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PROSE: a free essay that
isn’t bounded by the rules
contained in poetry.

STUDY: the activity of collecting, processing, FICTION: fiction in the inclusive sense, is any
analyzing, and presenting data systematically and narrative which is feigned or invented rather than
objectively to solve a problem or examining a historically or factually true. In most present day
theory to develop general principles. (Wicaksono, discussion, however, the term fiction is applied
2014:70) primarily to prose narratives (the novel and the story,
and is sometimes used simply as synonym for novel.
(Abrams, 1999:59)

• Free form, are formed to resemble a series of sentences which form paragraphs and aren’t bounded
by rhymes, stanzas, or lines.
• Language in a prose are influenced by many languages.
• Each of the prose has a theme that become the main discussion in a story.
• Always up to date.
• Has a sequence of events/plots: chronological, reverse, even mixed.
• There are characters such as humans, animals, or plants.
• Has a certain background like time, place, or environment.
• Contain messages for the readers, so the readers are influenced by those messages.
• The name of the author isn’t always showed in the story, sometimes it is vague.
• Old Prose: the work of art which isn’t influenced by other culture.
a. Fairytale: a story that is imaginary based on the imagination of the author and it is set
to the written form.
b. Fable: a fiction old story that contains morality lesson and the character of the story are
c. Tale: a history or fiction romance that contains innovative messages.
d. Legend: an old story that tells about a history of a place or people, and it may be true
or not.
e. Myth: a story about belief of people towards a thing or an object that considered has
mystical things.
KIND OF PROSE (New Prose/ Modern Prose)
• New Prose: the work of art that changes because of the influence of the Western culture.
a. Short story: the work of art that tells about the most important, the most interesting, and sometimes
conflicts from the characters’ life, but the conflicts didn’t make any changes of the characters themselves.
b. Novel: the work of art that tells about the most important, the most interesting, and conflicts from the
characters’ life, and the conflicts make some changes of the characters.
c. Romance: a story or a work of art about love relationship, excitement, and adventure that usually set in
the past.
d. History: a prose about someone’s life experience from his/her day of birth until his/her mortality.
e. Critics: a writing which explain the strengths and weaknesses of the work of art using certain arguments.
f. Review: summary of the work of art from various aspects such as theme, plot, character, dialogue, and
many more.
g. Essay: review of the problems written based on the personal thought of the writer.
• According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2005:1039), novel is a story long enough to fill a
complete books, in which the characters and events are usually imaginary.
• Novel derived from the word ‘novella’ in Italian which means ‘new’, ‘news’, or ‘a new short story’.
• Novella comes from the plural word ‘novellus’ or ‘novus’ in Italian which means ‘new’.
• Wicaksono (2014:75) said that novel is the part of fiction prose genre because it is the result of
someone’s imagination or something that isn’t true in the fact.
• Atar Semi (1993:32) stated that novel revealed a focus of life, a work of fiction which revealed human
aspect deeply and softly.
• Kenney (1966:105) uttered that where the short story compresses, the novel expands. For the intensity of
the short story, the novel substitutes complexity…the novel is decidedly not meant to be read at a single
• From the definitions above, it can be concluded that novel is the work of art which has a long story and
imaginary characteristic.
According to Wicaksono (2014:79), the
functions of novel are:
• To entertain the reader.
• To learn about human’s life in a certain
• To teach the reader about human’s
character. FUNCTION OF
• To become a source for the psychologist or
to become an example of a historical case. NOVEL
• To express release the emotion of the
On the other side, Agustien S., Sri Mulyani, and
Sulistiono (1999:92-93) divided that the functions of
novel are:
• Recreative function: able to give an entertaining
story for the reader.
• Deductive function: able to direct and educate the
reader because there are values on the novel that can THE
be learnt.
• Aesthetic function: able to give the beauty of the FUNCTION
novel to the reader.
• Morality function: able to enrich the knowledge OF NOVEL (2)
about morality in the good or the bad events to the
• Religious function: able to follow the religious
thoughts/things contained in a novel.
Wicaksono, Andri. (2014). Pengkajian Prosa Fiksi, Bandarlampung: Garudhawaca.
Hornby, A.S. (2005). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 7th edition, Oxford: Oxford University

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18th, 2023)

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