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Principal II
Topnotcher, 2017 Principal’s Test
10th Placer, Licensure Exam for Teachers
Cum Laude
1. Students demonstrate the basic steps in dancing swing during the Performance
Task in P.E. The cognitive process dimension that they are showing is
A. True, because the students construct meaning from oral and written messages
during the class discussion and they showed UNDERSTANDING of the lesson
through dancing of the basic steps in swing.
B. False, it should be REMEMBERING because students recall the information and
retrieve relevant knowledge from long-term memory the basic steps in dancing
swing during their Performance Task.
C. False, it should be APPLYING because students use the information they
learned on the basic steps in dancing swing to undertake a procedure in familiar
situations or in a new way.
D. Maybe True because the students did not only show UNDERSTANDING of the
lesson but also REMEMBERING of the basic steps and APPLYING what they have
learned through demonstration of the dance.
C. False, it should be APPLYING because students use the
information they learned on the basic steps in dancing
swing to undertake a procedure in familiar situations or in a
new way.
DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015
Policy Guidelines on Classroom
Assessment for the K to 12
Basic Education Curriculum
2. Student A is enrolled in Grade 9. By the end of the grading period,
he Did Not Meet Expectations in Mathematics and Science. The
action taken by his adviser was to retain him in the same grade
A. False, the student needs to be given remedial classes for the two
learning areas to be promoted to Grade 10, otherwise be retained.
B. False, the student needs to be conditionally promoted to the
Grade 10 but needs to enrol the two subjects which he failed in
Grade 9.
C. True, the student failed in two major subjects that’s why
he needs to be retained in these two subject areas.
D. Maybe True or False because the information given is
not sufficient to make any judgment.
A. False, the student needs to be given remedial classes for
the two learning areas to be promoted to Grade 10,
otherwise be retained.
DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015
Policy Guidelines on Classroom
Assessment for the K to 12
Basic Education Curriculum
Study the Root Cause Analysis using the Fishbone Diagram
on the next slide to answer questions 3 to 5.
I. Families cannot make both ends meet.
II. Majority of the 4th Graders speak English as their Mother
III. Students are not listening to their boring teachers in
IV. The processes for teaching reading are not good.
V. Students are behaved well in class.
VI. Teachers are well-trained in Effective Reading Strategies.
VII. There is lack of follow-up at home.
VIII. Teachers have below 5,000 net take home pay.
IX. Students do not study well.
X. Positive learning environment is enjoyed by the students.
XI. There is continuity of learning.
XII. The average ratio of teacher to student is 1:25.
XIII. The school MOOE is spent on teacher trainings.
XIV. An INSET on Action Research Focused on Reading
was conducted.
XV. MOOE is spent on school supplies and reproduction of
materials needed for reading development.
3. Which of the following situations are true based on the
given data above?
A. I, III, IV, VII and IX
C. II, V, VI, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV and XV
D. I, III, IV, V, VII, IX, X, XI, XIII, XIV and XV
3. A. I, III, IV, VII and IX
I. Families cannot make both ends meet. /
II. Majority of the 4th Graders speak English as their Mother
III. Students are not listening to their boring teachers in English. /
IV. The processes for teaching reading are not good. /
V. Students are behaved well in class.
VI. Teachers are well-trained in Effective Reading Strategies.
VII. There is lack of follow-up at home. /
VIII. Teachers have below 5,000 net take home pay.
IX. Students do not study well. /
X. Positive learning environment is enjoyed by the students.
XI. There is continuity of learning.
XII. The average ratio of teacher to student is 1:25.
XIII. The school MOOE is spent on teacher trainings.
XIV. An INSET on Action Research Focused on Reading
was conducted.
XV. MOOE is spent on school supplies and reproduction of
materials needed for reading development.
4. Which of the following are contributory factors why there
are so many Non-Readers when it comes to family and
student factors based on the Fishbone Diagram?
