in a private property.
The hazard maps provided have shown that the location is prone
to flooding which could exhibit liquefaction which is proven to be
detrimental in construction processes and production. In addition to
these, as it is communicated in the most recent imprint of the barangay
profile, there are currently no programs in addressing the hazards in
which the residents of the barangay are vulnerable to.
Objective of the Study

1. Determine the shear

strength parameters
(cohesion and/ or 01 2. Determine the
friction angle). bearing capacity of
02 soil in reference to
the in-situ and ex-
3.Evaluate the situ characterization
susceptibility of area for
ground settlement or
Scope and Delimitation

The focal point of conducting this study is to provide a geotechnical

reference by utilizing the Standard Penetration Test (ASTM D-1586) and
similar soil capacity tests and investigations in order to map geologic hazards
that pose a crucial risk to construction processes in the area. This aims to
investigate the geotechnical parameters of the area, such as the soil
classification, the soil bearing capacity, and also its shear strength parameters
in accordance to the in-situ and ex-situ characteristics of the location.
This research is to be conducted in the ambit of Barangay San
Roque, Legazpi City only as it will be dependent only on the range of the
location provided with the most recent information and data gathered by the
Significance of the Study

This study will provide probable significant resolve and clarification

in the confrontation of uprising geologically related adversities and disasters
in Barangay San Roque, Legazpi City. Encompassing expertise and newly
found knowledge in soil analysis and geohazard assessment, this study is
relevant to those as follows;
• Community
• Local Administration Units
• Researchers

The researchers will conduct site visits at San Roque, Legazpi

City to perform a pre-survey on the possible location of boreholes and
check any available (previous) boring or soil investigation information.
The ASTM D1586 will be used in conducting the Standard
Penetration Test (SPT). Field testing and laboratory testing will be
conducted to obtain the necessary data to be used in this study. Maximum
of three boreholes will be made. The preparation, data gathering, and
analysis and making conclusion of this research will be done within two
To determine the bearing capacity of soil, Terzaghi, Hansen, and
Vesic methods will be used. Calculation and correlation of data using these
methods will determine the capacity of soil.
Terzaghi Method - The Terzaghi Bearing Capacity has three equations for
the strip, square, and circular footings.

Hansen Method - The Hansen method will also be used in computing the
bearing capacity of the soil. Meyerhof (1963) presented a general bearing
capacity of the soil.

Vesic Method - The Vesic method is one of the methods that will be used in
determining the capacity of the soil. This method is just the same as the
bearing capacity of the soil. This method is just the same as Hansen Method
but they differ from Ny value.

Evaluating the Susceptibility of Area

To assess the susceptibility region, researchers will examine soil
features to see if the land is prone to settlement or liquefaction. The researchers
will know what software to employ after evaluating the soil features.

Generating the Map

The researchers will plot the bearing capacity and geohazards derived from
the ground examination and analysis using GIS(Geographic Information
Systems) software
The resulting map will be basic and easy to understand, and it will be used as
a reference for the construction of substructures.
Soil Bearing Capacity Investigation
as Reference for Foundation Design in
San Roque, Legazpi City
(Geotechnical Analysis and
Geohazard Assessment of Soil)

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