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proposal title:
APRIL 2024


Submitted by:Taera Asfaw Fayasa

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PG Candidate Signature Date
Approved by
1. Advisor:
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2. Coordinator of the department
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3. Head, Department
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4. College/Institute/School, SGS Ordination
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Table contents
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 3
1.3 Objective of the Study 5
1.3.1 General Objectives 5
1.3.2 Specific Objectives 6
1.4 Research Questions 6
1.5 Significance of the Study 7
1.6 Scope of the study 7
1.7 Organization of the study 7
2.1 Theoretical Reviews 9
2.1.1 The context good governance in Ethiopia 9
2.1.2 Conceptual definitions: 9
2.1.3Challenges of Good Governance 14
2.2 Empirical reviews 15
2.3 Conceptual framework of the study 16
3.1 Description of the study area 18
.32 Research Design: 20
3.3 Research Approach: 20
3.4 Target population, sample size, and sampling technique 20
3.4.1Target population: 20
3.4.2.Sample size and sampling technique: 21
3.5. Data source and type of data: 21
3.6 .Method of data collection: 21
3.7 Method of data analysis: 22
3.8 Reliability and validity analysis: 22
3.9 Ethical consideration: 23
4 .work plan and budget 24
4.1 Work Plan 24
Table 4.1. Work Plan of the study 24
4.2 Budget BEAKDOWN 25
Table 4.2 Cost breakdown and budget of the study 25References 26

UN……………….United Nations
OECD…………….Organization for economic operation and development
UNDP…………..united nation development program
ATA..................Ambo town administration
FDRE...............federal democratic republic of Ethiopia
1.1 Background of the study

Nowadays, the importance of the economic and social role of the Administration, in a context of limited overall
means and a continuously changing environment, calls for an appreciable analysis as accurate as possible of the
effects and impacts of the actions carried out by the public authorities in the area of Good Governance on the
economic development of the country.
Good governance implies a particular conception of the disclosure of the collective interests of the stakeholders,
the areas of public action and their coordination, with the aim of carrying out effective and efficient public
policies (Khouya and Benabdelhadi, 2020).
According to UN criteria, good governance is consensus-driven, inclusive, responsive, transparent, responsible,
participatory, and compliant with the law. Empathy and fairness of treatment for all are encouraged by good
governance and are founded on the idea of nondiscrimination.
It encourages gender parity, permits the synthesis of many viewpoints, and mobilizes resources for social
purposes within the framework of social changes (Ibid).
In the contemporary world, good governance has become a catchphrase and it is also frequently mentioned as
one ingredient of economic growth and poverty reduction.
As the researchers learned from the literature the use of the word “good governance” first appeared in a 1989
World Bank (WB) report on Sub-Saharan Africa.
As indicated in AfDB(1999) a 1989 WB report on “Sub-Saharan Africa: From crisis to sustained growth”, raised
the issue of governance. It was following this report that the idea of good governance is frequently pronounced
among aid agencies as well as countries regarding development and conditionality for aid provision.
As well expressed by Grindle(2010), for the millions of people throughout the world who live in conditions of
public insecurity and instability, corruption, abuse of the law, public service failure, poverty, and inequality, good
governance is a mighty beacon of what ought to be.
In Africa too, good governance has got widespread attention, indeed African governments have established
various strategies to promote good governance.
Ethiopia is not an exception from this consensus and therefore GOE recognized the importance of good
governance for bringing sustainable development.
According to MOFED, (2009) Ethiopia has, over the last several years, began implementing major reform
programs to empower citizens as well as enhances public sector efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, and

The package attempts to enhance good governance including participation, consensus building, gender equality,
responsiveness, transparency, accountability, equity and fairness, the rule of law, and efficiency and
effectiveness (Bekele and Ago, 2020). A good governance issue impacts the political, social, and economic
spheres as a whole.
The sustainability of economic development achievements may be compromised in the absence of sound
governance. All individuals are impacted by the relative lack of good governance, but those in the lower
socioeconomic strata of society—those who are most elderly and unable to get assistance through other
channels—are most negatively affected (Khouya and Benabdelhadi, 2020).
This study is proposed to assess the state of Good Governance practices and challenges in Ambo Town
administration by taking into consideration good governance indicators including participation, consensus
building, gender equality, responsiveness, transparency, accountability, equity and fairness, the rule of law, and
efficiency and effectiveness.
1.2 Statement of the Problem

