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Which of the following is the best relationship

for the school and community?

A. Parental Involvement
B. Partnership
C. Teacher-led projects
2. Which of the following ensures a safe and secure
environment for learners in school?

A.Caring and protective teachers

B.Having security guards
C.Implementing effective safety protocols
3. What is the major aim in essentialist education along
traditional learning of school subjects?

A.Experiential learning
B.Practical application of knowledge
C.Thorough learning
4. Which of the following ideas exemplify stereotyping
that is unfair to student-learners?

A.All students require quality instruction

B.All students from peasant communities are dull
C.All students are capable of achieving success
5. What is the philosophy behind Philippine schools
that seek to promote democratic opportunities for all
and humanities education through lifelong learning?

C.Social Reconstructionism
6. Spartan education provided much attention and time for the art of
war and the training of soldier-citizens. Hence, the Spartan curricula
consisted of military exercises and services for the state. Athenian
education, on the other hand, stressed individual excellence, hence
aimed to provide:

A. Learners with training in harsh discipline

B. Moral training and emphasized virtues to develop personality
C. Opportunities for intellectual pursuits and holistic development
7. These are rights given to children in indigenous
minorities, but not to include _________

A. To enjoy his/her culture

B. To be exempted from formal education
C. Access to quality healthcare and education
8. Which group is in full support of the renewed
emphasis on a multidisciplinary approach to general
education of the college curriculum?

A. Progressivists
B. Perennialists
C. Humanists
9. What is the philosophy behind Philippine schools
that seek to promote democratic opportunities for all
and humanities education through lifelong learning?

A. Progressivism
B. Perennialism
C. Social reconstructionism
10. What was the main characteristic of education
during the years of Hispanic colonization in the

A. Adequate
B. Religion-oriented
C. Secular and modern

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