A. I, II, III, V, VII, IX and X
B. I, III, V, VII, IX and X
C. I, III, VII and IX
D. II, V and X
ANSWER: 4. C. I, III, VII and IX
I. Families cannot make both ends meet. /
II. Majority of the 4th Graders speak English as their Mother
III. Students are not listening to their boring teachers in English. /
IV. The processes for teaching reading are not good.
V. Students are behaved well in class.
VI. Teachers are well-trained in Effective Reading Strategies.
VII. There is lack of follow-up at home. /
VIII. Teachers have below 5,000 net take home pay.
IX. Students do not study well. /
X. Positive learning environment is enjoyed by the students.
XI. There is continuity of learning.
XII. The average ratio of teacher to student is 1:25.
XIII. The school MOOE is spent on teacher trainings.
XIV. An INSET on Action Research Focused on Reading
was conducted.
XV. MOOE is spent on school supplies and reproduction of
materials needed for reading development.
5. What will you do as a Principal to address this problem on too
many Non-Readers?
I. Have a regular classroom supervision and post-observation
conferences particularly to the teachers handling English.
II. Conduct a SLAC to help teachers improve their teaching
III. Tell the teachers to submit the list of students who are not
listening in their English subject.
IV. Give award to students are behaved well in class.
V. Send teachers on seminars or trainings on Effective Reading
VI. Make a schedule of students to be visited by yourself to see
if there is follow-up at home.
VII. Create and maintain a positive teaching-learning
VIII. Give technical assistance together with Master Teachers
and Key Teachers in Reading to teachers who have Non-
readers in their respective classes.
IX. Encourage teachers to conduct an Action Research
Focused on Reading and share their findings and
recommendations to fellow teachers.
X. Allocate a certain amount of MOOE to school supplies and
reproduction of materials needed for reading development.
5. A. I, II, V, VIII, IX and X
B. I, II, V, VII, VIII, IX and X
C. I, II, III, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX and X
D. I, II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII, IX and X
ANSWER: 5. B. I, II, V, VII, VIII, IX and X
I. Have a regular classroom supervision and post-observation conferences particularly to the
teachers handling English. /
II. Conduct a SLAC to help teachers improve their teaching strategies /
III. Tell the teachers to submit the list of students who are not listening to their English subject.
IV. Give award to students are behaved well in class.
V. Send teachers on seminars or trainings on Effective Reading Strategies. /
VI. Make a schedule of students to be visited by yourself to see if there is follow-up at home.
VII. Create and maintain a positive teaching-learning environment. /
VIII. Give technical assistance together with Master Teachers and Key Teachers in Reading to
teachers who have Non-readers in their respective classes. /
IX. Encourage teachers to conduct an Action Research Focused on Reading and share their
findings and recommendations to fellow teachers. /
X. Allocate a certain amount of MOOE to school supplies and reproduction of materials needed
for reading development. /
6. The Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of Laging Handa
National High School conducted a public bidding last January 26
for the procurement of goods needed by the school. Sikatuna
Office Supplies and Equipment won in the competitive bidding
and the date of Notice to Proceed (NTP) was January 31. Last
August 1, the school needs to replenish the goods procured so
the BAC decided not to have another public bidding.The BAC
resorted in Repeat Order and award the contract to the previous
bidding winner since the order did not exceed 25% of the
quantity of each item of the original contract. Furthermore, the
BAC did not split the requisition and purchase order. The
previous winning bidder also offered lower unit prices than that
provided in the original contract. Is the action of the BAC correct?
i. Yes, because the BAC did not exceed 25% of the quantity of
each item of the original contract and the previous winning bidder
offered lower unit prices.
ii. No, because the BAC should have conducted a public bidding
since the needed goods to be replinished exceeded 20% of the
quantity of each item of the original contract.
iii. No, because the BAC should have conducted a public bidding
since they availed it beyond six months from the contract
effectivity date stated in the NTP arising from the original contract.
iv. Yes, because the BAC availed it within seven months from the
contract effectivity date stated in the NTP arising from the original
contract and did not split the requisition and purchase order.
A. ii
B. iii
C. i and iv
D. ii and iii
B. iii
SEC. 48. Alternative Methods.
