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S E G M E N TAT I O N , TA R G E T I N G , A N D P O S I T I O N F O R T H E N E W P R O D U C T

• Demographic: Age, gender, income, occupation, education, etc.
• Psychographic: Lifestyle, personality, values, interests, etc.
• Behavioral: Usage patterns, brand loyalty, purchase occasion, etc.
• Geographic: Location, region, climate, urban/rural, etc.

• Undifferentiated Targeting: Target the entire market with a single product offering.

• Differentiated Targeting: Target multiple segments with different product offerings or marketing strategies.
• Concentrated Targeting: Focus on one or a few key segments that can serve best.
• Product Attributes: Highlight unique features or benefits of product.

• Price and Quality: Position your product as a premium or value option.

• User/Application: Emphasize specific uses or applications of product.

• Competition: Differentiate from competitors by focusing on what sets apart.

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