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Chapter 7- sIide 1

Chapter Seven
CustomerDr|ven Market|ng Strategy
Creat|ng Va|ue for 1arget Customers
Chapter 7- sIide 2
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy:
Creating VaIue for Target Customers
- MarkeL SegmenLaLlon
- MarkeL 1argeLlng
- ulfferenLlaLlon and oslLlonlng
1op|c Cut||ne
Chapter 7- sIide 3
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market segmentat|on ls Lhe process LhaL
companles use Lo dlvlde large
heLerogeneous markeLs lnLo small markeLs
LhaL can be reached more efflclenLly and
effecLlvely wlLh producLs and servlces LhaL
maLch Lhelr unlque needs
Market Segmentation
Chapter 7- sIide 4
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
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Market Segmentation
Chapter 7- sIide 5
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
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- SegmenLlng consumer markeLs
- SegmenLlng buslness markeLs
- SegmenLlng lnLernaLlonal markeLs
- 8equlremenLs for effecLlve segmenLaLlon
Market Segmentation
Chapter 7- sIide 6
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Segmentation
Segment|ng Consumer Markets
Chapter 7- sIide 7
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Segmentation
- Ceographlc segmenLaLlon dlvldes Lhe
markeL lnLo dlfferenL geographlcal unlLs
such as naLlons reglons sLaLes counLles
or clLles
Segment|ng Consumer Markets
Chapter 7- sIide 8
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Segmentation
Demograph|c segmentat|on dlvldes Lhe markeL
lnLo groups based on varlables such as age
gender famlly slze famlly llfe cycle lncome
occupaLlon educaLlon rellglon race
generaLlon and naLlonallLy
Segment|ng Consumer Markets
Chapter 7- sIide 9
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Segmentation
ge and ||fecyc|e stage segmentat|on ls Lhe
process of offerlng dlfferenL producLs or
uslng dlfferenL markeLlng approaches for
dlfferenL age and llfecycle groups
ender segmentat|on dlvldes Lhe markeL
based on sex (male or female)
Chapter 7- sIide 10
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Segmentation
ncome segmentat|on dlvldes Lhe markeL
lnLo affluenL or lowlncome consumers
9sychograph|c segmentat|on dlvldes
buyers lnLo dlfferenL groups based on
soclal class llfesLyle or personallLy
Segment|ng Consumer Markets
Chapter 7- sIide 11
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Segmentation
ehav|ora| segmentat|on dlvldes
buyers lnLo groups based on Lhelr
knowledge aLLlLudes uses or
responses Lo a producL
- Cccaslons
- 8eneflLs soughL
- user sLaLus
- usage raLe
- LoyalLy sLaLus
Segment|ng Consumer Markets
Chapter 7- sIide 12
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Segmentation
Mu|t|p|e segmentat|on ls used Lo ldenLlfy smaller
beLLerdeflned LargeL groups
eodemograph|c segmentat|on ls an example of
mulLlvarlable segmenLaLlon LhaL dlvldes groups
lnLo consumer llfesLyle paLLerns
Us|ng Mu|t|p|e Segmentat|on ases
Chapter 7- sIide 13
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Segmentation
9M NL classlfles every Amerlcan household lnLo
66 unlque segmenLs organlzed lnLo 14 dlfferenL
soclal groups
- 1hese groups segmenL people and locaLlons lnLo
markeLable groups of llkemlnded consumers
LhaL exhlblL unlque characLerlsLlcs and buylng
behavlor based on a hosL of demographlc facLors
Us|ng Mu|t|p|e Segmentat|on ases
Chapter 7- sIide 14
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Segmentation
Segment|ng nternat|ona| markets
Chapter 7- sIide 15
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Segmentation
ntermarket segmentat|on dlvldes
consumers lnLo groups wlLh slmllar needs
and buylng behavlors even Lhough Lhey are
locaLed ln dlfferenL counLrles
Segment|ng us|ness Markets
Chapter 7- sIide 16
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Segmentation
- 1o be useful markeL segmenLs musL be
equ|rements for Lffect|ve Segmentat|on
Chapter 7- sIide 17
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Targeting
- 1argeL markeL conslsLs of a seL of buyers
who share common needs or
characLerlsLlcs LhaL Lhe company decldes Lo
Se|ect|ng 1arget Market Segments
Chapter 7- sIide 18
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Targeting
- SegmenL slze and growLh
- SegmenL sLrucLural aLLracLlveness
- Company ob[ecLlves and resources
Lva|uat|ng Market Segments