– Subject to the prior approval of the Head of the Procuring
Entity or his duly authorized representative, and whenever
justified by the conditions provided in this Act, the Procuring
Entity may, in order to promote economy and efficiency,
resort to any of the following alternative methods of
(a) Limited Source Bidding, otherwise known as Selective
– a method of Procurement that involves direct invitation to
bid by the Procuring Entity from a set of preselected
suppliers or consultants with known experience and proven
capability relative to the requirements of a particular
(b) Direct Contracting, otherwise known as Single Source
– a method of Procurement that does not require elaborate
Bidding Documents because the supplier is simply asked to
submit a price quotation or a pro-forma invoice together
with the conditions of sale, which offer may be accepted
immediately or after some negotiations;
(c) Repeat Order
– a method of Procurement that involves a direct
Procurement of Goods from the previous winning bidder,
whenever there is a need to replenish Goods procured
under a contract previously awarded through Competitive
(d) Shopping
– a method of Procurement whereby the Procuring Entity
simply requests for the submission of price quotations for
readily available off-the-shelf Goods or ordinary/regular
equipment to be procured directly from suppliers of known
qualification; or
(e) Negotiated Procurement
– a method of Procurement that may be resorted under the
extraordinary circumstances provided for in Section 53 of
this Act and other instances that shall be specified in the
IRR, whereby the Procuring Entity directly negotiates a
contract with a technically, legally and financially capable
supplier, contractor or consultant.
In all instances, the Procuring Entity shall ensure that the
most advantageous price for the Government is obtained.
SEC. 49. Limited Source Bidding.
– Limited Source Bidding may be resorted to only in any of
the following conditions:
(a) Procurement of highly specialized types of Goods and
Consulting Services which are known to be obtainable only
from a limited number of sources; or
(b) Procurement of major plant components where it is
deemed advantageous to limit the bidding to known eligible
bidders in order to maintain an optimum and uniform level
of quality and performance of the plant as a whole.
SEC. 50. Direct Contracting.
– Direct Contracting may be resorted to only in any of the
following conditions:
(a) Procurement of Goods of proprietary nature, which can
be obtained only from the proprietary source, i.e. when
patents, trade secrets and copyrights prohibit others from
manufacturing the same item;
(b) When the Procurement of critical components from a
specific manufacturer, supplier or distributor is a condition
precedent to hold a contractor to guarantee its project
performance, in accordance with the provisions of his
contract; or,
(c) Those sold by an exclusive dealer or manufacturer,
which does not have subdealers selling at lower prices and
for which no suitable substitute can be obtained at more
advantageous terms to the Government.
SEC. 51. Repeat Order.
– When provided for in the Annual Procurement Plan,
Repeat Order may be allowed wherein the Procuring Entity
directly procures Goods from the previous winning bidder
whenever there arises a need to replenish goods procured
under a contract previously awarded through Competitive
Bidding, subject to post-qualification process prescribed in
the Bidding Documents and provided all the following
conditions are present:
(a) The unit price must be equal to or lower than that
provided in the original contract;
(b) The repeat order does not result in splitting of
requisitions or purchase orders;
(c) Except in special circumstances defined in the IRR, the
repeat order shall be availed of only within six (6) months
from the date of the Notice to Proceed arising from the
original contract; and,
(d) The repeat order shall not exceed twenty-five percent
(25%) of the quantity of each item of the original contract.
SEC. 52. Shopping.
– Shopping may be resorted to under any of the following
(a) When there is an unforeseen contingency requiring
immediate purchase: Provided, however, That the amount
shall not exceed Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000); or
(b) Procurement of ordinary or regular office supplies and
equipment not available in the Procurement Service
involving an amount not exceeding Two Hundred Fifty
Thousand Pesos (P250,000):
Provided, however, That the Procurement does not result in
Splitting of Contracts: Provided, further, That at least three
(3) price quotations from bona fide suppliers shall be

The above amounts shall be subject to a periodic review by

the GPPB. For this purpose, the GPPB shall be authorized
to increase or decrease the said amount in order to reflect
changes in economic conditions and for other justifiable
SEC. 53. Negotiated Procurement.
