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A capacitor is a two-terminal electrical device that can store energy in the form of an electric
charge. It consists of two electrical conductors that are separated by a distance. The space
between the conductors may be filled by a vacuum or with an insulating material known as a

Schematic Symbol of a
Applications of Capacitors
 Energy storage
 Power conditioning
 Electronic noise filtering
 Remote sensing and signal coupling/decoupling
 Power factor correction
 Motor starting and running
 Voltage regulation
 Electrically, capacitance is the ability to store an electric charge. Capacitance is equal to the amount
of charge that can be stored in a capacitor in a capacitor divided by the voltage applied across the
 The unit of capacitance is the Farad (F)

C = or Q = CV or V =

C = capacitance, F
Q = amount of charge, C
V = voltage, V
Capacitance of a capacitor depends on the area of the
conductor plates, the separation between the plates, and
the dielectric constant of the insulating material. For a
capacitor with two parallel plates, the formula to find its
capacitance is
C = k(8.85 x 10-12)


C = capacitance, F

K = dielectric constant of the insulating material The farad is to high a unit for most capacitors.
Therefore we conveniently use the microfarad,
A = area of the plate, m2
(µF) or nanofarad, (nF) and picofarad , (pF).
D = distance between the plates, m
Example Problems:
1. What is the capacitance of a capacitor that stores 4 C of charge a 2 V?
2. What is the charge taken on by a 10 F capacitor at 3 V?
3. What is the voltage across a 0.001- F capacitor that stores 2 C?
4. The area of one plate of a two-plate mica capacitor is 0.0025 m2 and the separation between
plates is 0.002m if the dielectric constant of mica is 7, find the capacitance of the capacitor.
1. Given: Q= 4 C , V= 2 V Required: C=?
Solution: C = = = 2 F
2. Given: C= 10 F , V= 3 V Required: Q=?
Solution: Q = CV = (10)(3) = 30 C
3. Given: C= 0.001- F , Q = 2 V Required: V=?
Solution: V = = = 2000 V
4. Given: A= 0.0025 m2, d= 0.002 m, k= 7 Required: C=?
Solution: C = k(8.85 x 10-12)
= 77.44 pF
Types of Capacitor
Capacitors are mainly divided into two mechanical groups:
 Fixed capacitors
 Variable capacitors
Fixed Capacitors
 Ceramic capacitors
 Film capacitor
 Paper capacitor
Ceramic Capacitors

 A ceramic capacitor is considered to be one of the most commonly used capacitors. The
material used in this capacitor type is dielectric. Also, ceramic capacitors are non-polar devices
which means that they can be used in any direction in the circuit.
Film Capacitor

 Film capacitors are also known as a polymer film, plastic film, or film dielectric. The advantage of
film capacitors is that they are inexpensive and come with limitless shelf life. The film capacitor
uses a thin dielectric material with the other side of the capacitor metalized. Depending on the
application, the film capacitor is rolled into thin films. The general voltage range of these
capacitors is from 50 V to 2 kV.
Paper Capacitors

 Paper capacitor is also known as a fixed capacitor in which paper is used as the dielectric
material. The amount of electric charge stored by the paper capacitor is fixed. It consists of two
metallic plates, and paper, which is used as a dielectric material, is placed between these plates.
Variable Capacitor
 Electrolytic capacitor
-An electrolytic capacitor is a capacitor
that uses an oxide film made of aluminum,
tantalum or other oxidizable metal as a
dielectric. Because of its potential for large
capacitance, this type of capacitor is used
extensively in power supply circuits and
similar applications.
Capacitors in series and Parallel
Voltage relation: total or supply voltage ET is equal to
the sum of the voltages across each capacitors
ET = E1 + E2 + E3

Capacitance relation: the reciprocal of the total

capacitance CT is equal to the sum of the reciprocals
of the capacitance of each capacitor.
Charge relation: the charges stored on = + +
each capacitors are equal to the total
charge QT
QT = Q 1 = Q 2 = Q 3
Capacitors in series and Parallel
Voltage relation: Total voltage ET, is equal to the
voltage across each capacitors
ET = E1 = E2 = E3

Capacitance relation: Total capacitance CT is equal

to the sum of the capacitances of each capacitor
CT= C1 + C2 + C3
Charge relation: The total charges
stored is equal to the sum of the charge
stored on each capacitor.
QT = Q 1 + Q 2 + Q 3
Example Problems:
1. Two capacitors of 20 µF and 40 µF are connected in series to a source of 24 V. Solve the
voltage across the 20 µF capacitor.
2. Three capacitors of capacitance 2 µF, 3 µF and 5 µF have voltages across of 20 V, 30 V and 50
V, respectively. They are connected in parallel with terminals of like polarity together. Solve the
voltage across the parallel combination.
1. Given: C1= 20 µF, C2= 40 µF, V= 24 V Required: V1=?
Solution: = +
= +
CT =
CT = 13.33 µF
QT = (CT)(V) = (13.33x10-6)(24) = 320 µC
Since it its connected in series so QT = Q1= Q2
V1 = = = 16 V
2. Given: C1=2 µF, C2=3 µF, C3= 5 µF, V1=20 V, V2=30 V, V3= 50 V Required: VT=?
Solution: QT = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 Parallel Capacitors
= C1 V1 + C 2 V2 + C 3 V3
=(2x10-6)(20) + (3x10-6)(30) + (5x10-6)(50)
= 380 µC
CT = C 1 + C 2 + C 3 Parallel Capacitors
= 2 + 3 + 5 = 10 µF
VT = = = 38 V

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