The agenda item for the World Bank was good governance. "Good Governance" was one of the topics covered
at the Bank's Annual Development Economic Conference in 1991.
In terms of how governance and development are related, the Bank defined governance as the process through
which authority and power are used "in the management of a country's economic and social resources.
"According to UNDP cited in Gisselquist (2012), ‘Good governance refers to governing systems which are
capable, responsive, inclusive, and transparent.
All countries, developed and developing, need to work continuously towards better governance’. In line with
this international concern, the GOE has emphasized and started working to realize good governance at all
government levels.
Though the Ethiopian government is committed to realizing good governance at all levels, the literature reveals
that research on good governance is lacking in municipal administrations.
Tegene and Kassahun (2007,p: 55) pointed that research on issues such as accountability of service providers
to users, representation and participation of users in the planning and decision-making process, and structures
for participation and representation are almost lacking.

As the researchers experienced, in Ambo Town Administration (ATA) there is are many challenges affecting
good governance practices, resulting into customers dissatisfactions
Mainly, the dissatisfactions are associated with the lack of accountability and transparency of the town
administration. Often common public grievances were observed on administrative accountability and
transparency, unresponsiveness of local leaders, very low interaction between people and their local
representatives, poor municipal service provision (pure water supply and refuse collection service), and access
to information.
Besides, there is pervasive corruption and high rent-seeking behavior among public servants and local
government representatives.
People reported that court decisions are subject to corruption and there is also delay in court trials. In line with
this, though, public participation is critical for the development (Mulualem, 2017; Soboksa, 2021; Mengistu
and Solomon, 2022).
Nonetheless, Ethiopian towns and cities deal with challenging social and economic issues. The
majority of municipal administrations struggle with a lack of professional staff, including
competent urban administrators, planners, architects, accountants, and individuals with the
necessary skills to govern and provide urban services.
According to UNDP (2018), measurements of involvement, transparency, accountability,
effectiveness, and equity are among the most fundamental aspects of good governance.
Rapid growth is not feasible without enhancing the essential components of good governance,
such as the rule of law, transparency, and efficacy of the government, accountability, and
• To the understanding of the researcher, there are only few researches conducted on Good
Governance practices in Ambo Town, which shows there is a literature gap. Therefore the
researcher intends to fill this existing literature gap by conducting a thorough assessment of
the subject under study.
1.3 Objective of the Study

1.3.1 General Objectives

• The general objective of this study will to assess the practice and challenges of good governance at
Ambo town administration
1.3.2 Specific Objectives:
specific oThe bjective of the study will be:
1:To determine the primary obstacles to effective administration and governance in Ambo Town.
2:To determine the reasons behind the difficulties in Ambo Town administration's good governance.
3:To find out where corruption is most prevalent in the town administration.
4:To identify strategies that improve good governance in the town administrations.

5:To investigate the practice of good governance (i.e., transparency, accountability, responsibility,
responsiveness, rule of law, and participation) in the Ambo town.
1.4 Research Questions
The following are research questions:

1:How much does the administration of the town of Ambo implement good governance principles including
accountability, responsiveness, transparency, responsibility, and efficiency in government?
2:How is the administration of Ambo town doing in terms of providing basic service types?
3:What are the main causes of corruption in the administration of Ambo Town?
4:What are the obstacles preventing the administration of Ambo Town from exercising good governance
5:What tactics are needed to support the administrations of the towns of Ambo in their efforts to uphold good
1.5 Significance of the Study

There are several advantages to studying good governance practices and problems.
 Executives in the public and commercial sectors,
 religious leaders,
 officials of civil society organizations, and leaders in regional and federal governments can all benefit from
the study's conclusions and methodology.
1.6 Scope of the study:

The study concentrated on the administration of Ambo Town, where the topic of good governance becomes
more difficult and demanding and is not as well understood as it is in other governmental levels and
This study included a current evaluation of the literature as well as the fundamental elements of good
governance recognized by the UNDP and other relevant organizations.
1.7 Organization of the study

This proposal have three chapter. The first part, which is chapter one deals with introduction part,
includes background of the study, Statement of the problem, objective of the study, Significance of
the study and scope of the study. Chapter two deals with literature review and the third chapter
deals with methodology of the study.