– Negotiated Procurement shall be allowed only in the
following instances:
(a) In cases of two failed biddings, as provided in Section
35 hereof;
(b) In case of imminent danger to life or property during a
state of calamity, or when time is of the essence arising
from natural or man-made calamities or other causes where
immediate action is necessary to prevent damage to or loss
of life or property, or to restore vital public services,
infrastructure facilities and other public utilities;
(c) Take-over of contracts, which have been rescinded or
terminated for causes provided for in the contract and
existing laws, where immediate action is necessary to
prevent damage to or loss of life or property, or to restore
vital public services, infrastructure facilities and other public
(d) Where the subject contract is adjacent or contiguous to
an on-going infrastructure project, as defined in the IRR:
Provided, however, That the original contract is the result of
a Competitive Bidding; the subject contract to be negotiated
has similar or related scopes of work; it is within the
contracting capacity of the contractor; the contractor uses
the same prices or lower unit prices as in the original
contract less mobilization cost; the amount involved does
not exceed the amount of the ongoing project; and, the
contractor has no negative slippage: Provided, further, That
negotiations for the procurement are commenced before
the expiry of the original contract. Whenever applicable, this
principle shall also govern consultancy contracts, where the
consultants have unique experience and expertise to deliver
the required service; or,
(e) Subject to the guidelines specified in the IRR, purchases
of Goods from another agency of the Government, such as
the Procurement Service of the DBM, which is tasked with a
centralized procurement of commonly used Goods for the
government in accordance with Letters of Instruction No.
755 and Executive Order No. 359, series of 1989.
Maswerte City Elementary School has an enrolment of
1,000 pupils. The school has two canteens which are both
managed by the school. Mrs. Adriana dela Paz is a Canteen
Teacher who is very dedicated and works four hours a day.
She sells yellow category foods which are always available
in the canteen like unsweetened milk, corn, eggs, fresh
fruits and green leafy vegetables. She is also aware that
green category foods should be served carefully and red
category foods should not be on the menu. This July, the
school canteen earned a net income of Php 10,000. She
followed what is stated in DO No. 8, s. 2007 and her
expenses were as follows:
Expenses Derived from the Canteen Income for the Month of July








Supplementary Feeding Program School Operations Fund Faculty and Student Development H.E. Instructional Fund Revolving Capital School Clinic Fund
7. Which is true on the operation and management of the
school canteen based on the story above?
i. The school should have only one school canteen because it
is located in an urban area.
ii. The number of hours spent by Mrs. Dela Paz in managing
the school canteen is just right.
iii. Green category foods should always be avalable in the
iv. Red category foods should not be sold every day and must
be carefully sold.
A. i and ii
B. i and iii
C. ii and iii
D. ii, iii and iv
B. i and iii

i. The school should have only one school canteen because it is

located in an urban area. /
ii. The number of hours spent by Mrs. Dela Paz in managing the
school canteen is just right.
iii. Green category foods should always be avalable in the canteen. /
iv. Red category foods should not be sold every day and must be
carefully sold.
Elementary Schools in Urban areas with 1,000 population
or less should have only 1 canteen
A Canteen Teacher is tasked to supervise canteen
operations for a period not exceeding three hours per
6.5 The net income derived from the operation of the
canteen shall be utilized for the following:
Supplementary feeding program for undernourished
School clinic fund 5%
Faculty and student development fund 15%
H.E. instructional fund 10%
School operations fund 25%
Revolving Capital 10%
TOTAL 100%
8. What must the canteen teacher buy amounting to Php
500.00 based on the graph?
A. Plates, glasses, spoons and forks
B. Pineapple juice in can and biscuits for future visitors
C. Ingredients in cooking arroz caldo for feeding of severely
wasted learners
D. Paracetamol, betadine, alcohol, cotton and band-aid for
first aid treatment
8. D. Paracetamol, betadine, alcohol, cotton and band-aid
for first aid treatment
9. If the canteen income for the month is Php 15,000.00,
how much should be spent on revolving capital?
A. Php 750.00
B. Php 1,500.00
C. Php 2,250.00
D. Php 3,750.00
B. Php 1,500.00
10. Which of the following foods should be served carefully in
the canteen based on DepEd Order No. 13, s. 2017?
