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what is an institution?
 composed of a set of formal rules, informal norms, or
agreed upon understading that constraint and prescribe
political actors’ behavior and interaction with one
 main function: keep society in order and implement
specific tasks assigned to them.
 E.g. educational, economic, political and social
Characteristics of an institution
A cluster of social usage
relative degree of permanence
well known and defines objectives
a bit resistant to social changes due to well
solidified beliefs
trasmitter of social heritage
state institutions

 institutions that have state functions

and are established to govern the
state institutions
executive legislative judiciary

 office of the congress of Supreme

president the Philippines court of the
 office of the • Senate Philippines
vice -president • RTCs,MCTCs,
• house of MTCs.MwTCs, SCC,
• representative SDC, and other
specialized courts
state institutions
Also under the office of the President:
Metropolitan Manila Development Authorit (MMDA)
National Statistics Office (NSO)/ Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
Tariff Commission
National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA)
National Security Council (NSC)
Office of the Press Secretary (OPS)
Philippine News Agency (PNA)
Philippine Anti-Graft Commission (PAGC)
state institutions
Constitutional Commissions
Local Government Uits
National Government agencies (i.e. DILG, DND,
DAR,DA,DepEd, etc)
Government owned or cpntrolled corporations (i.e. GSIS,PAG-
non-state institutions

A group of people or an organization that

participates in international affairs and
relations but is not affiliated with any state
or nation.
non-state institutions
Trade Unions
Advocacy Groups
International organizations
A financial institutions licensed to provide several
financial services to different types of customers.
- Deposit and lending functions
-Financial Intermediation
-Remittance/Sending money
-Currency Exchange
-Safety Deposit Boxes
common type of Banks
Retail Banks- focuses on cnsumers or the general public as its
Commercial Bank- focuses on businesses and businessmen as
its main clientele.
Investment/Industrial Bank- provide medium and long-term
loans and deposits to business industries.
Agricultural Bank- provide short term and long term loans to
facilitate agricultural activities.
Orgnization created by a group of
people known as the “shareholders”
“Legal person”- a corporation is
mandated to enjoy the rightd, privileges,
and responsibilities of an indivdual.
Association of persons united to meet their
common economic, social and cultural needs
through a jointly owned and democratically
controlled enterprise.
Cooperatives exist among different industries and
are composed of different types of people may it be
farmers, consumers, or workers
types of cooperatives
1.Credit Cooperative- provides financial
services to its members
2.Consumer cooperatives-obtain and
distributes products and commodoties to
its customers, both members and nn
3. Producer cooperatives- aids those
in the sector of production, either
agricultural or industrial
4.Multi purpose cooperative-
undertakes two or more functions of
different cooperatives.
-Trade union/Labor Union- an
organization composed of workers or
employees from related fields, which
aims to represent the interests and
rights of its members, both in the
workplace and in the society.
types of trade unions
1.General union- represents workers with
a range of jobs and skills, from different
industries and companies.
2.Industrial union- composed of workes
from one particular industry, across
different levels of the hierarchy.
3.Craft Union- represents skilled
workers doing the same work who may
be employed in different industries.
4. White collar union- composed of
professionals doing similar jobs across
different industries.
development agencies
It works as a bank that provides financail
assistance to important projects.The creation of
bridge that connects one province to another
road, or road construction that helps ordinary
farmers transport their products may be put into
reality through the help of these agencies
These organizations are created to expose
the conditions of the marginalized sector of
the society by using mass media as its
platform as they raise critical issues to the
transnational advocacy groups
It influence the government to take action on
matter commonly neglected. A grup maybe a
national or an international organization that
promotes and advocates progress and
development related to particualr issues of
the society.
Directions:Based on the discussion, answer
the following questions.
1.Banks allows us to_______________.
2. Corporations give us the chance to _.
3. Trade unions help workers to ______.
4. Cooperatives can make cheaper goods
and services for us to ________.
5. Development agencies transform our ___
6.Civil organizations can be useful in
7. Transnational advocacy groups raise awareness
about _____________________________________.
8. Are these non-state institutions connected to the
government? If yes, how? If no, Why not?
9. What are the functions of the government in relation
to its people.
10. What do you think will happen if we do not have
Directions: Read and analyze the
quotation together with its hashtags.
Afterwards, explain what you understad
about the statement by completing the
phrase below.
“The government job is not just to make your life
comfortable, but alos to allow OTHERS to do that to
Based on the quotation, I learned that __________
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct
1.Backed up by the government itselt, this
institution has less tendency to be bankrupt. In
relation, this non-state institution can also be a
state institution. Which one is it?
A.Banks B. Cooperatives
C. Corporations D. Trade Unions
2. Non-state agencies like JICA, CIDA, and
USAID provide financial assistance to particular
projects of a country like building bridges or
roads that are essential for development. Which
non-state institution provides this kind of aid?
A. Banks B.Corporations
C.Civil organization D. Development agencies
3. There are various kind of institutions in any
society. Some are state owned while some are
not. Which of the following can be an example
of a non-state institutions?
A. Armed Forces of the Philippines
B. Banks
C. Local government
D. Philippine executive government
4. Non-state institution from other countries can
also have a big impact to the Philippines. What
is the MOST expected function of these non-
state institutions?
A. Development
B. Investigation
C. Investment, finances
D. Reforms on economic and political practices.
5.Non-state institutions are often seen as doing
what the government also does. To set it apart
from the government, which of the following
terms BEST describe non-state institutions?
A. Involuntary
B. Locally-based
C. Non-governmnetal
D. Publicly and privately owned
6.Which non-state institutions raises awareness
on certain issues, such as Amnesty
International for human rights violations?
A. Advocacy groups
B. Civil organizations e.g. religion
D. Transnational development agencies
7. Civil organization come in many form. Which
one is MOST expected to show the realities of
the daily living of ordinary members of society?
A. Law firms B. Mass media
C.Overseas research team
D. People’s organization in communities
8. The state works as family, it creates agencies
to provide for the welfare of its members,
Meanwhile, non-state institutions work as ____
to lessen the burden of the state government.
A. Parents
B.Brothers and sisters
C. Tito and tita
D. Lolo at lola
9. Helen is maltreated by her employer in Saudi
Arabia where she works as a domestic helper.
What government agency must she seek help?
A. Department of Health
B. Department of Interior and Local
C. Overseas Workers Welfare Administration
D.Overseas Filipino Workers
10.Which of the following is NOT true
about non-state institutions?
A. Some are profit while some are not.
B. Some are foreign while some are local.
C. They contribute a lot to the economy.
D. They do not influence what the
government does.
11-15 Give atleast 5 examples
of non-state institutions
16-20- Give atleast 5 examples
of state institutions

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