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Taboola User Support Channel

Team Members
Joseph Stephans
Abdelrahman Shoaib
Osama Ehsan
Nesreen Othman
Raquel Xavier
Team Agreement

Will be:
● Maintaining constant communication through WhatsApp and conducting two meetings per week.
On the first meeting the milestone will be discussed and the roles will be distributed. The second
meeting will involve going over the progress analyzing the results.
● Contributing with a positive manner and open to new ideas and constructive feedback.

Decision making and conflict resolution

Will be:
● Discussing conflicts faced with the team until a decision is made.
● Making decisions based on majority votes.
● Held accountable and ready to help and learn from fellow team members.

We share these goals and expectations, and agree to complete our project within this shared understanding.
Project Agenda
Organizational Chart
Project Charter
Project Charter
Project Charter
Issue Log

Issue Log- The Project Document where all issues that negatively affect the project are
recorded and tracked.

Common Examples Include: Data procurement issues, budget issues, unreasonable client
requests, and more.
Budget Forecast


Taboola User Support Channel (THOUSANDS $)
Start Date Taboola Old Funds 30
22 August 2022
Project Sponsor Funds 80
End Date

22 September 2022
Partner Company Sponsor Funds (Adobe) 40

Other Sources 50

Total 200
Budget Forecast

It Construction Cost 50

Software design Cost 45

IT Training (Problem Support) Cost 30

Employees Salary Cost 25

Maintenance Cost 20

Delivery Cost 15

Operations & Logistic Cost 10

Risk Cost 5

Total 200
The End


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