2.1 Theoretical Reviews

2.1.1 The context good governance in Ethiopia

• A prominent ambition of Ethiopia's political leadership is to turn the nation into a middle-income nation in
ten years.
• If this incredible idea comes to pass, it will completely and drastically change the country. Ethiopia is
respected by the international community and is seen as having the best models for economic progress in
• Without strong ethical leadership and long-term excellent governance, this great desire to reform the nation
may never come to pass.In Ethiopia, there have been significant reforms to the government system for
almost 20 years.
• The agenda focuses on judicial reform, decentralization, city administration, and civil service reform,
among other things.
• Ethiopia has always struggled with effective governance. The idea of good governance was virtually
unheard of under the monarchical form of administration. The following military dictatorship, which ruled
from 1974 until 1991, also severely restricted the concept of good administration.
2.1.2 Conceptual definitions:
Concept of Local Government:

• In political term, it is concerned with the governance of a specific local area, constituting political sub
division of a nation, state or other major political unit.
• The local government is administrative body for a small geographic area, such as a city, town, county, or
state. A local government will typically only have control over their specific geographical region, and
cannot pass or enforce laws that will affect a wider area.
• Local governments can elect officials, enact taxes, and do many other things that a national government
would do, just on a smaller scale. Local government is the system of electing representatives to be
responsible for the administration of public services and facilities in a particular area.
The concept local government:
Local government is door step government to the local people.
Local government is responsible towards the local people.
Local government is democratic and promotes democratization.
Local government is multi-dimensional phenomena.
Local government is basically an organization as a social entity with feeling of oneness.
Local government is the system of government.

1. Local government is the government of difference, responding to different needs, and realizing
different aspirations. "There must be a definite power to do things in a different manner from
that followed in other areas within the same of state area. If some local body has it in its power
to govern in a different manner from other local bodies, there we have Local Government”. (Hesluck 1936 as
quoted in Stewart 2000).
2.Local government:Local government is part of the government of a country which deals mainly with
problems or issues related to a given population within a given territory.
• This is done basically on the responsibilities of a country that parliament decides to delegate by the laws to
local governance. In this definition we find two important elements of local government, that of the
existence of directly elected local bodies and local finances, which constitute common denominators of
each local government. -Clarke (Aijaz, 2007)

• The term governance has several concepts. According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary; Governance is an
act, or manner of governing and the office or functioning of governing. It is the process of decision making
and the process by which decisions are implemented or not implemented.
• Governance refers to the process of exercise of authority to govern people or regulate the public affairs. It
relates to the effective management of the affaires of a country at all levels, guarantying its territorial
integrity, and securing the safety and over all welfare of people
• 3. 1 concept of Good Governance:Why is good governance not applied as it should in Ethiopia? In
Ethiopia, the existence of an independent justice system, a free press, and civil society involvement are all
supported by the constitution.
• No major change has been made thus far, save for the Constitution's steadfast existence and the political
will to address good administration.
• The term good governance refers to the way government carries out its work. It is “among other things
participatory, responsive, transparent.According to Gisselquist (2012), regardless of differences in
language, most definitions of governance share three common defining elements such as (1) governance is
a process (2) power exercised by actors, and (3) the management of collective affairs. Therefore minimally
gent, accountable effective, equitable and that promote the rule the law” (UNDP,2003).
Definition and Components of Good Governance

Furthermore, many definitions of governance, according to Gisselquist, also include extra components, such as
(1) the primary goals achieved by efficient government
(2) the ideals, standards, or principles that ought to be respected during the governance process; and
(3) the particular institutions that nations with sound governance practices ought to possess.
Moreover, a variety of stakeholders or actors, including the public, elected officials, government agencies,
hereditary monarchs, religious leaders, and the judiciary, are involved in the governance process (Ibid)
It is widely accepted that “good governance” is a necessary condition to sustain economic development and
ensure the prosperity of the country. According to UNDP, ‘Good governance refers to governing systems which
are capable, responsive, inclusive, and transparent. All countries, developed and developing, need to work
continuously towards better governance (Gisselquist, 2012).
Components of good governance:
Accountability and Transparency

