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About Author

The Birth date of William Shakespear

is not known, but it was celebrated on
23rd April, also the date of his death.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

A tragedy about the prince of
Other Denmark seeking revenge on
his father’s murder.
written by
Shakespear A tragedy exploring themes
of jealousy, betrayal and race,
centered around the Moorish
general Othello.
A tragedy depicting the
consequences of an aging king’s
decision to divide his kingdom
among his three daughters.

A tragic love story

between two young lovers
from feuding families.
King Lear
King Lear: The elderly king of Britain who decides to
divide his kingdom among his daughters, Goneril, Regan, and
Cordelia. Lear's tragic flaw is his inability to see beyond flattery
and his own pride, leading to his downfall.

 King of Britain.
 Having 3 daughters:
(Goneril, Cordelia and Regan).
 Personality Traits:
(Proud and Arrogant
Impulsive and Rash
Symbol of Aging and Decline) This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Relation chart of
the characters in
this play.
Daughters of king Lear

Goneril Regan Cordelia

Cordelia: The youngest and most honest daughter of King Lear. Cordelia refuses to flatter her
father like her sisters do, which leads to her disinheritance. She is virtuous and loyal, ultimately
meeting a tragic fate.

Goneril: Lear's eldest daughter. She initially professes her love for her father excessively to
gain a share of the kingdom, but later mistreats Lear and plots against him with her husband, the
Duke of Albany.

Regan: Lear's second daughter, who also flatters him to gain a share of the kingdom. Regan
is equally cruel and ambitious, joining forces with Goneril to betray their father.
1) POWER AND AUTHORITY: The play shows how being in charge can lead to problems, especially
when leader make bad decisions.

2) FAMILY AND BATRAYAL: It’s about how families can have issue like not being loyal to each other
and breaking trust.

3) BLINDNESS AND INSIGHT: Lear and Gloucester both have moments where they don't see things
clearly, both literally and figuratively. They make mistakes because they can't see the truth.

4) Justice and Injustice: Lear's treatment by his daughters seems unjust, and Cordelia's death feels
especially unfair. The good characters suffer while the bad ones often get away with their actions.

5) Redemption and Forgiveness: Lear learns from his mistakes and tries to make amends with
Cordelia, showing that people can change and forgive, even after everything that's happened.
Message that we learn

 The Consequences of Pride

 The Nature of Love
 The Fragility of Human Existence
 The Illusion of Power
 The Cycle of Life and Death
 Betrayal and Deception

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