Making An Offer

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By Agatha Christiyanti
Definition of Offers

Offer means giving something abstract or physical to

someone, which could be taken as a trade, a gift, and
The offers could be given in several different terms,
such as food, friendship, solutions, and others.
An offer could be taken or refused by the
Making an Offer
Common Expressions
 Can I……..……..… (do something)?
 Shall I………………….…(do something)?
 Would you like me to…….(do something)?
 Would you like……..…(something)?
 Do you want me to………(do something)?
 Do you want…………………..(something)?
More Expressions
 Let me………….(do something)
 I can………….…If you’d like
 I’d be happy to…………..(do something)
 May I offer you………….. (something)?
 I will……….… (do something) If you’d like
 Would you like something to drink?

 Would you like me to open the door?

 Can I help you?

 Can I give you a hand?

 Let me help you.

 Would you like me to answer the phone?

More Examples
 Do you want some more tea?

 Do you want me to turn down the TV?

 I’d happy to take you to the airport.

 May I offer you a cup of coffee.

Accepting an Offer
Common Expressions

 Yes, please.

 Yes, I’d love to.

 Yes. That would be great.

 Yes please, that would be lovely.

More Expressions
 Yes, If you wouldn’t mind.

 That’s very kind of you.

 That sounds nice.

 Thank you. I’d like to.

Refusing an Offer

 No, thanks.

 It’s Ok. I can do it myself.

 Thank you for your kindness but I can do it myself.

 Don’t worry. I can do it.

 I appreciate that but I can do it myself.

Jane : Would you like some cookies?
David : Thank you, but I'm on a diet.
Allison : How about a cup of coffee?
Pat : Sorry, I don’t like coffee
Avram : How about a cup of tea?
Tom : That would be nice
Frank : May I get you something to drink?
Kevin : Thank you. I'd like a cup of coffee.
Linda : Would you like me to get you some food?
Evan : That would be nice. Thank you.
Homer : May I offer you something to drink?
Bart : Thank you. I'd like a soda.
Listen and Repeat

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