Good governance is dependent on accountability and openness, which are essential elements. Good governance,
according to Tiwari (2004), is being accountable to the people who live in a democratic society and involving
them in the formulation, carrying out, and assessing of public policies, initiatives, and programs. Nonetheless,
openness ensures that the public is aware of all that is happening and the reasoning behind the decisions made
by the government or its agents at all levels. Public access to information about government policies and
strategies is a broad definition of transparency given by the AfDB (1999).
Another essential element of good governance is responsiveness, which calls on the government to provide
services to the people in a timely manner.According to Rodden and Wibbels (2012), accountability and
responsiveness are now regarded as essential components of good government. This is so that institutions and
procedures can strive to serve all stakeholders in a fair amount of time, as required by good governance.

According to the African Development Bank (1999), participation is the process by which stakeholders share
power over institutions and resources that impact their lives and exert influence over public policy decisions.
This serves as a check on the activities of the government. Within the framework of governance, participation
focuses on citizen empowerment and the exchange between civil society, actors, and activities. Generally
speaking, the idea is to create an environment where all individuals and private organizations can take part in
governance, make a valid claim, and keep an eye on actions and policies taken by the government (Ibid).
Combating Corruption:

Combating Corruption: The misappropriation of public resources, public position, or public trust for personal
benefit is known as corruption. WB and Transparency International (TI) clarified the concept of corruption as
"the misuse of public office for private gain," which was quoted in Lengseth (1999). As such, it deals with the
unethical and illegal actions of public servants and politicians, whose jobs provide them the ability to divert
funds and other resources from the government to themselves and their allies.
Rule of Law
According to the UN Secretary-General (2013), cited in Nwekeaku (2014), the rule of law is a concept of
governance in which all individuals, groups, and organizations—public and private—as well as the State itself
—are held accountable to laws that are issued in accordance with international human rights standards and
norms, fairly enforced, and independently adjudicated. The aforementioned principles must be upheld,
including the supremacy of the law, equality before the law, accountability to the law, fairness in the application
of the law, separation of powers, involvement in decision-making, legal certainty, avoidance of arbitrariness,
and procedural and legal transparency.
2.1.3Challenges of Good Governance
There are a lot of things, which are obstacles for the performing of good governance. These
obstacles are internal and external challenges.
A ) Internal challenges:

• The absence of accountability and rule of law:- It is a major challenge to promote good governance in the
institution that shows lack of freedom to peoples to do the government officials sometimes put themselves
above the rule of law (Birhan, 2005).
• Injustice: Unjust harm, improper leadership These terms describe situations or activities that lead to
unfavorable loss or hardship for individuals.
• Gender Inequality Article 25 of the FDRE in our country's constitution guarantees gender disparity.
However, disparities in gender were also seen in other institutions.
• Poverty: -in developing nations like Ethiopia, poverty is a significant obstacle to the advancement of good

• Corruption Many people believe that a high level of corruption is a significant barrier to better government
or quality of life (Indian corruption research, 2005).In order to guarantee continued democracy, the
problems associated with good governance must be resolved. Ensuring public life is necessary to foster a
culture of democracy and responsible governance (Kassaye, 2007).
B)External Challenges:
Insufficiently favorable national environment:
It refers to the necessity of putting mechanisms in place in a challenging setting with minimal political support
from the government.
Donor harmonization: missing harmony in donors' strategic goals and actions.
Weak Capacity and credibility of national: This refers to a lack of organizational and technical ability to
monitor and participate in the need for governance mechanisms.
reliance on donor funding in the interim for both resources and labor
2.2 Empirical reviews

According to the United Nation Development Program (UNDP, 1997), Governance is the exercise of
economical, political and administrative authority to manage a countries affairs at all levels. Governance
comprises the mechanisms, processes, and institutions through which citizens and groups articulate their
interests, exercises their legal rights, meet their obligations and mediate their differences.
According to Seppanene (2003), good governance can be defined as a democratic governance to make fair rules
of accountability, transparency, participation and rule of law.
According to Jaya Chaturvedi, (2009) Good Governance is the exercise of legitimate political power and
formulation and implementation of policies and programs that are equitable, transparent, non-discriminatory,
socially sensitive, participatory, and above all and accountable to people.
Tegene and Kassahun (2007,p: 55) pointed that research on issues such as accountability of service providers to
users, representation and participation of users in the planning and decision-making process, and structures for
participation and representation are almost lacking.

