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Wesleyan Spiritual Discipline

1. Works of Piety and Learning

2. Works of Mercy (Acts of

Individual Practices:
1. Reading the scriptures,
2. meditating and Studying Scripture
3. Prayer
4. Journaling
5. fasting
6. Regularly attending worship
7. Healthy living and sharing our faith with others.
Communal Practices: Regularly share in the sacraments,
Communal Practices:
1. Regularly share in the sacraments
2. Christian Social Concerns and Advocacies
3. Christian Conferencing
4. and Bible study and Prayer Gatherings.
Works of Mercy

Individual Practices:

1. Doing good works

2. Visiting the sick and those in prison
3. Feeding the hungry and
4. Giving generously to the needs of others
Works of Mercy

Communal Practices:
1. Seeking justice
2. Ending oppression and discrimination
3. Extending Support and care for environment and rights of
the whole creation
4. Addressing the needs of the poor and the neediest and the
most vulnerable
Biblical References we love to read:

Matthew 6:9-13
Luke 11:2-13
Galatians 5:21-22

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