A. Milled rice, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, cassava and
boiled sweet potato
B. Fishes, shellfish, small shrimps, lean meats, chicken
without skin and nuts
C. Fried rice, biscuits, banana cue, camote cue, turon,
maruya, arroz caldo and pancit
D. Cakes and slices, donuts, bicho-bicho, energy drinks, jelly,
slushies and instant noodles
C. Fried rice, biscuits, banana cue, camote cue, turon, maruya,
arroz caldo and pancit (YELLOW)

A. Milled rice, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, cassava and boiled

sweet potato (GREEN)
B. Fishes, shellfish, small shrimps, lean meats, chicken without
skin and nuts (GREEN)
D. Cakes and slices, donuts, bicho-bicho, energy drinks, jelly,
slushies and instant noodles (RED)
11. The School Improvement Plan (SIP) and School Report Card (SRC)
are important elements in the Department of Education’s (DepEd) School-
Based Management (SBM) thrust. Why should a school prepare its SRC?
A. Because it is a roadmap that lays specific interventions that a school
will undertake within a school year.
B. Because it can be used in the implementation of development activities
integral to the school management and operations.
C. Because it is used to increase community participation and
involvement in school operations by providing the stakeholders a
snapshot of the status of the school.
D. Because it is used in planning of the School-Community Data which is
important for school programs, projects and activities and also for the
accountability of the School Head.
C. Because it is used to increase community participation
and involvement in school operations by providing the
stakeholders a snapshot of the status of the school.
12. Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) and Supreme
Student Government (SSG) are the forefront of students’
rights and welfare, the models of students’ excellence,
grounded on good character, and deep sense of moral
values. Which is NOT the objectives of SPG and SSG?
A. To help the students ensure an enabling and supportive
B. To help develop a student friendly, safe and motivating
learning environment.
C. To help develop self-confidence, critical thinking,
problem-solving, decision-making, and learning among the
student body and to utilize these skills towards nation
D. To help students develop passionate love for country,
values and competencies that will enable them to realize
their full potential and contribute meaningfully in building the
A. To help the students ensure an enabling and supportive
DepEd Order No. 47, S. 2014
Constitution and By-Laws of the Supreme Pupil
Government and Supreme Student Government in
Elementary and Secondary Schools
13. Sampaguita Central School has a vacant teaching
position. It is located in Brgy. Sampaguita. As a Principal, who
will you recommend for a T1 position?
A. Ms. A, 60 y/o from Brgy. Sampaguita, with a score of
69.69% in the RQA
B. Mr. B, 30 y/o from Brgy. Sampaguita, with a score of 70%
in the RQA
C. Mr. C, 40 y/o from Brgy Santan, with a score off 99% in the
D. Mrs. D, 50 y/o from Brgy. Sampaga, with a score of
99.99% in the RQA
B. Mr. B, 30 y/o from Brgy. Sampaguita, with a score of 70%
in the RQA
14. Every elementary and secondary schools shall organize Parents-
Teachers Association (PTA) for the purpose of providing a forum for the
discussion of issues and their solutions related to the total school program
and to ensure the full cooperation of parents in the efficient
implementation of such program. What are the privileges of recognized
i. Representation in the School Governing Council
ii. Participation in the school’s procurement activities subject to the
provisions of RA 9184
iii. Authorized to collect voluntary contributions from parents/guardians
once duly recognized by the School Head
iv. May use of any available space within the school premises as its office
provided that the costs pertinent to utilities shall be for the account of PTA
A. i, ii and iii only
B. i, iii and iv only
C. ii, iii and iv only
D. i, ii, iii and iv
B. i, iii and iv only
DepEd Order No. 54, S. 2009
Revised Guidelines Governing Parents-Teachers
Associations (PTAs) at the School Level
15. Teacher V filed a complaint against Teacher M for disgraceful and
immoral conduct. The principal convened the School Grievance Committee
composed himself, the faculty club president and a teacher who is
acceptable to both sides. After due process, the committee rendered a
judgment that Mr. M is guilty and will be reprimanded because the
administrative complaint was committed for the first time. Is the action of the
committee correct?
i. Yes, because the 3-member committee followed the composition of school
grievance committee.
ii. Yes, because the punishment for disgraceful and immoral conduct is only
reprimand if it was done for the first time.
iii. No, because the grievance committee is not the disciplining authority in
administrative cases.
A. i only
B. ii only
C. iii only
D. i and ii only
C. iii only
DepEd Order No. 35, s. 2004
Revision of the Grievance Machinery of the Department of

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