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OS 5 – Input & Output

By: Muttaqin, S.Kom, MMSI

(Bakrie University)
• Input / Output?
• bagaimana menangani komunikasi dan transfer data antara perangkat
peripheral dengan CPU dan memory
• Apa itu peripheral?
• In computer hardware, a peripheral device is any device attached to a
computer in order to expand its functionality (basically input and output
devices together are known as peripherals).
1. Differences in I/O Devices

• Banyak variasi periferal dengan metode operasi yang bermacam-macam,

• Kecepatan transfer data antar periferal tidak sama, ada yang
cepat, ada yang lambat
• Tiap periferal kadang memiliki standar format data dan
panjangnya masing-masing
• Devices can be different in a number of areas:
a. Data rate
b. Application
c. Complexity of control
d. Unit of transfer
e. Data representation
f. Error conditions
a.Data Rates of
I/O Device
• What is data rates?
• The number of bytes
transferred within a
second between
external and processor
storage. This rate is
considerably larger for
a tape or a disk
compared with a card
reader, for example.
Sample Data
b.Application of I/O Device

Disk used to store files requires file management software

Disk used to store virtual memory pages needs special hardware and
software to support it

Terminal used by system administrator may have a higher priority

of Control of
I/O Device
• A printer requires a
relatively simple control
• A disk is much more
d. Unit of Transfer
of I/O Device
• Data may be transferred as
• A stream of bytes or characters (ex: terminal
• Or in larger blocks (ex: disk I/O)
Modul I/O
• Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan
modul I/O yang bertugas
• Interface
ke memory dan prosesor
• Interface ke sesama
• Bertugas menyelaraskan
data sebelum ditransfer
melalui system bus
External Devices  Peripheral
• Untuk melakukan komunikasi (perpindahan dan penyimpanan) data
baik antara lingkungan luar komputer dengan komputer itu sendiri,
atau di dalam komputer, digunakan external device
• Biasanya peralatan storage, input dan output yang berada diluar
motherboard,CPU dan memory disebut external device.
• External device yang terhubung ke sebuah modul I/O disebut
2. Kategori External Devices

• External devices that engage in I/O with computer systems can be

roughly grouped into three categories:
• Human interface
• Used to communicate with the user
• Printers, Video Display, Keyboard, Mouse
• Machine interface:
• Used to communicate with electronic equipment
• Disk and tape drives, Sensors, Controllers, Actuators
• Communication:
• Used to communicate with remote devices
• Ethernet, Modems, Wireless
Guna Modul I/O
• Control dan Timing: mengatur agar kecepatan transfer data yang
berbeda-beda antar periferal dapat tersinkronisasi
• Komunikasi Prosesor: untuk mengirimkan data dan control (perintah)
dari prosesor ke periferal
• Komunikasi antar periferal
• Data Buffering (penampung data sementara)
• Deteksi Error yang terjadi pada periferal, dan melaporkannya pada
3. Metode
operasi system
• Programmed I/O
• in which I/O occurs under the direct and
continuous control of the program
requesting the I/O operation;
• For Example − A computer mouse that is
within a loop.
• Interrupt-driven I/O
• in which a program issues an I/O
command and then continues to
execute, until it is interrupted by the I/O
hardware to signal the end of the I/O
• For Example − The computer mouse
triggers and sends a signal to the
program for processing the mouse event.
• Direct memory access (DMA)
• in which a specialized I/O processor
takes over control of an I/O operation to
move a large block of data.
a. Programmed I/O
• Ciri-ciri:
• CPU memiliki kontrol langsung terhadap proses I/O
• Membaca status (ready, error dsb)
• Memberi perintah untuk Read/write scr mekanis
• Mentransfer data
• CPU menunggu sampai modul I/O selesai mengerjakan suatu operasi
• Kekurangan:
• Boros waktu CPU (clock)
Direct Memory
Access (DMA)
• The DMA technique is used to transfer
large volumes of data between I/O
modules and memory.
• Transfers data directly between Memory
and Device
• CPU not needed for copying
• Direct Memory Access (DMA) is a
capability provided by some computer
bus architectures that allows data to be
sent directly from an attached device
(such as a disk drive) to the memory on
the computer's motherboard
• Examples: Disk drive controllers,
graphics cards, network cards and sound
Tugas rangkuman Input/Output
• Buatlah rangkuman berdasarkan pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini:
• Jelaskan apa itu peripheral dan apa hubungannya dengan sistem operasi?
• Faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi kecepatan perangkat input output?
• Sebutkan dan jelaskan 3 kategori external device!
• Jelaskan perbedaan antara 3 Teknik pengaturan input output:
• Programmed
• Interrupt driven
• Direct Memory Access (DMA)
• Jelaskan secara singkat bagaimana sejarah evolusi fungsi Input/output

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