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All about

Riba & Shirk

Done by : Ismail & Adam
Table of contents

01 02 03
What are the 7 What is Shirk? What is Riba?
Mubiqat / Deadly
04 05
Facts about the 7 Secret !!
What are the 7
Mubiqat / Deadly Sins?
Listen up for the end !!
What are the 7 Mubiqat / Deadly Sins?
The "Seven Deadly Sins" in Islamic tradition, also known as the "Seven Major Sins" or "Seven Mubiqat." These are
considered severe sins in Islam, and they are as follows:

-> Shirk (Associating Partners with Allah): As previously mentioned, this is the gravest sin in Islam, involving
associating others with Allah or considering anything or anyone equal to Him.
-> Sorcery/Magic (Sihr): Engaging in sorcery or magic, which is considered a form of deception and
manipulation, is strictly prohibited in Islam.
-> Zina (Adultery/Fornication): Engaging in sexual relations outside of a lawful marriage is considered a major
sin in Islam.
-> Riba(Usury/Interest): Charging or paying interest on loans, also known as usury, is prohibited in Islam.
-> Fleeing from the Battlefield (Istijfaf): Deserting the battlefield during a legitimate Jihad or military conflict is
considered a major sin in Islam, as it endangers the Muslim community.
-> Taking an Orphan's Property Unjustly: Exploiting or unjustly taking the property or wealth of orphans is a
serious sin in Islam, as orphans are among the vulnerable members of society who require protection and
-> Murder (Killing Unjustly): Taking the life of another person unjustly is a grave sin in Islam, and it is explicitly
prohibited in the Quran .
02 What Is Shirk?
What is shirk ?
Shirk is a fundamental concept in Islam that
refers to the act of associating partners with
Allah, the one and only God in Islamic belief.
It is considered the gravest sin in Islam and is
seen as a direct violation of the belief in the
absolute oneness and uniqueness of Allah,
which is a central tenet of Islamic monotheism.
Shirk can manifest in various ways, such as
worshiping idols, praying to intermediaries, or
attributing divine qualities to humans or
objects. Committing Shirk is considered a
grave sin with severe consequences in the
afterlife. However, sincere repentance and
turning back to Allah can lead to forgiveness
even for the sin of Shirk.
03 What Is Riba?
What is Riba ?
Riba'a, often simply referred to as "Riba," is an Arabic term that
translates to "usury" or "interest" in English. In Islamic finance and
jurisprudence, Riba refers to the prohibition of charging or paying
interest on loans or financial transactions. It is considered a major sin in
Islam and is strictly prohibited. Islamic financial principles are rooted in
the concept of fairness, justice, and ethical conduct in economic
transactions. The prohibition of Riba is based on several verses from the
Quran and Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad),
which emphasize the importance of avoiding exploitative lending
practices and ensuring that financial transactions are conducted fairly.
Islamic finance provides alternative mechanisms for earning a return on
capital without involving interest. These include profit-sharing
arrangements, equity-based financing, and various forms of Islamic
contracts such as Mudarabah (profit-sharing), Musharakah
(partnership), and Islamic bonds (Sukuk), among others. The prohibition
of Riba is a fundamental principle of Islamic finance and is considered
essential for maintaining economic justice and fairness within the
Muslim community. It ensures that wealth is generated through
productive and ethical means rather than through exploitative lending
04 Facts about the topic !!
Facts !!
-> Gravest Sins: The Seven Mubiqat are considered the most serious sins in Islam, with severe consequences for those who
commit them.
-> Prohibition: These sins are explicitly prohibited in Islamic teachings, both in the Quran and Hadith (sayings and actions of
the Prophet Muhammad).
-> No Forgiveness Without Repentance: While forgiveness is possible, sincere repentance is required for absolution from
these sins. Repentance involves acknowledging the wrongdoing, feeling remorse, and resolving not to repeat the sin.
-> Community Responsibility: Preventing these sins is a collective responsibility within the Muslim community. Leaders and
scholars play a crucial role in educating and guiding individuals away from them.
-> Personal Accountability: Individuals are held accountable for their actions, and committing any of the Seven Mubiqat is a
matter of personal choice and responsibility.
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Done by : Adam & Ismail !!

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, and
includes icons by Flaticon and infographics & images by Freepik

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