2.3 Conceptual framework of the study

There is no research found which has been done in good governance practice and challenges in Ambo town
administration, despite the unreserved effort made by the researchers in searching out researches made in the
it comes to protecting people's quality of life, the good governance agenda is the one that is discussed the most
globally. In fact, it is regarded as one of the key elements in establishing a country's wealth and eliminating
it comes to protecting people's quality of life, the good governance agenda is the one that is discussed the most
globally. In fact, it is regarded as one of the key elements in establishing a country's wealth and eliminating
The Global Campaign on Urban Governance defines "good governance" as having access to clean, safe water,
sanitary facilities, and a well-kept environment—all essentials for improving living in urban environments.
In Ethiopia, local governments are anticipated to provide these services under the framework of
Transparency and accountability are two of the most important elements of successful government, as the
researchers discovered via reading literature.Good governance is a wise decision.
Public life conducted within institutions that are fair, judicious, transparent, accountable, participator,
responsive, well-managed, and efficient will benefit all of us including the inhabitants of many developing
nations (Grindle, 2007).
3.1 Description of the sutdy area

Ambo town is a zonal town with the 2nd grade “A” (stage) of administration statues. The distance of Ambo
town from the regional capital (Finfinne) is approximately 114 kms from the center of the town .as we have got
information from the municipality, the town has three urban gendas (kebeles) such as genda 01, genda 02 and
genda 03.
Currently the name of this Kebele or Gendas given nomenclature genda 01 change to (Hora Ayetu Kebele),
genda 02 change to (Ya’ii Geda Kebele) and genda 03 change to (Torban Kutaye Kebele).
In addition to these three urban gendas,now the town is expanded outwardly and included certain farmers
gendas (Gandaa Qotee Bulaa) associations such as Awaaroo&Illaammuu Muujjaa in the estern
direction ,Sanqallee Farisii in western,Goosuu Qooraa in the southern and Kisoosee Oddoo Liiban in northern
direction and the total kebele (Ganda )s are six.
Figure 2.Map of the study area
Source: Down load from online (Site lite), 2023.
3.2 Research Design:

In this study descriptive research design will be employ.According to Leedy & Ormrod (2001) cited in Idowu,
Ifedayo & Idowu (2020) descriptive survey design helps the researchers to gather data from a cross-section of
the target population about an existing phenomenon.
According to Singh(2006), the cross-sectional approach is concerned with information about any aspect of the
phenomenon in the existing situation.
According to Kumar(1999), cross-sectional studies, also known as one-shot or status studies, are the most
commonly used design in social science.
Since this research aimed to assess the ongoing practice of good governance and its challenges, descriptive
research type had been used.
3.3 Research Approach:
Both qualitative and quantitative research approach (mixed approach)will be use. The quantitative data
collected through a questionnaire which will employ to the residents of the town. The qualitative information
was gathered from local authorities, town administrator, and civil servants by structured interviews and focus
group discussion (FGD).
3.4 Target population, sample size, and sampling technique
3.4.1Target population:
According to Marczyk, Dematteo & Festinge(2005), “population” is all individuals of interest to the
researchers. As a result, the target population of this study which the researchers are interested in will people
living in Ambo town.

• 3.4.2.Sample size and sampling technique:

To conduct this research, the researcher employ random sampling techniques. The formula of random sampling
is, if that sample gets selected only once, P = 1 – (N-1/N)(N-2/N-1)….. (N- n/N-(n-1)). Here:
P: is a probability,
n :is the sample size, and
N: represents the population.
Now if one cancels 1-(N-n/n), it will provide P = n/N.
Respondents will be selected from the communities and permanent civil servants of the office. the formula for
simple random sampling Executives of town administration will be selected through non probability
(purposive sampling).This type of sampling, also known as judgment sampling, involves the researcher using
their expertise to select a sample that is most useful to the purposes of the research.
It is often used in qualitative research, where the researcher wants to gain detailed knowledge about a specific
phenomenon rather than make statistical inferences, or where the population is very small and specific. An
effective purposive sample must have clear criteria and rationale for inclusion.

