Lecture No 13 Global Foods

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Lecture 13 HND-SP21

Course: Global Food Issues

Instructor: Muhammad Tanveer Aslam

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Irrational food consumption

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• Irrational food consumption behavior refers to the act of making food-
related decisions that are not logical or reasonable, often driven by
emotions, habits, or external influences.
• Understanding irrational food consumption behavior is crucial for
promoting healthier eating habits and addressing issues like obesity
and food waste.

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Types of Irrational Food Consumption
1.Emotional Eating: Consuming food in response to emotions such as
stress, sadness, or boredom.
2.Impulse Buying: Making spontaneous food purchases without
considering nutritional value or necessity.
3.Overeating: Consuming more food than the body requires, often due
to external cues like portion sizes or social pressure.

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Factors Influencing Irrational Food
1.Psychological Factors: Emotions, stress, mood swings, and mental
health conditions can influence food choices.
2.Social Influences: Peer pressure, cultural norms, and social gatherings
can impact eating habits.
3.Marketing Tactics: Advertising, product placement, and packaging
influence consumer decisions.
4.Environmental Cues: Availability, accessibility, and visual cues affect
food choices.

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The Role of Habit and Routine
• Habits formed through repetition and routine can lead to automatic
and often irrational food choices.
• Breaking unhealthy habits and establishing new routines is essential
for promoting healthier eating behaviors.

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Cognitive Biases in Food Consumption
1.Confirmation Bias: Tendency to seek information that confirms
existing beliefs about food.
2.Anchoring Bias: Being influenced by initial information or prices
when making food choices.
3.Availability Heuristic: Overestimating the prevalence of certain foods
based on their accessibility or visibility.

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Consequences of Irrational Food
1.Health Impacts: Obesity, nutritional deficiencies, and chronic diseases.
2.Financial Burden: Wasting money on unnecessary or unhealthy food
3.Environmental Consequences: Increased food waste and carbon
footprint due to excessive consumption.

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Strategies to Overcome Irrational Food
1.Mindful Eating: Paying attention to hunger cues and eating with
2.Planning and Preparation: Meal planning and grocery lists can prevent
impulse buying.
3.Emotional Regulation: Finding alternative ways to cope with
emotions instead of turning to food.
4.Education and Awareness: Learning about nutrition and understanding
marketing tactics can empower consumers.

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Behavioral Interventions
• Behavior change techniques such as goal setting, self-monitoring, and
reward systems can help individuals overcome irrational food
consumption habits.
• Support from healthcare professionals, nutritionists, and psychologists
can aid in behavior modification.

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Thank You !
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