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• Mean to strengthen, increase or make more pronounced.
• Reinforcement refer to the process in which a consequence of a
behavior strengthens that behavior, making it more likely to occur in
the future.
• The object or event that serves as the consequence in the
reinforcement is called reinforcer.
• Natural reinforce are not planned and given systematically to effect
our behavior even thought they do.
• For example to the extend that our smile at someone results in desire
conversation, we will continue or increase that behavior in the future.
• In which produce are reinforce directly without other people playing a
• For example if your turn on your television then this is automatic
reinforcement because you did it yourself but if you ask your friend to
turn on the television this would not be automatic reinforcement
because an other person was involved.
• Programmed reinforce reinforces are deliberately manipulated in
order to change behavior.
• For example the price for the winning boxer of the fight was the large
cash sum.
• The consequence involves presenting or editing are stimulus called a
positive reinforce after the individual has performed the response .
• For example hearing song we like to be turning on a radio.
• Negative pattern occurs, a stimulus is subtracted
• For example Drinking alcohol to reduce unpleasant feelings.


Positive Add
ESCAPE appropriate
Remove aversive Avoidance stimulus
Stimulus following correct
Behavior avoids behavior
Following correct behavior
Aversive stimulus
Unconditioned reinforcers
• Unconditioned reinforces is also called a primary reinforce. These are
reinforces that do not need to be learned. Such as food, water,
oxygen. These are all primary divers that we have for basic survival
and if they are deprived in any way.
Conditioned reinforcres
• A condition reinforce is a previously neutral stimulus secondary
reinforcement is the process in which certain stimuli are paired with
primary reinforcer or stimuli in order to strengthen certain behavior.
• For example money, grades and praise.
Types of positive reinforcement
• Tangible and Consumable reinforcers
• Activity reinforcers
• Social reinforcers
• Feedback
• Tokens
Tangible reinforcers
• Tangible reinforcers this category includes edibles toys, stickers, and
awards. Edibles and toys be used with caution. Parents may have
reason to object to edibles as reinforcement.
• For example when you go to a store to buy a new novel, the book is a
tangible reinforcer for your shopping behavior.
Consumable reinforcers
• Consumable reinforcer is the kind of reinforcement that can be eaten
by the student such as candy cookies or fruits.
• For example when children at mealtime obey their parent’s
instructions to wash their hands before they may sit at the table and
eat, food is the consumable reinforcer for the behavior.
Activity reinforcer
• Involves allowing students to take part in their preformed activities if
they behave appropriately.
• For example in this type of reinforcement teacher gives the
permission to the child to participate in various activities like playing
games using of computer.
Social reinforcers
• Social reinforce a refer to reinforces such as a smile praise and
attention from other people.

• This kind of reinforcement is given by teacher and parents and adult

for praising the child.

• Sometime written reinforcement is also necessary.

• There are three main advantage are as follow:
• Social reinforcers can be administrated easily and quickly
• They can be given immediately after the target behavior which
• Social reinforcement occur naturally.
• Feedback information that assesses or guides peoples performance is
called feedback we get feedback continuously about our Motors
action through senses.
• Token reinforcement is the reward but this can be the taken back due
to inappropriate behavior.
• For example The teacher say that child complete the homework and
this is a target behavior when you achieve your target behavior, then
you can collect the 10 Smiles and you can beginning go to canteen 10
smiles and receive the chips. This is example of token
• The degree to which an individual values as specific consequence
determinant how likely is it to reinforce a behavior up to a point the
greater it values and grated its a strengthening effect on our behavior
what aspects of reinforce determine its value reinforces can very in
quantity for example the amount of ice cream the person receives for
good behavior and quality or characters for instance, ice cream comes
in different flavors.
• Motivation some circumstances can make certain consequence more
or less reinforcing then they might be otherwise.
• For instance food is a specially effective reinforcer when the person is
hungry circumstances can increase or decrease the person motivation
and the reward value of a reinforcer.
Negative reinforcement in escape and
• The aversive stimuli we try to reduce in negative reinforcement can be
covert as in anxiety or depression or overt, as when noisy neighbors
keep us from sleeping. In these situations, we learn to perform
behaviors that help us escape from the aversive stimuli.
Escape conditioning
• Escape conditioning involves learning to make a response that reduce
to eliminates and aversive stimulus currently experience are response
that success in strengthened thoughts is a process of negative
• For example when you feel cold you put on sweater or coat becoming
warm reinforcement the behavior escape conditioning is clearly
useful when the aversive stimuli experience can when the behavior
we learn enable as to adapt well in our life
Avoidance conditioning
• In avoidance conditioning, people learn to respond in ways that
prevent them from experiencing aversive events So, the children may
have a tantrum upon learning of the appointment or when they enter
the dentist's office, for instance. Not all avoidance conditioning is
maladaptive. We learn to carry an umbrella when rain is likely, for
instance. But avoidance conditioning can prevent people from
acquiring useful skills, such as when they give an excuse if asked to do
something they find threatening, such as giving a speech.

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