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Topic : 7Cd Muscles and Moving

Learning Objective
1. To explain how muscles are used in the system
locomotor system Biomechanics
Success Criteria Biceps
I can…..
2. Explain how antagonistic pairs of mscles are
3. Describe how muscles are controlled to allow
Vocabulary Starter : Write as many words related to the given word

Do muscles and bone change?
Yes, they do

What evidence can you think of?

Athletes’ Training
Can you name the organ system which is program
formed by the muscles and bones?

Ans : L_C_M_T_R System How ?

(Clue : Fill the blanks with the same vowel)

The study of how muscles

and bones work together
The smallest muscle in our body is attached to the smallest bone is called
stapes. The stapedius muscle is about 1mm long
Antagonistic Muscles
What do you mean by the term
‘Antagonistic’? Acting Opposite to each other

Can force from a muscle be measured?

Biceps and triceps are antagonistic pairs

Newton (N)
What can be unit of measuring force?
(clue : Name of a scientist)
Can you guess the human The masseter or jaw muscle
muscle that can exert the most


Brain – spinal cord-nerves attached to
muscles- muscles contract.
(electrical messages – impulses)

Bite force
Human : 2500 N
Dogs : 6900 N
Alligator : 9500 N

Can you name the cell organelle that provides energy for
muscles to work? Name the process that release energy
Write the answers in your note book
1. The given X-Ray shows the Left and Right forearm bones of a
professional tennis player. In which hand do you think he holds the
tennis racquet? Explain your reasoning.
2. Name two organs in the locomotor system
3. What do you call the study of how muscles and bones work together?
4. Muscles do not generate a force when they relax, which means that
muscles cannot ……………… (push/pull) on bones- they can only
…………….. (push / pull) them.
5. Name the smallest bone and smallest muscle in our body
6. Name an antagonistic pair in our body
7. What is the unit of Force?
8. Write the pathway of control of muscles
9. What is the force bite of humans, dogs and alligators
10.Name the cell organelle that provides energy for muscles to
work? Name the process that release energy
1.Right hand; bones are thicker in the right arm.
2.Muscles and bones
4.Push ; Pull
5.Stapes ; Stapedius
6.Biceps and Triceps
8.Brain- spinal cord-nerves-muscles
9. Humans- 2500N, Dogs- 6900N,
alligators – 9500N
10. Mitochondria ; Respiration
(What do you feel about the topic)
Home Assignment

Attempt question no. 1,3,5,6,7 of page no. 46 and 47

(Text book), in your notebook

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