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1. Definition
2. Classification
3. Allophones
4. In complementary distribution
5. Minimal pairs
6. Transcription
1. Structure of an English syllable ,presen’tation
2. Nature of a stressed syllable
3. Strong & weak syllable
1. Definition
Phoneme + smallest segment of language
+ meaningless in isolation
+ form a meaningful unit by combination
+ change the meaning of the unit by substitution (meaning distinguishing
feature; distinctive feature)
Ex: pin # bin # tin
2. Classification
a. Segmental phonemes : phonemes that must occur on the same segment one after another
to make sense. They are consonants and vowels.
b. Super /supra- segmental phonemes: the ones that do not occur on the same segment as
segmental phonemes (consonants & vowels) but over them. They are stress, juncture, and
Ex: ´present (1st syllable stressed) # pre´sent (2nd syllable stressed).
Those who sold quickly→made a profit # Those who sold → quickly made a profit.

You’re my students↓ # You’re my students↗ # You’re my students↑

3. Allophones + different pronunciations of the same phoneme
+ at different positions
+ not cause a difference in meaning
+ no free choice of pronunciation
+ written between square brackets [ ]
Ex: / t / [th] aspirated (initial position + vowel)
[t] unaspirated (after /s/)
[ t¯] unreleased (final position + cons)
[ D ] tap / flap: forty: betw 2 syllables; the 2nd unstressed

NOTE: t : alphabet; / t /: phoneme; [ t ]: allophone; { t }: morpheme

4. Free variations + different pronunciations of the same phoneme
+ at the same position
+ not cause a difference in meaning
+ all are correct
+ free choice of pronunciation
+ written between slanted lines
Ex: direct => / daı’rekt / or / dı’rect /
4. In Complementary Distribution (CD)
Two sounds are said to be in CD when they have their own positions and pronunciations; in other
words, where one sound occurs, the other cannot.
Ex: / t / [th] aspirated (initial position
[t] unaspirated (after /s/)
[ t¯] unreleased (final position
5. Minimal Pairs
They are pairs of words that differ from each other in only one phoneme at the same position.
Ex: pin & bin; bin & ban; ban & bat.
6. Transcription
They are written symbols of a sound.
a. Phonetically / narrow transcription:
+symbols for precise pronunciation of a sound
+one symbol, only one pronunciation
+ not in the dictionary
+ written between square brackets [ ]. Ex: pin [phĩn]
b. Phonemically / broad transcription
+ symbol for a phoneme
+ one symbol may have different pronunciations
+ in the dictionary
+ written between slanted lines / /. Ex: pin / pın /
1. Structure of an English syllable
2. Strong & weak syllable

A syllable is a group of sounds consisting of a CENTER / PEAK / NUCLEUS (a vowel or

diphthong) and may be preceded by consonants (ONSET) and followed by consonants (CODA).

1. Structure of an English syllable.

[Initial Consonant(s)] Vowel / Diphthong [Final Consonant(s)]
0–3 1 0-4

a. Center / Peak / Nucleus

In an English syllable, there must be a vowel or diphthong as the center of the syllable and
only one. (Except for the case of some weak syllables in which a syllabic consonant stands for
the vowel).
b. Onset (0 – 3)
Note: If there is only one consonant, it is always initial.
If there is two or more consonants, / s / if any, is pre-initial.
c. Coda (0 – 4)
Note: + When there is one consonant, it is always final.
+ The grammar markers (the parts added to show grammar form) are post-final.
+ The first ones to be identified are the finals /p k t d f/
+ There is only one pre-final in the CODA
+ / p / always final
Number Pre-final Final Post 1 Post 2 Post 3 Example
1 Any, except Cat / kæt / Book /
/ h, w, j / bʊk /
2 mnŋls pktdf Bump /bʌmp/
Bent /bent/
2 pktdf sztdθ Bets /bets/
Beds /bedz/
3 mnŋls pktdf sztdθ Helped /helpt/
Banks /bæŋks/
Twelfth /twelfθ/

3 pktdf sztdθ sztdθ Fifths /fɪfθs/

Next /nekst/
Lapsed /læpst/

4 mnŋls pktdf sztdθ sztdθ Twelfths /twelfθs/

Prompts /prɒmpts/
4 pktdf sztdθ sztdθ sztdθ Sixths /sɪksθs/
Texts /teksts/
2. Strong & weak syllable
Strong syllable Stressed syllable
In a word, only one syllable with primary stress
If the primary stress is at the end of the word, there’s usually an alternative of strong / weak syllable
before the primary
The secondary stress is usually on the 3rd syllable from the primary
Never two adjacent strong syllables. Ex: ,Presen’tation /ˌprezǝnʹteıʃn/
s w s w

,inter’national; ,indi,vidu’ality

Weak syllable unstressed syllable (part /pa:rt/; par’ticular)

+ usually the vowel is pronounced /ǝ/ (schwa)
+ after the primary stress, all syllables are weak
+ there may be many weak syllables consecutively
+ the schwa /ǝ/ and syllabic consonant are always in weak syllable
Certain English words have two forms: strong & weak. They are functional / grammatical words, including pronoun, preposition,
conjunction, auxiliary, and determiner.
Usually, functional words are weak, and the vowel is pronounced as / ə / (schwa).

They are strong in the following cases:

• At final position.
Ex: Paul is talking to Mary /pɔ:l ɪz ′tɔ:lkɪŋ tə ´meri/
But: Who is he talking to? /hu ɪz i ′tɔ:lkɪŋ tu/
• When being used contrasted with another word.
Ex: The letter’s from him, not to him / ðə ´letəz ´frɒm ɪm nɒt ´tu ɪm/
• A co-ordinated use of preposition.
Ex: I travel to and from DL a lot / aɪ ′trævI ´tu ən ´frɒm DL ə lɒt/
• When being “cited” or “quoted”.
Ex: You shouldn’t put ‘and’ at the end of a sentence
/ju ′ʃʊdnt pʊt ‘ænd’ ət ði end əv ə ′sentəns/
• In negative form.
Ex: I can’t speak French / aɪ kænt spi:k ´frenʧ /
• For the purpose of emphasis.
Ex: You must give me more money.
/ju ´mʌ st ´gɪv mi mɔ: ´mʌni/
Some special words
• That: + weak / ðət/: conjunction and relative pronoun.
Ex: He thinks that you love him /hi θɪŋks ðət ju lʌv ɪm/
+ strong / ðæt /: demonstrative
Ex: That book is mine / ðæt bʊk ɪz maɪn/
• Some:+ weak /səm/: countable noun plural and uncountable
Ex: I have some dogs /aɪ hæv səm dɒgz/
I need some money / aɪ ni:d səm ´mʌni/
+ strong /sʌm/: countable singular noun and final position
Ex: I think some boy broke it. / aɪ θɪŋk sʌm ´bɔɪ ´brəʊk ɪt/
I take some. / aɪ teɪk sʌm /
• There:+ weak /ðə(r)/: formal / unreal subject.
Ex: There is a book on the table / ðə(r) ɪz ə bʊk ɒn ðə ′te1b!/
+ strong / ðeə(r)/: adverb and in final position
Ex: There it is / ðeə(r) ɪt ɪz/
Put it there / pʊt ɪt ðeə /
• Must: + weak /məst/: obligation, duty.
Ex: I must go now. /ai məst gəʊ naʊ/
+ strong /mʌst/: deduction and final position
Ex: He left at 7:00; he must have arrived here by now.
/hi ´left ət 7:00 hi mʌst həv ə′raɪvd hɪə baɪ naʊ /

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