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Guide Presented by
Dr . A.Karunamurthy I.Aruna
Department of MCA
Brain- Computer
Interfaces : Enhancing
Human Capabilities
Understanding Brain-
Computer Interfaces
What are Brain-Computer Interfaces

Professor Jacques Vidal

In the 1970s, the University of

California Los Angeles professor
Jacques Vidal coined the term brain-
computer interface
Before BCI While
traditional methods of
interaction existed
before brain-computer
interfaces (BCIs), the
advent of BCIs offers a
more direct and
intuitive way to interact
with technology.
EEG brain
computer interface
Potential for Augmented Reality

Integration of BCIs with augmented reality technology holds promise for

enhancing human perception and cognition, opening new frontiers in human-
computer interaction.
Definition Components of BCIs
BCIs are systems that They consist of signal
enable direct
acquisition, processing,
communication between
the brain and an external and output components,
device, allowing for the enabling the translation
interpretation of brain of brain activity into
signals to control actionable commands....
external techno....
Advancements in BCI Technology


BCIs enable real-time feedback on brain activity, empowering users to modulate their cognitive
states for improved focus and mental well-being.

Thought-Controlled Devices

The development of thought-controlled prosthetics and exoskeletons showcases the potential of

BCIs in restoring motor function for individuals with physical disabilities.
Electroencephalogram (EEG) content usually covers the recording and
interpretation of electrical activity in the brain. It includes descriptions
of different brain wave patterns (alpha, beta, theta, delta), analysis of
abnormalities such as epileptic spikes or seizure activity, and
applications in diagnosing neurological disorders like epilepsy, sleep
disorders, and brain injuries. Let me know if you need more specific
The Human-Machine Interface

Cognitive Load and User Experience

Understanding the cognitive load imposed by BCIs and optimizing
the user experience is crucial for widespread acceptance and
Human-Centric Design
Emphasizing human-centric design principles is essential to ensure that BCIs
align with user needs, preferences, and ethical considerations.
EEG measures brain activity by recording electrical signals from the
scalp. It's typically used to diagnose neurological disorders, monitor
brain activity during surgeries, or in research. For a broken hand, you'd
likely need an X-ray or other imaging techniques to assess
Assistive Devices Neurorehabilitation
BCIs offer hope for individuals The use of BCIs in Improving Quality of Life
with paralysis, enabling them to neurorehabilitation programs By restoring motor function,
control assistive devices such as shows promise in facilitating BCIs have the potential to
robotic arms and wheelchairs motor recovery for individuals significantly enhance the quality
through direct brain signals. affected by stroke or spinal cord of life for individuals with
injuries. severe physical disabilities.
Cognitive Enhancement and Therapy

Neurofeedback for Mental Health

BCIs can provide real-time feedback on brain activity, aiding in the management
of conditions such as anxiety, ADHD, and PTSD through neurofeedback therapy.

Memory Augmentation

Research into memory encoding and retrieval using BCIs holds potential for
aiding individuals with memory impairments, such as those resulting from
neurodegenerative diseases.
Cognitive Enhancement and Therapy

Neurofeedback for Mental Health

BCIs can provide real-time feedback on brain activity, aiding in the management
of conditions such as anxiety, ADHD, and PTSD through neurofeedback therapy.

Memory Augmentation

Research into memory encoding and retrieval using BCIs holds potential for
aiding individuals with memory impairments, such as those resulting from
neurodegenerative diseases.
A brain chip typically refers to a hypothetical or
emerging technology that involves implanting
microchips into the human brain to enhance
cognitive functions, memory, or communication
Thank You...

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