3.5. Data source and type of data:

The researcher was used both primary and secondary sources of data.
The primary data was collected by questionnaires and interviews from communities, municipal servants and
executives of the office and Secondary sources was collected from books, internet, official records and reports.
3.6 .Method of data collection:
Questionnaire, interview schedules and focus group discussion guides will be used to collect primary data from
This study use structured self-administered questionnaires and semi- structured interview. The questionnaires
will prepare in both English and translated in to Afaan Oromo language to non- English speakers of
respondents. The questions using a 5-point likert scale of strongly disagree to strongly agree. In case of
interview the researchers will interview checklist developed for office heads and leaders.
3.7 Method of data analysis:

The method of data analysis and presentation of findings followed an approach of describing qualitative and
quantitative data.
Moreover, the feedback of questionnaires respondents and the reviewed secondary source regarding to
challenges of good governance in the study area is analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively including
3.8 Reliability and validity analysis:
Validity is the most critical criterion and indicates the degree to which an instrument
measures what it is supposed to measure (Kothari, 2004). In order to achieve validity, the researcher ensures the
measuring instrument provides adequate coverage of the topic by containing adequate representative sample
selected from the communities and permanent civil servants of the office.
Executives of municipal office were selected through non probability (purposive) sampling. Numbers of
different steps will be taken to ensure the validity of the study. Reliability is defined as the quality of
consistency or reliability of a study or measurement.

Measuring instrument is reliable if it provides consistent results (Kothari, 2004). That means if the same or
different researcher repeats the study it should produce more or less the same results.
Finally, to make sure the reliability of this study, triangulation (using viasurvey) and Cronbach alpha test will
be employed. The Cronbach alpha coefficient is the most common method used for assessing the reliability of a
measurement scale (Hayes &Bob, 1998).
3.9 Ethical consideration:
Before administering the questionnaire to the respondents, prior arrangement made with the concerned body of
the community members.
The purpose of the study will explain to the respondents and they will not be forced to give their response rather
allowed to participate voluntarily to the study. Explanations about the objective of the research have been done
before undertaking the research for clarity purpose on the direction of the study. Utmost confidentiality about
the respondent’s response would be assured by way of keeping all responses secure and using them only for
good government purpose. Before embarking on the field research, permission will ask from the Head Office of
the Ambo town administration head quarter.
4 .work plan and budget

Table 4.1. Work Plan of the study

No Activity Duration Completion
Preparing proposal and 3 weeks april10/2016 may 05/2016
1 submission
2 Literature review 2 weeks may 06 may 20/2016
3 Group meeting Once a week
4 Meeting advisor Once a week
5 Data collection 2 month may 21/2016 jun05/2016
6 Analysing formation 1 month may 06/16 June 06/2016
7 Writing draft 1 month June07/ 2016 july 07/2016
8 Restructuring final draft 2 weeks July 08 July22/2016
Short form for 1 week July 23 July 30/2016
9 presentation
10 Submission of final thesis
11 Final presentation

Time is according to Ethiopian calendar

4.2 Budget BEAKDOWN

Table 4.2 Cost breakdown and budget of the study

X Quantity Amount(Bi
No Expense Item
1 Travel 200 5 1000
2 Data collection 250 20 5000
3 Telephone card 40 25 1000
Data Analysis 200 20
4 4000
5 Photo copy 50 5 250
6 Print and CD 100 10 1000
7 Stationary Materials 31 10 310
8 Miscellaneous 35 10 350
9 Contingency (10%) 1291
Total 12910

Bekele W. B. & Ago F. Y. (2020). Good Governance Practices and Challenges in Local Government of
Ethiopia: The Case of Bonga Town Administration. Research in Educational Policy and Management, 2(2), 97-

Marwa Khouya and Abdelhay Benabdelhadi (2020). GOOD GOVERNANCE AND ITS IMPACT ON
1 (July, 2020), pp. 47-67.

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