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Bridge Watchkeeping

School of Deck Officer of the Watch

HNC Nautical Science

HR03 34

Bridge Watchkeeping and

Communication Procedures
Outcome 2
Outcome 2

“ Bridge Watchkeeping and

Communication Procedures”

To introduce the learner to the governing national &

international regulations in relation to keeping a safe
navigational watch
In Order to successfully complete this section of the unit it is strongly suggested that you read the
following publications.

 MGN 315 – Keeping a Safe Navigational Watch on Merchant Ships

A copy of which is appended to these notes – Annex I
 Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW Code) Chapter VIII
Sections of which are reproduced in these notes – Annex II
 MGNs, MINs and MSNs relevant to bridge equipment, watchkeeping, duties of the OOW and
bridge procedures
 Bridge Procedures Guide (Copies are available in the library)
 Bridge Team Management
 NP100 – Mariners Handbook (Copies are available in the library)
 SOLAS Chapter V – Safety of Navigation (Copies of which are available in the library also on
the MCA website)

You may also find the following enrichment sources beneficial

 Marine Accident Investigation Bureau (MAIB) reports
Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping

and in particular Chapter VIII

“Standards regarding Deck

See Annex II
The 2010 Amendments
 On 25 June 2010 the Manila amendments to the STCW Convention and
Code were adopted which is another major revision of the STCW
Convention and Code.
 The 2010 amendments entered into force on 1st. January 2012 and are
aimed at bringing the Convention and Code up to date with developments
since they were initially adopted in 1984 and to enable them to address
issues that are anticipated to emerge in the foreseeable future.
Some of the 2010 amendments

 Improved measures to prevent fraudulent practices associated with

certificates of competency
 Revised requirements on hours of work and rest and new
requirements for the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse, as well as
updated standards relating to medical fitness standards for seafarers;.
 New certification requirements for able seafarers;
 New requirements relating to training in modern technology such as
electronic charts and information systems (ECDIS);
 New requirements for marine environment awareness training and
training in leadership and teamwork;
STCW is divided into two parts

Part A,
which is subdivided into 8 chapters


Part B,
which is also divided into two parts
Part A
 Chapter 1 – Standards Regarding General Provisions
 Chapter 2 – Standards Regarding the Master and Deck Department
 Chapter 3 – Standards Regarding the Engine Department
 Chapter 4 – Standards Regarding Radio Personnel
 Chapter 5 – Standards Regarding Special Training
Requirements for Personnel on certain types of Ships
 Chapter 6 – Standards Regarding Emergency, Occupational Safety, Medical
Care and Survival Functions
 Chapter 7 – Standards Regarding Alternative Certification
 Chapter 8 – Standards Regarding Watchkeeping
Part B

 This part of the STCW Code contains recommended guidance intended to

assist Parties to the STCW Convention and those involved in
implementing, applying or enforcing its measures to give the Convention
full and complete effect in a uniform manner.

 Also divided into 8 Chapters

 And that is all WE need say about Part B

The bit that we are particularly interested in is:

Part A Chapter 8

Standards Regarding Deck Watchkeeping

see Page 116
STCW Chapter 8 is further subdivided into:

Section A-VIII/1
Fitness for duty including hours of rest

• A minimum of 10 hours of rest in any 24-hour period;

• 77 hours in any 7-day period.

The hours of rest may be divided into no more than two periods, one of
which shall be at least 6 hours in length, and the intervals between
consecutive periods of rest shall not exceed 14 hours
See Page 10, 116, 131
STCW Chapter 8

you are strongly advised, in

preparation for external MCA/SQA
written and orals examinations to begin
to get very familiar with the contents of
STCW Chapter VIII from today.

MGN 315 (M)


Notice to Owners, Operators, Managers, Masters and Officers of Merchant
This notice should be read in conjunction with MGN 137 (M+F) and MGN 202 (M+F)

(a copy of this MGN and all MGN’s can be downloaded free from the MCA website 

Page 106 – ANNEX I

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