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Forests In


- Mangrove Forests - Subtropical Dry Forests
•Found along the coastal areas of the Arabian Sea, •Found in regions with hot summers and mild winters,
particularly in the Indus Delta and along the coastlines of characterized by low to moderate rainfall.
Sindh and Balochistan provinces. •Mainly located in the lower elevations of Punjab, Sindh,
•Notable mangrove forests include those in the Indus Delta and Balochistan provinces.
region, such as the mangrove ecosystem of the Indus River •Examples include forests in areas like the Salt Range,
Delta. Sulaiman Range, and Balochistan Plateau.

- Mountain Forests
Mainly located in southern parts of Pakistan,
including parts of Sindh and Balochistan They are dominant in the northern
provinces. and north-western regions including
Gilgit Baltistan, KPK, and Azad
Jammu and Kashmir

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Physical factors that control the distribution of
the different types of forest and the human

Climate: Soil Characteristics:

Various forest types flourish Soil composition, fertility and depth are
under distinct climatic influential in determining plant growth. Various
conditions. For instance, forest types have distinct soil requirements, and
tropical rainforests thrive in soil properties vary, affecting forest distribution.
hot and humid climates,
whereas temperate forests
prefer more moderate

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Human Factors Which Have Reduced Forests

Deforestation: Climate Change And Natural Disasters:

Forests are cleared for various purposes like Climate change exacerbates forest loss through
phenomena such as increased frequency and intensity of
agriculture, urbanization, infrastructure wildfires, droughts, pest outbreaks, and storms. These
development, and logging, resulting in forest natural disasters can weaken forest ecosystems, making
depletion worldwide. them more susceptible to further degradation and human

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Reasons For Development Of Plantations On The Indus
Fertile Soil: The alluvial soil deposited by the Indus River
makes the Indus Plain one of the most fertile regions in
Pakistan. This fertile soil provides an excellent foundation for
agricultural activities, including the establishment of Economic Opportunities: Plantations on the Indus Plain
plantations. contribute to economic development and livelihood
opportunities for rural communities. They provide employment
opportunities for farmers, laborers, and agricultural workers
involved in plantation management, cultivation, and harvesting

Abundant Water Resources: The Indus River and its

tributaries form an extensive irrigation network that supplies
water to the Indus Plain. The availability of water for irrigation
allows for controlled watering of crops, facilitating the
establishment and maintenance of plantations.

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The value of forests as source of development
Biodiversity Conservation: Pakistan's forests harbor rich
biodiversity, including numerous plant and animal species,
many of which are endemic or threatened with extinction.
Forests play a critical role in conserving biodiversity by
providing habitats, supporting ecosystems, and preserving
genetic diversity. Protecting forests helps safeguard species
diversity and maintain ecological balance.

Tourism and Recreation: Forests in Pakistan attract tourists

and outdoor enthusiasts, offering opportunities for ecotourism,
nature-based tourism, and recreational activities such as hiking,
birdwatching, and wildlife viewing. Forest tourism generates
revenue, creates employment opportunities, and promotes
environmental awareness and conservation education.

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The effects of Deforestation
Loss of Biodiversity: Deforestation leads to habitat destruction
and fragmentation, resulting in the loss of plant and animal
species. Pakistan's forests harbor diverse flora and fauna,
including many endemic and endangered species. Deforestation
threatens biodiversity, disrupts ecosystems, and reduces genetic
diversity, impacting the resilience and long-term survival of
Climate Change: Forests act as carbon sinks, sequestering
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and helping mitigate
climate change. Deforestation releases carbon stored in trees and
soil, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and global
warming. Climate change impacts include altered rainfall
patterns, increased temperatures, more frequent extreme weather
events, and changes in ecosystems and agricultural productivity.

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Solutions to the problems caused by
Reforestation and Afforestation: Planting trees and restoring
forest cover in deforested and degraded areas can help mitigate
the impacts of deforestation. Reforestation and afforestation Sustainable Forest Management: Promoting sustainable forest
projects should focus on native tree species, employ sustainablemanagement practices, such as selective logging, agroforestry,
land management practices, involve local communities, and and community-based forestry, can help balance economic
consider ecosystem restoration goals. development with conservation objectives. Sustainable forest
management ensures the regeneration of forest resources,
minimizes ecological impacts, and enhances ecosystem services
Education and Awareness: Raising public awareness, while supporting livelihoods and local economies.
promoting environmental education, and fostering community
engagement are essential for building support for forest
conservation and sustainable development initiatives. Education
programs, outreach campaigns, and communication strategies
can increase understanding of the importance of forests,
biodiversity, and ecosystem services, empowering individuals
and communities to take action to protect their natural heritage.
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