Chapter 7- sIide 19
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Targeting
1arget Market|ng Strateg|es
Chapter 7- sIide 20
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Targeting
Und|fferent|ated markeLlng LargeLs Lhe
whole markeL wlLh one offer
Mass markeLlng
locuses on common needs raLher Lhan whaL's
1arget Market|ng Strateg|es
Chapter 7- sIide 21
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Targeting
D|fferent|ated market|ng LargeLs several
dlfferenL markeL segmenLs and deslgns
separaLe offers for each
- Coal ls Lo achleve hlgher sales and sLronger
- More expenslve Lhan undlfferenLlaLed
1arget Market|ng Strateg|es
Chapter 7- sIide 22
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Targeting
- ConcenLraLed markeLlng LargeLs a
small share of a large markeL
- LlmlLed company resources
- knowledge of Lhe markeL
- More effecLlve and efflclenL
1arget Market Strateg|es
Chapter 7- sIide 23
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Targeting
M|cromarket|ng ls Lhe pracLlce of Lallorlng
producLs and markeLlng programs Lo sulL
Lhe LasLes of speclflc lndlvlduals and
- Local markeLlng
- lndlvldual markeLlng
1arget Market Strateg|es
Chapter 7- sIide 24
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Targeting
oca| market|ng lnvolves Lallorlng brands
and promoLlon Lo Lhe needs and wanLs of
local cusLomer groups
- ClLles
- nelghborhoods
- SLores
1arget Market Strateg|es
Chapter 7- sIide 25
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Targeting
nd|v|dua| market|ng lnvolves Lallorlng
producLs and markeLlng programs Lo Lhe needs
and preferences of lndlvldual cusLomers
- Also known as
CneLoone markeLlng
Mass cusLomlzaLlon
MarkeLsofone markeLlng
1arget Market Strateg|es
Chapter 7- sIide 26
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Targeting
uepends on
- Company resources
- roducL varlablllLy
- roducL llfecycle sLage
- MarkeL varlablllLy
- CompeLlLor's markeLlng sLraLegles
Choos|ng a 1arget Market
Chapter 7- sIide 27
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Market Targeting
- 8eneflLs cusLomers wlLh speclflc
- Concern for vulnerable segmenLs
- Chlldren
lnLerneL abuses
Soc|a||y espons|b|e 1arget Market|ng
Chapter 7- sIide 28
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Differentiation and Positioning
9roduct pos|t|on ls Lhe way Lhe
producL ls deflned by consumers on
lmporLanL aLLrlbuLesLhe place Lhe
producL occuples ln consumers' mlnds
relaLlve Lo compeLlng producLs
Chapter 7- sIide 29
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Differentiation and Positioning
oslLlonlng maps
show consumer
percepLlons of
Lhelr brands
versus compeLlng
producLs on
lmporLanL buylng
Chapter 7- sIide 30
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Differentiation and Positioning
- ldenLlfylng a seL of posslble compeLlLlve
advanLages Lo bulld a poslLlon
- Chooslng Lhe rlghL compeLlLlve advanLages
- SelecLlng an overall poslLlonlng sLraLegy
- ueveloplng a poslLlonlng sLaLemenL
Choos|ng a D|fferent|at|on and 9os|t|on|ng
Chapter 7- sIide 31
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Differentiation and Positioning
Compet|t|ve advantage ls an advanLage over
compeLlLors galned by offerlng consumers
greaLer value elLher Lhrough lower prlces or
by provldlng more beneflLs LhaL [usLlfy hlgher
dent|fy|ng 9oss|b|e Va|ue D|fferences and
Compet|t|ve dvantages
Chapter 7- sIide 32
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Differentiation and Positioning
ldenLlfylng a seL of posslble compeLlLlve
advanLages Lo bulld a poslLlon by
provldlng superlor value from
Choos|ng a D|fferent|at|on and 9os|t|on|ng
Product differentiation
Service differentiation
Channel differentiation
People differentiation
mage differentiation
Chapter 7- sIide 33
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Differentiation and Positioning
ulfference Lo promoLe should be
Choos|ng the |ght Compet|t|ve dvantage
mportant Distinctive Superior
Communicable Preemptive Affordable
Chapter 7- sIide 34
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
Differentiation and Positioning
Va|ue propos|t|on
ls Lhe full mlx of
beneflLs upon
whlch a brand ls
Se|ect|ng an Cvera|| 9os|t|on|ng Strategy
Chapter 7- sIide 35
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
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Communication and DeIivering the
Chosen Position
Chooslng Lhe poslLlonlng ls ofLen easler
Lhan lmplemenLlng Lhe poslLlon
Chapter 7- sIide 36
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PubIishing as Prentice HaII
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America.
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, nc. Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, nc.
Publishing as Prentice Hall Publishing as Prentice Hall

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