Assistive Technologies in Remote Learning (Revised) - 1

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Session Flow
Session Activity Duration
Introduction Expected Session Outcomes, KWL, Pair & Share 10 minutes
Group Activity Discussion & Reporting 30 Minutes
Wrap-Up Harmonization of Key Points & Extended Activity 20 Minutes
Total 60 Minutes
• This session will introduce participants to assistive
technologies for learners with special needs and disabilities.
• Assistive technology is “assistive, adaptive and rehabilitative
devices” for persons with disabilities.
• These devices are adapted based on the type of disability or
need to aid in remote learning.
• The type of assistive technology range from hardware to
Expected Learning Outcomes
By the end of the session, the participant should be able to;-
1. Identify appropriate assistive technologies for different
types of special needs and disabilities in remote learning.
2. Develop a Lesson Plan in remote learning that is inclusive
3. Appreciate the use of appropriate assistive technologies for
different types of special needs and disabilities in remote
1. What I know about the
concept of Assistive Technologies
2. What I want to know about the
concept of Assistive Technologies
Pair and Share
a) In Pairs, state what
your knowledge about
Assistive Technologies
b) In Pairs, share ONE
Assistive Technology
used in remote learning
What is Assistive Technology?
• Assistive technology is any item, product, equipment that is
used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities
for students with disabilities
• Disability is defined as, “any condition of the body or mind
(impairment) that makes it more difficult for the person with
the condition to do certain activities (activity limitation) and
interact with the world around them (participation
Disability Types
• Visual Impairment: A decreased ability to see to any degree that causes
problems not fixable by usual means, such as glasses or medication.
• Hearing Disability: Any degree of hearing loss, whether severe or mild.
Other terms used to describe students with hearing loss are deaf,
deafened, hard of hearing, and hearing impaired.
• Learning Disability: Limitations in mental functioning, thinking, and
• Speech Disorder: A communication disorder such as stuttering, impaired
articulation, a language impairment, or a voice impairment that impacts
Group Activity

Identify appropriate
assistive technologies
for different types of
special needs and
disabilities in remote
Common Assistive Technology

Visual Disabilities Hearing Disabilities

• Screen reader • Hearing aid
• Text to speech • Captioning
• Braille displays • Speech to text synthesizer
• FM system
• Magnification software
• Dictation software
• Optical Character
Common Assistive Technology

Learning Disabilities Speech Disorder

• Text to speech • Speech to text
• Speech to text • Text to speech
• Word prediction software • Augmentative and alternative
communication (AAC) devices
• Graphic organizers (symbol communicators, screen
sentence grids)
Common Assistive Technology

• Video tapes
• Touch screen devices
• Big keys
• Visual representation systems
• Social stories and visual
• Social skills training software
• Learners with special needs and disabilities can participate in
remote learning
• Assistive technologies can be used to support these learners
• Learners need to be trained to acquire skills in using Assistive
• The school, the teacher and parent plays a big role in the success
of remote learning for these learners.
I learned that ……………………………..
I need to learn more about…………………
What I will apply …………………………
Suggestions I have for improvement of the
Extended Activity
Complete the table below to provide information to assist your
educational team in considering assistive technology for learners
with special needs.
Instructional Common standard tools Assistive technology solutions
Writing Pen, Pencils, Markers, computers with
word processing
Spelling Flashcards, Dictionary, Computers
Reading Textbooks, Worksheets, Printed materials
Listening Television, Video Player, headphones,
Oral Organizing diagram for presentation

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